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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Waiting to hear back when these are planned to go up for PO and released. I am wondering if i will need another VE-1... Already have one fitted with the 101 armor. I am thinking the VE-1 has the superior paint, ie when all my other valks will yellow, the VE-1 will stay same color for decades to come...
  2. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    What are the "likely" repaint potential for this VF-4? I see mention of VF-4G, and M&M. Anything else? Like was there a dark colored version / Raven type, or like a VE-1 / Low vis colors of a VF-4?
  3. here are my 2 current shelves with Macross. I have more 1/60th, but no free shelf to display them on. Gotta find time to rotate them time to time, but with all the figurines in front, kind of more time consuming. I am pretty happy with my HMR line right now that is almost complete.
  4. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    And my small macross shelf comprised mostly of Hi Metal R almost comes to an end. One more Valk or destroid to replace my Iron Factory Jetfire (Placeholder), and then it will be complete, but no rush, considered complete for now until something new and exciting comes out. Oh, and waiting for a few more Diaclone mini Mechas to come in, i think they go well with these for my personal taste / shelf preference.
  5. just thought i would put this pic here. I managed to put the armor on my VE-1. Not tight, but it works for my display.
  6. I just ordered a day ago two more 1/100 armors, and got my 5$ off (order must be 80 or 85$ plus. Unfortunately, dont have any 1/60 VF, only 1/48th... and now no way can get one for a "reasonable" price so i can even use this armor... If it is so hard to make the 1/60 armor (need 600 + armors sold), i doubt 1/48th will ever be considered now, or at least i dont think it will be considered for the next 2 years Hard to pick between set A and B, but i think i would go with more firepower over more shieds, for my VF-1S really, but for a VF-1J or even better the VF-1A, more defense/shield looks better. At least, this is from my experimentation with the 1/100 armors. I guess i would have need to order one of each.... if only i had the 1/60 valks... why, why didnt i get them back when Yamato was making them left and right? WHY! KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!
  7. With some doing, I was able to fit the 000 armour on the elint. I used his own boosters and just the tip from the fexthobby armour. For the chest, it doesn’t lock obviously
  8. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    So looks like the consensus is unanimous, VE-1 still #1.... followed by VF-1.... and at the bottom, where color matching just doesnt seem to matter anymore, we got the VT-1. Damn, and here i was getting ready to order the VT-1... But the orange is different even on the bare figure, not only on super parts... Is it that bad even in Batroid mode, with or without super? I was even considering just for the bare figure itself, without any of the armor, in batroid or fighter mode, but now wondering if i should wait for the VF-1D instead.
  9. New picture request. Vf1a CF with armour 000. i suspect this will give it a more tv color somewhat, but not sure if it will really be good in person or not.
  10. Thanks @no3Ljm for the pic and helping me to make the decision.
  11. pics of the 101 with the vf-1J Please
  12. because you will STFU and give your money!!! Ie, you will still pay it (even if reluctantly sometimes), most of the times multiples, and beg them for more... The wouldnt be able to make new products without you paying for it, right? Now, the Bandai HMR line still works for me (cause i seem to STFU and pay for it...), and actually, better in terms of space!!! Otherwise, if i really need bigger, it is still Bandai... Arcadia is out of my league.
  13. Only got these two, and can swing one final one to complete the trio. Will have my vf2ss hmr next to them, opposite side of vf1j to complete the red on the opposite side...
  14. Because I am poooooor!!!! If I make wrong choice, I am stuck with it, 4 life... now, if I was able to get both 011 and 101 because I had more valks to use it on, and money, and space, etc..., I would use the shoulder armour of the 011 on the 101... for MOOO RED
  15. Wow, that is an amazing shot. How does it feel in person? Do you feel this is a better option in looks to the 101 maybe? I sure am drawn to it, that is for sure.
  16. A pic i took at the office of my two beloved awesomeness toys. Like they turned two goodesh toys into super duper awesome toys that i feel really happy to have now. Would appreciate if anyone can help me choose the final armor to go with this trio for VF-1J Hikaru (debating between 101, 011, 303) . The Trio should look great together (hence why the difficult choice), and the yellow on will be in center.
  17. The VF-1S Messer looks very good with the 000, but I feel the VF-1A Hikaru looks even better with the 000 armor, as the contrast of body color with white it brings out the colors better of the armor and gives it more detail.
  18. Ok guys, i got the 001 and 000 armor, with VF-1S Messer, VF-1J, and VF-1A Hick to test around. Messer goes very well with the 001, pure win, gorgeous. I am sure the Messer would go well with the 000 armor too, but only got 1 messer at this time. VF-1J with 000 armor, and FAIL!!! Just does not work, not sure if it is the off pinkesh white of the VF-1J, of the red stripe on the head, or maybe these armors will not work with this head sculpt / colors... I was all depressed, but then thought, lets try the VF-1A Hikaru with the 000. I was going to get the 011 armor for it, but as i dont have it yet, i decided to try the 000. And WIN. In fact, maybe the biggest win ever!!! Holly cow, i love it even more than the Messer with 001 armor. It reminds me of VF-11C from Macross 7, which i always wanted the yamato version but wasnt able to get it... DREAM COME TRUE. I feel the 000 armor is like even more made for the VF-1A then the VF-1S Messer, though i am sure both look great in it. So conclusion, no need to buy a second Messer, lol, and i have my VF-11C now, well, something that reminds me great of it. Now to determine what is best armor for VF-1J, if any...
  19. Picture and Opinion Request (especially @Saburo) VF-1J (preferably the one that came without GBP) with 011 Armor, and/or 101, and/or 303. And pls tell me your honest opinion, does the VF-1J go well with the armor or not. The 000 armor does not go well with it at all, and i want to see which is the best armor for it, or if even any of them really are in hand.
  20. Umine are stuck at customs for 2 - 3 days now....
  21. because it is a 3rd party, not the official
  22. I just want a Max VF-1A TV (i didnt get the Yamato one) and a Max VF-1D, and yeah, why not, the VT-1 too. I didnt bother with the 1/60th line at the time, so.... just want to complement my 1/48.
  23. This is a third party, making high quality products for Transformers, and now some for the Macross too. They have to put their own twist into it, not just follow the lineart 100%.
  24. FEXTHOBBY has said that OWL 2 will NOT merely a booster. Cant wait to see what else it is!!! " About OWL-TWO, we can say it’s not merely a booster..... Would like to bring something extra in this project, stay tuned for our update! "
  25. @Saburo When are you doing the pics for the 011?
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