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Posts posted by valhary

  1. thanks guys!

    I really apreciate your advices but It worries me if this diecast piece broke and happen something similar with the front landing gear of my old yamato yf 19 that Theoretically is also diecast

    so sincerely hope are Isolated issues but knowing the background of yamato I doubt it

    anyway I already glued and looks solid however I considering make a resin copy and see if it works


  2. in general terms looks awesome!!!!

    the macross valks specifically are very difficult to make and at the same time look good in the 3 modes (anime magic) for that reason in the most of cases you have prioritize one mode over the others

    however I see well proportion in fighter and battroid only need to see the gerwalk mode but I like it!!!

    I cant wait to see printed this bird!

    and one more time thanks for have the courage to do this project very refreshing

  3. WARNING! to all owners of the yf 21 I just transforming and the legs come out

    unarmed and I found the diecast part that connect the legs just broke so I hope some ours members can offer a shapeways spare or something 

    by the way without the legs the doors close surprisingly good for fighter mode



  4. For me a premium version should be a vf made totally of diecast and not for include the tampo printing that the competition (dx bandai) offers no charge

  5. I think more than ever Arcadia has to be very careful with the price because with the KO in the middle of the way it will be a determining factor

    and if continue with ridiculously overpriced almost for sure that will lose the battle

  6. As I supposed the support mechanism must done in diecast, plastic no matter if is made of the best quality just cant handle 

    Is a shame the bandai mistake because a new transformation looked so promising but seems we have a valk that never should be changed between modes

  7. After two months of waiting and disappointing respond by robotkingdom and toyworld for the missing part in my primorion 

    I just decided to transform it !........................ and I Have mixed feelings

    The bad points are the head Antennas only need one transformation and bend over and the legs are a pain in the ass very tricky

    The good points probably the best g1 truck interpretation of a toy is very square maybe not realistic but give me the feeling that I watch the cartoon also the robot mode is nice 

    still think the head sculpt is better in the mp10, but for the rest I think This toy is the best representation of optimus g1 until now

    is like the son of the mp01 and mp10

















  8. personally my complaint is not about the quantity of diecast it is the lack of this in specific parts like the anchor points that could give us a longer life 

    Honestly dont know maybe wrong I'm not an engineer and the plastic parts are good enough for endure multiple transformations but give me the feeling that bandai based in stingy and not for funcionality purposes

    In a positive feedback a feature that nobody mention is the knee cover very similar to the arcadia yf 19 with the difference that have a spring system that activates when extending or contract the legs



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