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Posts posted by valhary

  1. thanks for the link Vi-RS and in fact the kit come with 2 heads and until now only thinking in interchange the cabin controls, pilot and the landing gear so probably not waste the entire model kit

    my dilemma has to be with the nose cone because the model kit is cooler than the yamato and also the legs that have the internal parts and have a clever lock system unfortunately for adapt thats parts is necesary almost a total modification with respect to the nose cone the problem lies in the landing gear retractable and the absence of the lock to the bar for conect the legs and with reference to this the look of the model are much slim so to connecting with the feet and the knee is necessary make them more broad

  2. hi today i received my hasegawa kit and started with this proyect the easy part looks to be the head the rest is more difficult for the parts are very different although both are supposedly scale are the same so i considering only the cabin and the landing gear because this is more realistic and slim and the tires rubber fit very well in the wheels my dilemma are with the nose and the legs because seems to require a lot of work also i have to say the detail on the pilot are infinitely superior compared with the yamato








  3. hi skull_leader001 i have a similar situation waiting for my vf 1s 1/48 with the difference that mine appears is already in Mexico since the last week so im afraid that the problem are the dates of the holidays because i always bought on hlj and is the first time that my toy dont arrive on time

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