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New Edwards Test Pilot

New Edwards Test Pilot (9/15)



  1. A little update I hope the pics allow see the difference between the filament print vs the resin print
  2. I think the wings hardpoints are to future releases 19s and 19f variants
  3. In Hobbyland seems to be already https://www.instagram.com/p/DCyZv4ZhuMK/
  4. I have spares send me a PM
  5. you mean this?
  6. not yet this project is in pause the radome was print it in 3d resin soon upload new pictures
  7. Because if I remember right the design is based in the medieval knights In my personal opinion the spear is a better option that the infamous rifle known as horse you know what
  8. I can make resin spares but need a minimum batch send me a PM if you are interested
  9. OMG that's awful what the hell bandai the Yamato looks so much better this thing is closer to the Yamato 1/72 than the 1/60
  10. Hi everyone! a friend broke his antenna VE-1 v2 so asked us for some spares if someone are interested send me a PM
  11. I use Urethane resin (Smooth-on) which is probably the best quality in the market with which you get the closest to the plastic parts and has been use in several Xigfrid designs also tested in the biceps spares of the yamato zero ( https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/32045-160-yamato-vf-0a/page/4/ ) and until now there have been no breakage reports so I can assure you much more resistant than 3d print (and cheaper)
  12. Hi everyone I just checking my Yamato's VF 1 v2 and the most have the same issue so I have decided to start make some spares (no 3d print I prefer resin recast) if someone are interested or have questions send me a PM
  13. valhary

    Arcadia VF-5000G

  14. pics please!!!!!!!
  15. Kitteneye.pdf
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