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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    well, there is one version of the 1A i like, and that is the TV version of 1A MAX, and it should have the big glass eye like the standard brown / tan version had the second head option. Any plans for the TV version VF-1A Max? Also, on the new Super VF-1A Hi Metal R with super parts that is about to come out, i dont see the second head option with the bigger glass eye. Does anyone know if it is included? Unfortunately, the description of parts doesnt mention a second head, and no image shows it, so i have to assume NOT included. It would have made it look much better in my opinion, or at least the option would have been excellent.
  2. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Can someone help me, i am new to Hi Metal R, only had Yamato in the past... yes, it's been a while So i am thinking of getting the VF-1S Messer colors, as i found it for cheaper. It is missing armor though / or fast packs, but maybe i can wait for a future armor one day... My favorite is the VF-1s red stripe one, and then maybe super vf-1J Max (these both look the best by far), but those are now secondary market pretty much, not preorder cheaper price, so... i cant get those yet. Not interested in the VE-1 or VT-1 because i dont like their batroid mode, only their fighter / gerwalk modes. DO you guys recommend the messer repaint as only one purchase? Problem is, i aint got the cash to do a few, and have space for 1 that i want to display with my Yamato and figma figurines, or just keep at work What do you guys think are possibilities that Bandai might still do for original Macross, or that has been shown but not released yet? Or is it pretty much done after the VF-1A (dont like the head, otherwise, i would be on the new one coming out... Any help would be mucho appreciated.
  3. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks, learned a few things from this, including this Super Valkyrie 2 i had never seen before, and now WANT!!!
  4. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    I have been resurrected from the dead once i saw a bandai VF-2SS... Then i saw the price and died again... Been wanting a nice vf-2ss for long long LOOOOOONG time, and most i had was the bandai model. What are the repaint options? Just different stripe colors? Edit: I may have to repaint the FPs, i never like the accurate green colors, would have preferred dark blue or gun metal, at least that is what i had done with the model.
  5. There was an ebay flash sale last night... ended up buying TW Cosmos and Badcube Grump.
  6. Thanks, this sux for me, cause i would have liked finally giving mine an armor.
  7. Does anyone know if the new reactor armor for Arcadia vf0 will work with Yamato vf-0?
  8. Hey, can you pls compare this Megahouse to the Makudos from Master Made. That is the only SDF-1 i have. Built Quality, Details, value for money. They seem to be same size, and that is the size i want. How is it in ship mode together? I kinda would want to display them together in that mode. Thanks in advance
  9. I don't have the money for this, but personally am really loving the blue they've chosen, even if not accurate.
  10. cant wait, it looks fantastic!!! And only care about monster mode anyways, so getting exactly what I want here!!! Now the price....
  11. Wish their facebook page was still up, so I can keep asking them questions and giving them feedback. Now, I don't know how to contact them. Anyways, I find 5" height to be on the large size, but will still consider. Would like the FPs though. Just gotta see price and if ok, decide if I get the 1S or the 1J, as I kinda want the Bandai 1/100 vf-1 too...
  12. Looks great. Needs more guns though
  13. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh NOOOO, more things to bring me back into the macross toys, god damn it, I knew I should have stayed away from this website!!! Ok, so that Spartan, an armored VJ-1j maybe, a max or miria vf-1j, and maybe a regult. Would have preferred a vf-1D Max/Miria to be honest, as well as super ostrich more than the VF-1J.
  14. Looking forward to more of these!!! I really like the little vf-1s included with the Makudos
  15. For batroid mode, you can do like the promo pic, and split them to have them behind each leg, and problem solved!!! Anyways, i will consider this sd vf-1s based on price and reviews.
  16. MM is still doing the Monster too for Macross. Curious to see what those 2 bots shown in shadow are. I was considering getting the Iron Factory small Magnus, and hoping Toy World was going to do Metroplex and Omega Supreme in small sizes, curious to see if this is Magnus and Metro too.
  17. hmmm, thanks guys, so now Bandai DX line is more playable / less fragile than the Arcadia / Yamato, and yet still sleek and feels good to pose and hold.... very interesting, that seems like a win situation for Bandai.
  18. Just curious, but is Arcadia still leaps better in quality / engineering, or are the new DX just as good? I am still in the old days of Yamato and early version of DX v2 of macross frontier after their design became much nicer looking, but no where near the quality of Yamato. Need to be updated.... Like is the VF-29, I hear a lot about it, but does it compare to Arcadia / yamato in terms of Engineering / quality / feel?
  19. hmm, Bandai 1/60 VF-1..... hope they do the vf-1d....
  20. ummm, crap, I knew I should have stayed off macrossworld, looks so beautiful, and by Bandai for more affordable price...
  21. oh, the little Vf-1 are soooo cute and nice to pose, haha, I love them. and the sdf-1 is pretty nice to just hold and look at, feels good in the hands, and don't see looseness yet. Wont transform until I see video review again, just to be safe, but liking this, and feels like it is worth the money. Edit: Notes: - Be careful when posing him, specifically the forearms detailing / small antenna on each, it can brake if not careful. Not sure how, but I must have put pressure on it and it came off on one arm. That said, one would probably never even notice it is missing or care, but just in case. - Plastic in general feels very good to hold, and tight joints. I think this is a toy not only for display actually, but to play too, but just be careful with the little detailed parts that are thin (not many actually, only a few present, namely on the back of the head and just below it in the back too, as well as 2 little antenna on the arms). - Very professional looking because of the fantastic paint app and nice feel of the toy, and box is amazing, and the little vf-1 are fun.
  22. Just received my copy from Chimungmung, houra!!! Nice box, I like!!!
  23. wow, the VF-1s has the option for straight leg too, that's great, now I don't need the stand for it and can have him maybe on my yamato 1/48th vf-1s shoulder I might receive my copy this week. Wonder what is next on the agenda if this one does well enough. Edit: Question, is there an extra arm included, cant tell?
  24. Just got my shipping notice from Chimungmung, should receive it in 5 - 12 days.
  25. Lunar: If you live in the states, this is the obvious best choice, and you really shouldn't look elsewhere. It will be cheapest and probably best service too for ordering and if you have any issues at all. Chimungmung is reliable and well used by transformers fans, and I really recommend them if you are international (ie none US), as this is one of the best price etailers in many cases. I have bought a few items from them. Tony is the owner and based in Hong Kong. If you have an issue, and he has to send you parts, he might ask if he can ship with other orders, or if you can pay a small amount for shipping. This will still come out cheaper in the end for international buyers!!!! As a Canadian, I have POed mine from them as soon as I saw it going up, I have very good experience and I know I wont get hit by tax or duty and shipping time is about 1 - 2 weeks, and he will help me out if I have any issues. Robot Kingdom is another option, but check out their shipping cost, they might be more than you thought. I think the Asian market benefits more from them for best pricing. They are popular among transformers fans, and they will send replacement parts. I think you can undervalue here too (let the flaming begin) and avoid tax / duty, but not 100% sure, just ask them. They are much bigger than Chimungmung and have more offerings. Personally haven't used them though, as Chimungmung saves me more in many cases (you have to compare though).
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