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Posts posted by valhary

  1. Still working in the connectors (the easiest way to attach)

    All the comments are welcome I only have to say the lineart interpretation  is a very subjective because we are talking about transfer a 2d draw (with anime magic) into a 3d object besides the lineart has variations compared with the animation






  2. What I remember is that are two different companies when Yamato bankrupt Arcadia acquired the Macross license and the molds and also contract Mr K (the designer chief of Yamato and some of their crew)

  3. I ignore if are made of the same kind of plastic but the V1 feels stronger (maybe it's because of the trauma to see disintegrated) but I get that feeling

    beyond that it doesn't bother me have grey toes








  4. I doubt that has something to do with the weight because the most of the time display in fighter mode 

    also consider the V1 not have this problem and are the same pins (I know because disarmament to transplant it)

    The only difference seems to be the plastic

  5. WARNING!!!

    Once again I was transforming my VF-27 and notice crack marks on the back toes even a pair already broken 

    I replaced mine with the V1 version parts that are OK despite be older (maybe is the plastic)

    So I recomend check yours

    Sin título-1.jpg

  6. It seems that finally we going to have a  Battroid mode solid

    and Maybe is the view but seems Arcadia make the bicep wider and with the double join in the shoulder let the pad display in an angle that in the yamato could not be maintained plus the elbow articulation mine while in the Yamato is simple Arcadia again make double so improves the articulation a lot at least in the arms


  7. Hi everyone! 

    Thanks to Sanity is optional can offer you the missile POD for the DX VF-31 in resin with a price of $20 USD (without shipping)

    the missiles can make in red, yellow or white  also if are looking for a specific color we can try to match it

    if someone are interested send me a PM

  8. Originally I was planning using magnets unfortunately is too heavy to handle the weight so a screw will have to be

    I already had anticipated this problem so clone the side cover for drilling that way you just have to swap for the original part (safe of any kind of modification)

    the next steps is copy in resin and find the right screw and pin for the doors

    Captura de pantalla 2019-04-18 a la(s) 23.11.27.png

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