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Everything posted by valhary

  1. I print mine in a laser color print but also can use a ink print I think the stickers sheets can be buying in the model kits stores
  2. I hope be useful minmayguard.pdf
  3. almost finished I hope in a couple of days can submit
  4. definitely I'm going to purchase for the mj 23 for enterbay
  5. look that I found..................................the missile that come with the armored parts for vf 25 fit in the wings
  6. I bought in plamoya is a good store?
  7. Still think hasegawa has better proportions I hope can use the leg system in a yamato´s 1/60
  8. I would like any of these insignias
  9. I think doing in a pdf file for either can print at home
  10. I'm trying the hasegawa kit resized but not fix 100% however I will scan the yamato´s stickers for conversion
  11. there a lot of cool paint schemes only for the messiah by the way bandai where are the missiles
  12. para pasar archivos de ps3 entras al menu de juego en la carpeta de herramienta de datos guardados (ps3tm) y ahi esta el archivo de macross y con triangulo se abre el menu con la opcion de copiar y puedes pasarla a un usb seguramente muchos fans te estaremos eternamente agradecidos
  13. one word "ozma"
  14. I know my point is that unicorn head is ugly and the "S" type looks better unfortunately is a mystery because in some screenshots seems to be cyclop, others with 2 eyes like the kai and in other more with visor definitely need more and better pics for confirm but still think that looks better than alto and 30 scheme
  15. I still think bandai should made a yf 29s
  16. ahhh ok then brings the discounts
  17. the discount is a great news but I´m not sure the reductions on the impact cannon I believe looks good in the actual length
  18. pasa el archivo la verdad es q yo no entiendo ni ma..........y ese tipo rpg no me gusta para nada lo unico que quiero es poder ver las valks en el hangar
  19. I found like "ronglen rau" ignore if is a fan made or official but looks to good and by the way thats is exactly my plan Kurisama but my problem still be the head
  20. I want something like that
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