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Everything posted by valhary

  1. as supposed arcadia would do the minmay guard I change my custom now the know is a joke I not sure to step back Fortunately apply the stickers can be removed easily
  2. thanks always I thought that bird in the original looks more like a parrot than an eagle
  3. nop is a personal custom
  4. ok gracias por sus comentarios
  5. a more actual version of angel birds logo
  6. gracias a que arcadia iba a sacar el minmay guard cambie mi custom y ahora resulta q es una broma!!! afortunadamente los stickers que aplique se pueden quitar facilmente ahora no se si volver al esquema minmay
  7. If the arcadia valks come with stand sounds very logical to me because bandai the direct competitor does also the increase price has to be justify some way
  8. seems come with neck and side covers but will bring pilot?
  9. Is a shame come with so many problems because like Graham say is so beautiful bird I really hope arcadia pressure again and bandai have to improve care of quality control with the future releases
  10. al principio cuesta trabajo pero creanme despues de un rato la transformacion se siente muy intuitiva yo tuve practica con la version alto y con el cannon no tuve ningun problema en cambiar entre modos de hecho lo senti demasiado facil
  11. changing the topic the pilot is painted correctly? I say this because I found this picture
  12. you have to contact the seller the price is different for each part
  13. my problem with the missing part is the low angles if you've never had a 171 and only know the 17 maybe not even notice but just take a look in the pics and you can see the pilot's legs
  14. thanks takatoys I already contacted the seller
  15. I have the same problem that Negotiator come without the chest part I've contacted plamoya but I really doubt can do something it would more likely someone do it in shapeways by the way try to put the alto´s version but as the cockpit is different dont fit is a shame because I really wanted display in battroid mode thanks a lot bandai
  16. revisenla bien porque la mia como muchos del foro han reportado viene sin la parte que asegura el pecho...........te odio bandai
  17. I dont know if someone already tried but seiya´s EX face works great for pegasus first armor
  18. just perfect you should make conversion kits availables
  19. which improvement has over Alto's 171EX???? ............... I thought they were the same
  20. This insane all the sites are sold out if anyone knows where still available please share it
  21. el mio esta en camino tendre que esperar hasta la proxima semena
  22. not mine that picture was placed in the yamato's blog I think................. assume that it was a be a future release
  23. this one that never see the light
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