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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. I am more anticipating the yf 21/22 than anything else!!!! To me, its the valk thats a must have.
  2. Hi everyone, I am looking for decals for my vf-1s roy, vf-1a hikaru, and vf-1j stealth 1/48th. I dont know where to get them. I need for the stealth to have a white Skull in the heat Shied if possible. So then, the question is, which decals did you use, and from where did you get it? Thx in advance.
  3. Hi everyone I would buy some of the vf 1/48 even if they were NOT transformable, if the price was half, as i could then afford much more of them. I belive not all of them NEED to be transformable, you can have 1 that is, say 1 x vf-1a, the other vf-1a, would be only robots, and easier to get collection. For example, if i ever got the vf-1a low vis 1, I would NEVER transfomer it, only ROBOT mode. However, for the vf-1a low vis 2, i would want to transform it in either modes. It all depends on interest. I really dont need ALL my 1/48 to be transformable, just maybe 25-50% of them. THIS ONLY applies to 1/48th though, as there are alot of them, and does NOT apply to Zero or Macross Plus, where they are not so many models (those absolutely HAVE to be transformable). Oh, and i think the scale 1/48th is big enough, i cant afford more room, and i want it to be cheaper so i can have more, not be even more expensive. so 50-80$ is ok, otherwise, it is NOT worth it. Thanks
  4. While we are at it, the following link you had is the god damn most amazing valkirie of them all, more than the vf-1a low vis 1 or vf-0a. I hope they do this one, i would be more exited about it, than the yf-11 or yf-19 http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...-may-page-6.jpg
  5. Contrary to what everyone else says, i am not crasy about stealth fps on the white valks, but it does look really good on the low vis 1.
  6. Hey Kensei, would you sell me one or two of your strike parts (blue)?? Pls pm me.
  7. WOW, you have a big ship, thats awsome for putting airplanes on it!!! Oh my god, that thing is huuuuuge!!!
  8. Yup, he is right on that, i now have to buy decals for this, as the stiker on heatshield looks awfull, though on fastpack, they are perfect.
  9. hmmm, you sure i put the cross backwards, i really think i got it the right way, well. hmmm, i hope i do.
  10. Honnestly, i am getting the vf-0a too, so lets both keep our fingers crossed that this one wont be loose. I simply was soooo disapointed with vf-0s transformation and loseness, compared to 1/48. But, lets be positive and think this time, it will be peeeerfect!!!! God damn, i cant wait anymore, get over here vf-oa!!!
  11. Nah, you dont have to catch all of them, just the ones you really want. I personaly love my vf-1s roy the best (but i dont have hikaru). I plan to buy vf-1a max, and vf-0a. Oh, and i DIDNT like the vf-0s cause its so loose.
  12. We are the Arthurius, you will lower your shields and send us all your toys, resistance is futile.
  13. Here is some of my displayed stuff, enjoy:
  14. Buy this, NOW!!!
  15. Thanks, this helps, but what about decals, stikers are hard to put on properly. Thx
  16. anyone?
  17. Hi guys, I have a the Super Stealth, now i want decals for them. I want to follow the Skull squadron theme, thus i need skull on the heatshield. Pls make suggestions, if you have pictures, pls send. I simply cant stand the skull stiker that comes with the stealth. Also, which color skull should i put, white, black, gray??? Pls if you have a super stealth, include a picture, even if you didnt put the skull theme. Also, can you pls suggest me some sellers for the theme. Thanks in advance
  18. I am sorry, but i have to suggest both. The stealth i believe looks nice when put next to a white valkirie, or at least, it comes out even better that way, also its unique. Vf-0a seems like a low vis 1, which in my opinion, was the best looking one, specially with the super stealth strike parts. I think if you put the 2 togheter, you would have an awsome collection. But, if you cant buy both, you need to wait for pll to review the vf-0a, as we dont know for sure on the quality. The Quality of the super stealth on the other hand is for sure a good one, very sturdy, transforms properly, no loose parts, simply impecable. They say the vf-0a is suppose to be, but do we really know for sure. I will still get one, but i will tell you, i was very very disapointed with the vf-0s looseness, and no clicking, good transformation, but simply ADORED the SS. Also, it comes with the big hands, so you dont need to buy those seperately!!! Hope it helps. I know i will be getting the vf-0a simply cause of the color scheme, it looks amazing, and pray it will be done better than the vf-0s.
  19. In my opinion, from the pictures, the vf-1a low vis original (with the 1a head, NOT the 1s head), with the fps from the stealth, is the best looking valk of all. You are lucky to have it.
  20. Dont need to wait for the official Christmas to buy them, its Christmas from now till January!!!!
  21. Hey everyone, I made this thread for pll that are not too crasy, yet crasy enough to buy toys (but not too many multiples of them). Lotsa new toys comming, decided to start my Christmas Shopping Early. I already ordered Optimus Prime Japaneese version MP1 and Q-Rau Millia and Shockwave toys, they are on the way. The rest (to come later this year) are the wowy. Starscream Masterpiece, Max VF-1A (oh yes bayby, worth the wait), VF-0A (hey, i cant afford the Low Vision), and yf-19. So, what will you be buying??? Merry Christmas to all, and god bless Japaneese TOYS!!!!
  22. I want to get a Max Dyrl valkirie, i was about the order the vf-1a max, but then i saw this thread, so i said i can wait and get this instead. I also do have Super Stealth and Roy regular vf-1s. I was thinking of getting the max and the roy REGULAR fps, vrs the stealth ones, as i didnt like the gray on the front of booster packs when in robot mode. I thoughed definetly the max would benefit from regular ones, and wasnt 100% sure for Roy yet. What does everyone else think. I am not considering painting the fp parts in black. Thx guys 418543[/snapback]
  23. Anyone else know any good places i can find good deals? You can pm if you feel more comfortable. Any places for macross or for transformers masterpiece. Thx.
  24. Thx for the reply, my regular provider is Neova, which i call Valken-Exs, but i dont know what happened to him (I hope he is ok), and i really wanted to get a fix for my bp8, and buy some valks at same time, and some strke parts, and flexi-stand. Am i mistaken in saying that these other ones you mentioned dont have same low price as Neova or Hobby Stock? Also, wanted to know if Hobby Stock does sell to Canadians? I will talk to the other sellers as well that you mentioned, thx for offering them.
  25. Hi Everyone, I am a newb, so pls be patient. I saw some links for the Max Dyrl being re-released, and the vf-0a, on the Hobby Stock web site. Now, i am in North America, and dont understand a word of Japaneese. I am looking for an online shop that gives good prices, special for pre-orders (meaning pll who pre-order usualy get better price then those who dont). This Hobby Stock website keeps comming back. Do they sell to outsiders, such as myself, and if so, to whom can i talk to. Also, i saw on the Hobby Stock a system of points, and i am guessing that the more points you collect, you can reclaim those for futur purchases. The reason i am saying this, is i want to find one place where i would buy all my macross stuff, now and in the futur, and i definetly want to be rewarded for doing business with them, and the point system is the right way to go. My normal supplier is Valken Exs, but i dont know if he still sells macross stuff, as i dont see him online anymore, for a very long time (I hope nothing bad happened to him, he was the best). Would need suggestion on a supplier that gives reward for comming back to them, and that gives good prices, and good service. Any suggestions. Also, about Hobby Stock, you guys would know the email of someone there that would speack english (by speack i mean through emails). I dont know where this thread belongs, so if you will be moving it, pls type in it where it will go so i can follow it. Thx
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