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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Loved it, was great seeing a lot of my favorite characters together. Also liked to see a non 1980s live action Hulk that didn't suck
  2. Prons

    Bullet Holes

    How would I heat up the pin? put it in a microwave for a bit?
  3. I don't have acces to a drill, and ive read in a fine scale modeler book that if you take a knife and push through the kit and spin around you can do some good bullet hole damage, how ever I think my knives are to weak or something, I can't push through a kit, I can cut slashes on them, but cant cut through them. so can anyone tell me some bullet hole tips?
  4. I never thought of it, but a charcol pencil, would that work good for pannels?
  5. Im talking about the 1\60th, and Yea the Bandai Stealth thing.
  6. Actually, its not hard to get a good effect with an airbrush, my measly 59.99 did good things on my Aile Strike gundam, it was my first time using it though, it took me 80% of an air can to master the thing though.
  7. About Yamatos VF-1A Max, and Bandai's VF-1D stealth valkyrie (I think its VF-1D, not totaly sure) now, Ive heard from gundamstoreandmore that the Yamato Valkyires are kind of fragile (It said in YELLOW BIG TEXT in the descirpiton) so does that mean Im going to get my VF-1A, it will fall of the shell, and be destroyed instantly? About the Stealth Valkyire, im wondering if that things worth the money? Please notice I have not bought a toy in 3 years, the last toys I have bought were DBZ action figures, so I have never experianced a lovely Yamato before, so don't kill me for questioning its durability.
  8. I bet this topic has been done ALOT before, but Ive been trying to get into battletech, and I noticed in the Gray death legion book, they have mechs that look... like gluags and the VF-1S. Then again I could just be spacing out......
  9. Actualy in Japan there is a type of model thats realy popular called paper models. Theres also a few Mobile Suit paper models.
  10. Great job, I love that VF-1S!
  11. Its been a while snes ive seen the max or millia valkyries, so does anyone like have a picture of the max or milla VF-1js so i can see how Id need to paint them? I asume thered be at least 20 people here with pictures of them....
  12. The vf-1s strike is a great kit but I did a medicore job lack of t00lz
  13. Use a knife to remove the stubble. Qtips work great for painting, airbrushes help but thats something you should look into later...
  14. http://www.1999.co.jp/asp/GoodsDetails_e.a...hop_right_e.asp Does that look hard? Thats the VF-1S strike valkyrie (Which I should get in the mail today) look at the contents and the manual, if it looks hard it probaly is. http://www.1999.co.jp/asp/GoodsDetails_e.a...hop_right_e.asp Heres a tiny nichimo 1\200th valkyrie. Linked just for fun
  15. 11 something - geekish tendancies
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