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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Kik ass baybe, this is great, but i think if i buy fast packs, i will have to paint them black and gold.
  2. PICTURES with the Fastpacks PLEASE.
  3. This is so cool, they should make this sceam of the original color. Love it.
  4. Wow, i love this, so getting this. Hope it goes well with original Starscream.
  5. Dont be shy guys, take pictures, pictures, and more pictures.
  6. Thank you Kikker. How do you feel about the fast packs on the vf-1s? Can anyone take pics of Yf-19 with Fast Packs? Keep the pictures comming guys, these are really looking nice. I am only gonna receive my toys in 3-4 weeks, so i wanna see as much as possible. thx
  7. Waiting for Shadow Versions, if they ever make it. The colors right now look too toyesh. Will also need to see articulation and such. Price seems too much. The things i do like: - long nose (yes, i like the nose of this over the toynomy) - plane mode looks much better than those Crapnomy - i like the yellow window on the blue version - Thread Things i dont like: - hands, looks toyesh - Paint looks toyesh - Taiflings dont close completely when attached to Thread - Thread Feet articulation - Price is rediculous - will buy a yf-21 at a cheaper price!!! Price should be 150-200$ MAX. Unfortunately, until i get rich so that i can buy all the toys i want, and that there will be some serious improvements (specially the paint), this is a no no. Too bad though, i really like this in fighter mode. Would like price of seperate units (the alpha and beta sold seperately).
  8. http://youtube.com/watch?v=GlqEIWC3kvk&feature=related Here is another one
  9. I am not happy they are making the 1/60th better than the 1/48th, but i wont sell my 1/48, will be buying special 1/60 such as a low vis if they make it!!!! But still, i want all my valks to be same size (i dont care about consistencies), and the only toy i have that is nice, but smaller is my starscream and my master grade models (if you notice, they are sorta same size as 1/60 vf-1). Stuff like MP Optimus and Megatron, as well as 1/60th vf-0 and yf-19 all go well with the 1/48th vf-1 on the shelf.
  10. Common guys, more pictures. i wont be receiving these for some time, so i want to enjoy the pictures. And a black yf-19 with the standard fps would be nice to see if it would work out. thx
  11. common guys, more pictures pls. Can anyone put fast packs on these??
  12. Guys, can you pls take more pictures, of the vf-1s with fps, and of the yf 19, with fps as well, just so we see if its any good?
  13. Well, I am getting the 25th aniversary one, which looks so amazing. Only complaint, no boosters
  14. I have to admit, this really looks killer, and i am almost tempted to buy... almost. Fact is, as i already have the yf-21 in blue color, displayed in plane mode, and i will definetly NOT be selling this nice toy, i am hopping to wait for a different color scheme one day, and i seriously hope they will make other colors, such as Orange, or Low Vis, or Blackesh maybe (but maybe Orange would appeal to me the most as i dont have any other orange valks, and i had seen some mod in that color which really looked nice). But fudge, i understand why everyone wants to jump on this. This could be Yamatos finnest toy yet for some very long time. Wawawiwa. Kensei: It could be, however, i had believed the yf-21 to be independent, and could fold without attachments (and i cant remember seing anything attached when folded or unfold, but you could clearly see it on yf-19. Anyways, i could be wrong.
  15. I dont remember the yf-21 needing a seperate piece of boosters to purssue the yf-19. I had believed only the yf-19 needed the extra boosters. So it looks complete to me.
  16. So guys, back on the subject, what are the chances of the SDF-1??? Woudnlt that be cool.
  17. Guys, imagine if they the the SDF-1, now that would be nice, as i really dont feel like paying 150$ for such a small wave toy.
  18. With the new 25th aniversary VF-1S, yup, it will be my last vf-1 1/48. I will still like the vf-1 1/48th line more than any line, and i doubt yamato will make valk as solid and perfect as them, as they seriously had alot of time to perfect them. Only exception i can think of, is a vf-1S low vis, or the thunder hummer...
  19. If it were me, i would open it and disply it in Robot mode with stealth FPs, as it rightfully should be However, if i have just purchased at a very expensive price, as an excuse for a collect item to be sold later for more, then i would leave it MIB.
  20. I dont understand, did Yamato get rights to make Macross 7 toys?? Are we going to see vf-21, etc.. as well??
  21. Well, i hope they make a Black one like that. SaveRobotech, the picture is kinda small, do you have it in bigger size??
  22. Guys, Samurai-Monkey will have them too!!! houra
  23. I like Ghostkiller more than the other one, wow, nice job!!!! Beautifull.
  24. Oh my God, this is amazing, i am getting Ray's for sure, awsome
  25. I have the movie many many times, and i have never seen Prime killing Barricade, can you pls explain when this happens???
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