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Everything posted by valhary

  1. i just bought tenma and like i say do this now i have seiya pegasus original armor
  2. congratulations i love grey
  3. vf 2ss the best valk ever!!!!
  4. my last adquisition was shion but now all my money is for odin my favorite saint seiya armor and i want tenma only for this
  5. yamato this is should be done for macross fans
  6. the fast pack is compatible with the others vf 1????
  7. what..... ....old isamu!!!! only for that i dont buy it that is like one step back shame of you yamato
  8. sorry for the low pics my camara is dead only cellphone
  9. hey nugundam II i need the cap for the left leg so i like to know if you are interest in sell the legs
  10. ok i think do some changes in my ozma dx so if anyone has advices for disassemble this guy i really apreciate I will not break the parts that i change is the landing gear and the laser canons of the head
  11. valhary

    Latest custom.

    i want one of this in the new 1/60
  12. is there a difference between the heads of vf 25s and vf 25s with armor????
  13. wow i want one of this for my yamatos 1/60
  14. respect for people who bought the new vf 25s but I did not buy because I do not see a real improvement bandai promised a new re sculpted head and I see the same with laser cannons hard but shorts and the solution to the neck is that the fans had already made with the piece Revoltech and with the armature expected a better landing gear but Im seeing the same ugly and short
  15. more pictures
  16. this kit come with stickers and pilot or not????
  17. hey Graham the missiles can attach on the wings of yamato valkyries like the yf 19 or the vf 22s
  18. i dont like it full of arrows on head but i like the skull logo on the forehead maybe i will try
  19. ok thanks eugimon
  20. anyone known what is this part i cant identify
  21. i want to known and see if this missiles can attach on the yf 19 and vf 22s if is posible and look good maybe i buy one
  22. i want a man bird
  23. the vf 1s 1/60 in any color that you want
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