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About Chewie

  • Birthday 03/20/1982

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    Didn't have one. =/
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    Modesto, California

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Bridge Bunny

Bridge Bunny (7/15)



  1. https://macross-si.bushiroadgames.com/en/news/post-17/ Steam was updated to have the English version back in December. Have to change language options by right clicking the game in Steam > Properties > Change Language to English. Didn't see it posted here, found it randomly after sighing at the game for the 100th time and checking to see if there was an update. Glad I didn't have to buy it again. Now to be pissed at 1080 only. Lol
  2. So, I kinda, sorta f*cked up and completely forgot I pre-ordered this. Anyone maybe interested in taking the Amazon poster edition off my hands the US? Let me know, otherwise I will toss it up in the for sale thread after it arrives.
  3. Still no Steam English announcement. Fun.
  4. Dude, this is brilliant.
  5. Christmas present to myself. Woo.
  6. They confirmed on Bookface that the standard edition will only be the movie at a later date. ETA: which I see was addressed, carry on.
  7. Did it stack and give you 30% off or just the 15?
  8. I managed to get the pre-order for both the 19s on AmiAmi. They're still cool, right? Lol
  9. Anyone know if the current version on Steam will simply update to include the English region/version when it released?
  10. Chewie

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Pre-order up for $250 on Sideshow as well.
  11. I got Michaels V25 and let me tell you, this thing is way better than a $25 toy has any right to be.
  12. Just bought tickets for both of these locally. So happy to see this.
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