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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Is it easy to change heads between valks? What does it involve?
  2. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes Maybe... And I had thought to myself when i saw the 9,000 yen price a day or two ago, that maybe i wont be able to succeed in securing the VF-1a CF afterall unfortunately, to my own sadness... Maybe my FEXTHOBBY 102F will stay valk-less... :(. Maybe if i find a valk with white head / arms, it will work, sorta, not great but okayesh.... Maybe if Bandai decides to make a VF-1J CF or VF-1A Kakizaki i can use the armor... or maybe i made a mistake preordering the 102F armor without first securing the valk, i just didnt imagine it would be so though... Oh well thanks anyways.
  3. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Would actually like a Bandai HMR VF-11B and C... And yea, why not, the YF-19 and YF-21... but the VF-11 first!!! VF-1A TV Max / TV Kakizaki / vf-1D Common Bandai, ANNOUNCE!!!
  4. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks guys. I had seen that late last night when i logged on. First i got super excited, then the price being so much higher.... I said i would be better off with something else. At 7000 yen, i would have gotten it. At 9000 yen before shipping.... i will have to wait
  5. Armors will come with adapter for stand
  6. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Sure would appreciate getting my hands on just 1 vf1a cf at a fair price....
  7. I dont care about the missiles themselves, but i kinda like that cylindrical gun near the hands that has 4 barrels, and thought might be good to have the back cannons being different just for the heck of it i guess.
  8. Per Fexthobby on Facebook Missiles from HMR figures can be installed on OWL-ONE-000 armour ! So i think they mean those missiles that come with the FPs, they can be attached on Fexthobby's arms. Not 100% sure.
  9. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    If anyone has an extra VF-1a CF that they can let go of, pls let me know, i am on the lookout. Dont care about box, or if it has been transformed, just that it be in good condition. I live in Canada
  10. Thanks. Which one do you recommend, FromJapan, or Buyee?
  11. How does yahoo auctions work? Where do i go for that? Any chance you can sell me CF for a fair price?
  12. Ok, well, went with your suggestions for the 102F over the 102. So now i got 2 armors on order, the 000 and the 102F. Now all i am missing is the actual CF valk....
  13. So guys, 102 or 102F?? Already have 000 on order, and pondering which. I like the arm cannons, but i may prefer standard FP backpack to the Cannons Backpack, not sure.
  14. So i asked Fexthobby if they can take pictures of the 102 armor with other valks, such as the messer and the vf-1j, to see compatibility, and here are the results. The messer doesnt look bad actually. They posted these this morning on their facebook
  15. Unfortunately, you cant buy the separate accessories, you have to buy the whole new set that comes with specific accessories, and each one is different. I asked too from them, and they told me it is not possible.
  16. By the way, Fexthobby has plans for other projects in the future for the 1/100 line, and of course, they currently have plans for the armour for 1/60 line. As for 1/48th line, it is in evaluation, but to those interested, my personal thinking is let your interest be shown!!! Maybe a Poll in this forum, to give Fexthobby an idea how much would you buy. I myself am not knowdegul enough in this forum to do the poll. It should be an honest answer (very important) of how many you really would buy. We can then have Fexthobby have a look at it, maybe it helps them make a decision. If numbers are low, maybe best Fexthobby doesnt do them, so they can concentrate on project that make them more money to keep growing and offering other products. If it does make sense to do it, well then i personally would be VERY happy as i would want 1 armor for my few 1/48th VF-1. Heck, maybe even 2.
  17. The thing is, when NA etailers get involved, prices go up for future products, because the middle man is going to want more piece of the pie and to do the advertising / promotion and carrying the product. I'd rather the NA etailers stay out of it completely, and this company sells direct only. 8 - 11 $ shipping wasnt bad. I myself have experienced talking to the 3rd party, them telling me they wanted to price the product at 50$, but the etailer insisting on 60$ instead. Or an accessory they wanted at 10$ had to be 20$ because of the NA etailer. Or a toy they wanted at 60$ had to be 80$ because of the NA etailer. TCP isnt that big yet, but they are growing fast each year. I love them myself, excellent service, and give them business when i can for transformers, but keep in mind that some products become ALOT more expensive (i have seen +50 to 100$ more) sold price because of the large NA etailers getting involved (BBTS / TFSource for now). Getting that free shipping / point for one order isnt going to be worth it in the long run if the 3rd party company has to make less money to sell to NA etailers, who will themselves increase the price it would have been had the 3rd party sold directly, at least for future products. Also, the more direct money the 3rd party makes, the more they can do future projects.
  18. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Any chance one of you that have a few of the VF-1 CF can sell me just 1 at a good price?
  19. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    To help out someone in need for the Elint (VT-1), just saw him on Mandarake for 7,000 yen before shipping, not opened, box damaged
  20. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    It's funny, i NEVER like the VF-1CF, NEVER, but now, all i want, is just one VF-1A CF (or the Kakizaki variant) more than any other valk (after having ordered the messer / vt-1 elint)....
  21. Yeah, that would have been great had i been onboard then, adn definetly know about these armor helps wanting to purchase the actual HMR figure. I have decided to settle with the 1x 000 Armor for my VF-1S Messer i just ordered recently, and also have a VT-1 coming at same time, and that one cant use the armor (and doesnt really need it to be honest). I was thinking of a 3rd valk, but hoping for some 1A TV Max or Kakizaki.
  22. So i will be getting the 000 I really wish i could find a VF-1A CF at a good price, so i can buy one of the brown armors.
  23. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you very much, this confirms to me i have enough space. By the way, did you panel line the VF-1a CF? If so, black or grey? Also, did you use some kind of finishing spray on your figures? If so, what exactly? The look extremely good.
  24. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Can someone tell me how tall exactly (highest point) these vales are in batroid mode, with and without FP. I am trying to free space on my bookshelf. Thanks in advance
  25. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    meh, CF / Kakizaki, it's brown, lol....
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