Ive had one of these for a while now,(Max Vf-1a) and despite its flaws i'm pretty pleased with it for its price.
The one thing that seems wrong with it, is that when the arms lock into the legs they cant sit flush without pulling the arms out of the sockets. The slots on the legs are simply too far down. Not sure if they corrected this on the second run or not. BUT, everything easily pushes right back into place and its good as new. Another little quark, which may have been corrected, is that under the canopy there is only enough room for 2 out of the 3 digits when the sticker is applied. the last little thing, when the head laser is fully downward it points a little bit to the right.
Its a bit floppy but can hold any pose without a problem, balance is ok, and the accessories are nice and plentiful. The stickers BLOW, but with a trim they look a bit better. The Embossed skull on the heat shield is a bit strange, but it doesn't really bother me as much as it seems to some of the folks here.
Transformation is simple and I don't fear breaking anything, but even if i did I wouldn't really care. I was also wondering what they were planning to do for fastpack attachment to the backpack and noticed that the two side panels actually pull off to reveal a polycap (neat) for attachment like the fast packs for the arms and legs