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Everything posted by valhary

  1. consegui uno extra y antes de venderlo preferiria intercambiarlo esta nuevo nunca destapado si alguien se interesa mandenme un PM esto es lo que estoy buscando: - YAMATO BATTLEPOD REGULT HDP 1/60 - YAMATO 1/60 VF 1J assembly kit - YAMATO VF 17D WITH SUPER PACK - YAMATO 1/60 VT 1 V2 - YAMATO 1/60 VE 1 V2 - DX CHOGOKIN MAZINGER Z 40 ANIVERSARIO - TFC HERCULES PD. no me importa si estan usados solo que esten en buen estado
  2. with broken triangles
  3. no new information or pics of the tornado pack???
  4. valhary

    1/48 dead?

    I believe the reason was the cost only imagine the others size valks (the most are bigger than vf 1 in fact correct me if I wrong is the smallest) in 1/48 surely they would look amazing but with the present economy the price easily twice than 1/60 which in itself are quite expensive
  5. I really wanted if only had a single visor with two I pass
  6. I like it but prefer wait until the reviews confirm its safe although love my alto but the cannon was a nightmare with missing parts and broken triangles
  7. Great pics!!! http://pinkcloudy.tistory.com/2637
  8. well today received the NY notification so I think receive two after all
  9. if at least come with adapters for the vf 1 fastpack I would consider
  10. I can't wait the release of the tornado pack for the different combinations
  11. plamoya already envoy me Unlike NY still without news
  12. I think the sound bazooka will come with the vf 17t assuming release someday
  13. so no improvements only "repainted" I prefer yellow version and hope that release make the individual sound booster cheaper
  14. more than a pirate the head reminds me a medieval knight
  15. I already bought other in plamoya and as soon I get it I will cancel the NY
  16. thanks to mommar and KH355hamdi
  17. two questions for the luckiest that already have it the shoulder pads are tight? the eyes are crystal clear or painted?
  18. same NY email apology for the delay but this means that are going to have stock in the short term or is better look another choice???? .................. by the way if someone knows where is available please share the link
  19. thanks for the pics this bird makes it look the 25s like a good boy
  20. bring the rain of pics for made more bearable the long wait
  21. I think this bird is like the vf2ss only can loved or hated personally I like and believe the pics they have been release until now have not done justice missing good angles but I almost sure that as they begin to appear new homemade images win more fans
  22. only a couple of days more of waiting I really hope that ny send me right away
  23. I cant wait and appears it has two eyes like the 19kai
  24. I dont know if is my imagination or the transformation is very similar to the vf4
  25. when is the release? date and where can buy it...... which is not ebay
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