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Posts posted by valhary

  1. Once again I hope the biggest improvements come in the Battroid mode my old Yamato had a very loose connector that constantly disconnected and in consequence it was very difficult to keep standing

    Sin título-3.jpg

  2. With the exception of the floppy wings the fighter mode probably there was not much to change 

    I hope the biggest improvements apply to the Battroid mode and finally gives stability with a better lock system

    According to me these are the differences that I found in fighter mode with regard the Yamato


  3. I know about the size of the SV still see a pilot disproportionate 

    also in this other pictures It can be seen an acrylic part helping to maintain the wing (I hope because is the test but looking exactly the same problem that the old yamato when you use all missiles)




  4. I blame Arcadia when increase the costs of the 1/60 line particularly VF 1 opened the door for the mediocre Hi-metal

    I hope with the pressure that Bandai gives with their DX VF-1J force Arcadia to improve the sale prices and make more affordable the 1/60


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