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Everything posted by Anavel

  1. I also have to add, the decals that came with this thing are pretty crappy. Three already came off, and one is lost forever.
  2. I believe this is to allow the lower leg to move up and out, to facilitate linkup with the TREAD in fighter mode.
  3. Just got back from work and opened mine (thanks Hiriyu) decaled it up and took a few pictures. Sorry for the shatty cell phone quality.
  4. I was curious to see if they were going to do this. glad to see they did.
  5. I mentioned this a while ago and nobody said anything. Not a big deal really, just pop them back in when you another mode.
  6. Its abs, and pvc, or at least it was last time they showed it off.....
  7. WHAM looks pretty good, but whats up with that head sculpt?
  8. Anybody want to buy a Ingram with shotgun trading figure, or swap for a command car?
  9. I would be interested in purchasing a Hikaru or Roy super/strike. Someone let me know if you have one you want to let go.
  10. I hadn't heard about this one, probably just a recolor of some sort.
  11. Megahouse does not have the reputation of putting out great products. Alot of their items have bad design, poor quality, or stupid issues. I have their Ride Armor pre-ordered, it looks great and hopefully it turns out well.
  12. Megahouse lists them to be released "Mid-February"
  13. The new Gurren Lagann kit is not out yet, but with its price, I assume it should be on par with kotobukiyas other offerings in Zoids, Armored Core and Super Robot Wars. The 800 yen kit is extremely basic, not very posable, and needs quite a bit of paint. See the detailed info at hobbysearches page below. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10063920 here are some links for completed and painted kits http://cms.or.tp/~gamu/gangu/pura/ko/gd/gd.html http://cms.or.tp/~gamu/gangu/pura/ko/guren/guren.html http://cms.or.tp/~gamu/gangu/pura/ko/gk/gk.html http://cms.or.tp/~gamu/gangu/pura/ko/enki/enki.html
  14. Don't worry, its probably just your hopes and dreams.
  15. you should be able to find a used network adapter on ebay for ~60 usd
  16. プラモデル = plastic model
  17. Its a plastic model
  18. Kotobukya is releasing an injection plastic Black Serena at some point in time. Might be the one to get if you want to pass up on the SPEC.
  19. It is a Cannon Fodder, also I was unaware that the replacement arms had been changed. I am going to contact HLJ and see how much they quote the replacement arms for. also, are they still sending the entire arm assembly, because I am in need of the part below the elbow swivel joint. Although I could probably glue it if necessary.
  20. Sorry, but not interested in paying 40 dollars for the same breakage prone arms.
  21. I got my hands on a VF-0a a few days ago, and the left shoulder has a small crack. The right elbow is busted with pieces broken on both on the upper arm and lower. it holds together ok with the forearm cover screwed on, but its a bit gimpy. Is Yamato doing anything about the broken parts? Or are any forum members recasting in high strength resin?
  22. So, has this series improved at all? I stopped watching after episode 2.
  23. Is the circled area supposed to be painted black or not? Image on left is Yamato production sample taken from their website. [attachmentid=42829]
  24. Wow,...just wow. Roger is a great guy, and he is trying to get this done properly and professionally. You just came out of nowhere with that oh so wonderful post above. Next time you come across something like this (if you ever may) Why don't you try, 1. Lying 2. Not keeping your word 3. Assery 4. Just posting it on the internet and see how far it gets you in life, your career, and personal and professional relations.
  25. Hey guys, lets all jump on the Mospeada Bandwagon now!
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