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Everything posted by Anavel

  1. My super parts for alto are waiting at home, I won't get to open them for a while. Has anybody else opened theirs? I hope mine do not have the missing triangle problem.
  2. Can someone post a better description or perhaps photos of how to do this, I don't have the toy with me now, and I don't really understand the directions.
  3. Hey guys, just spotted this on 2chan. Don't know if this an undocumented feature or a modification, but it looks to allow much better leg movement for gerwalk mode.
  4. Ingram is an older kit, but still good. Zaku 2.0 is much newer and better. Other than that its really up to which you like better.
  5. Since the other thread was locked.... Do the missile boxes still double as storage containers?
  6. Not sure if this has been brought up previously or not, but do the missile boxes still double as storage space?
  7. Are they supposed to fold in, retract like zeros or stay in place? Do we even know?
  8. Nobody has posted this yet? http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-68174-1-1.html The color makes it look a lot better than the ray and stig versions. Personally I think the Megahouse looks better
  9. Nice looking, but kind of pricey. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-67830-1-1.html
  10. Yes, it is next to the large ride armor in your pictures.
  11. I might be interested in the 2 mode blue legioss
  12. EW.... Hopefully this one improves.... alot
  13. Don't forget the SV-51 review, and the YF-21 review.....
  14. you guys are slow http://hima-toy.cocolog-nifty.com/
  15. Do you have any confirmation that kotobukiya is making this. I saw a few photos in galleries but nothing confirming any info about it.
  16. No good pics of L-Gaim which can be seen in the background yet
  17. I wouldnt get too excited over the Vajra yet, bandai has a history of things showing up once, never to be seen again.
  18. FYI Twin Moons has been having a genrous sale on Yamato Votoms items for a while now. http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?main_pag...x&cPath=279
  19. They are making a 1/35 Type 61 for the UC Hardgraph line. Price and release date TBD.
  20. I thought this was going to be a half-assed release, but its nice to see t hey actually made substantial changes, calves, upper legs, chest, shield, and shoulders. The licesnse plate now appears to be a removable part? Are replacements included so that you can swap between versions now?
  21. got mine today, not a great toy, not a bad toy, looks nice, transformation is not fun, toy can be somewhat fiddly.
  22. They get kickbacks from the postal service, or at least that my theory.
  23. color me not impressed
  24. Perhaps a better question is, will it include the mounting parts for the fold booster?
  25. nice tripple post going here, but if someone has a set of roy decals, (they don't have to be super as long as they include the 001 for the nose, and un spacy decals for the legs/fast packs), I would greatly appreciate them if you aren't going to use them yourself please send them to me! Thanks.
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