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Everything posted by AngelBird4

  1. Thanks- still pushing along. 😉
  2. Last few weeks have been rough, my wife's best friend here passed away this week, and it's been hard to focus, My retreat has been starting this little friend. 4-5 more mid-sized shapes to build, gaps and articulating surfaces etc to hit, then about ready for panels. More as I get through it.
  3. There go my hopes for the SDF-1 story being revisited a la SBY 2199...
  4. 17800 shipping... seriously reconsidering this...
  5. I haven't been able to dig up a topic on this, but outside of Amazon (SDF subbed is free, Plus and II for $$) where I can watch a few bits, where are folks able to stream the different series? I've got some episode gaps I want to catch up on. Nothing on CR, hulu (I think they did at one time have SDF and II: Movie?), vrv, etc... so looking for options that hopefully aren't too pricey, but maybe offer a range that I can add to my monthly streaming $$ for not a lot... Any chance of keeping a running 'first post updated' thread of where we can watch legally? I swear if one already exists then my search fu really sucks. Thanks for reading.
  6. Wow Misa looks crap. The only out for it is that the lighting in the photo env doesnt show off the facial shapes at all... fire the photog and hope the sculpt is better.
  7. Fun panel today at the con, wondering if anyone here was present. A recap and tie-in panel (w/some unscripted audience partici- ok belting theme songs out), I had to leave before the subjects switched from TV to OVA and film, shame, but was a good hour... if anyone made it, hope you enjoy tomorrow too (sadly, got to get a few bits going before work o'clock on Monday, so gotta skip day 3 grrr)
  8. Thanks... Short ver- 2202 is a let-down on all fronts, from the redesigns, asset conversion (over to Lightwave), 2D/3D integration, tech art, anim... to the story, which isn't making it worth riding out, dammit... YMMV. ;-) Getting a 1-2 episode/day re-watch of Durarara in now too. Still captures the attention. That and saw first third of Three Stories which I recommend (having a CRoll account and Netflix and Amz Prime is dangerous, I need to be getting stuff done too!!!)
  9. With the crowd I run with, it's the opposite.
  10. Been a weird month-- Darling in the Franxx, Gurren Lagann, AICO Incarnation, BLAME, Godzilla 2, Kill la Kill, Expelled from Paradise, and though it's taking effort SBY 2202. (ugh, it is crap compared to 2199) and Knights of Sidonia S1.
  11. Yeah and it's odd--- this doesn't seem like it would be an unreasonable endeavor, though the initial hit in costs to get the books and eval them-- hmmm if I start a crowd-funded... nah The Wife would probably kill me ;-) (but then again... she'd understand too...) Its probably time to pull the trigger on something like this though... one more damn thing to do. Thanks all so far!
  12. Bridge Bunny Training Armada (no I swear I saw that talked about in a book-- bunch of short hops, ha, between Earth and our moon, ha ha. I think... pretty sure. It's real. Or should be.) Barring that, Megaroad 01 because dammit I wanna know what happened. ;-)
  13. Thanks yeah, I mean more in general... Macross-flavored offerings are pretty well covered here-ish ;-) (and I'm pretty well set there too ahem)
  14. Hi all Right, we all know the curse- find a show/ova/film/short to dig, want to look at its production art, styling, etc... and Hey! There are 500 books out there! Freaking fantastic!!! But you can't afford all 500 (or ummm... just shouldn't). And hell, the last time you did BUY ALL 500... you found out only two of them were worthwhile.... So I've been curious for a time if a site exists that has done some of the heavy lifting and broken down offerings... series/ova etc etc etc etc... to help make decisions easier? Of course I know about Parka Blogs, but most of the reviews are driven by submissions and the range is scarce as it's a site for broad interests, so a fair few gaps when I'm trying to make my decisions. No, I don't expect anyone out there to perfectly sync to my interests... or DO I... ??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?! but an anime-focused spot? Thank you.
  15. The damn party-poopers. ;-) Am I the only one who hopes that a re-visit a la Yamato 2199 could come around? A lot went right in that series.
  16. Floored at the idea of a revisit, (pow zoom), yet have maintained my enthusiasm going from 'er wha- why?' to 'hey yeah damn beautiful!', and so my fingers are crossed as always... (maybe i should know better... ;-) )
  17. Dan, short version: thank you! Not sure what I was thinking in keeping that rear frame piece close to vertical. I'm following the :48 valkyrie mostly because I can grab the calipers and go to town as I need to, create some of my own drawings from it. I think 90%+ of my reference (which I have a lot of and I'm sure i'll cringe at some of my decisions when I look closely) is in storage right now; sucks but there it is. So I'm a bit too dependent on the kit and not on looking through the concept drawings and sorting out the design and intent v/what's easy for model engineering. Thanks again for this, may not have a chance to revisit til year's end, but great to get your input and get the energy for this back up.
  18. Dan-- Got a question for you about resolving the back third of the fuselage, from the upward slant of the canopy frame on back. I keep plugging away and creating new problems for myself, just been some time since I've subd modeled hard surfaces, but I can't quite go back to polys on this... Edit is a more recent image of the mesh's trouble areas, if you have any time to give a pointer that'd be great. The smoothing I was hoping for, resolving that angle never really happened. Don't even get me started on the front sensor pod, that's been its own set of fun. Also (and really most important), hoping the employment resolves itself right soon and that momentum and motivation return. This thread's been really inspiring, and plenty of just plain coolness. Now turning your thread back over to you (I'll get off my duff and start my own when I think it's worthy) Best, /D
  19. *taps on microphone* This thing on? Dan, wondering if you're crazy enough to post wireframes? I wonder how 'solid' some regions would look... hope there's occasional time for this.
  20. Still hoping to to see if the 1S has that particular illustration, so fingers crossed. May not get one for a bit. I have typically used any/everything to create my DYRL Strike, incl multiple packages (prefer to model in modo these days, but the day job centers around Maya, so I may rig in Maya as I'll probably be doing final surfacing and rendering there too). And now looking into Rhino, possibly going to learn on it by re-working the lower legs, as it and modo play nice. You've mentioned working hard surface in ZB, too. Frankly, I don't yet see the point; I like the plane control that you can get, and have sen a ton of work incl Iron Man, but I'll stay with ZB for organic for now, and only as I need to. Ever onward, best of luck going forward.
  21. Hey Dan, this has been fun to follow. Long road to haul, huh? Was curious what you're using for front/rear image planes, as I haven't seen anything that matches up with the :48 Vermillion 1J. Does the DYRL 1S have a front/rear split like the :72s' instr. sheets? And curious, saw you're using Maya, is this nurbs, poly, sub-d or whatever as needed? Best luck going forward.
  22. I know more than a few will be making it by, but also pointing out that, man, you can go back 25 years to BayCon '86 for a proper Anime programming track, and 20 years this year since we got AnimeCon '91 off the ground. Macross was a huge topic that weekend, so it's great that bits of its legacy and new works still come 'round. Hope to catch folks there. http://www.fanime.com/
  23. Any chance of someone being able to get images of the legs from straight above or below, and behind, with the covers on and off? I'm really curious how the shapes look...
  24. There are only two sequences where the 3D really delivered- both are flight sequences. It's use is better than Avaturd, but still just a gimmick. Not sure if everyone noted that Roger Deakins was a pretty big part of why the film was tight in its cg camera. DWAs best yet!
  25. Probably a bit early to ask folks to think on it too hard, but I know reg is only 20 bucks for the weekend right now and it's a pretty relaxing weekend. Also have read that a couple of Mari's shows have been a bit undersized in the audience. Hopefully that trend busts and this is a good sized group.
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