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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Hi there, I just transformed my vf-0a and one of the arms broke, in the middle part. It is not exactly the shoulder (too bad, cause i had a replacement casting), but still the upper arm part. I want to buy the replacement arms for the vf-0a, where can i get these?? Also, looking at the vf-0a in robot mode, my face looking at his front, it is the right side that broke. If i turn it so that it is looking at same direction i am looking, it is the left side (left arm). Therefore, is this considered by yamato to be the left arm??. Is replacement hand still sold, or am i doomed??
  2. Wow, the vf-11 and yf-19 are looking good now with the fps, tempted!!!
  3. oh my god, this thing looks soooooo beautifull, that i might end up doing the mistake i promised not to do, buy the first version. This thing looks WAAAAY better than the 1/72!!!! Damn, when is it comming out???
  4. I presently own 10 yamato toys, some are good, some arent so good. I must mention i had 5 more 1/60 vf-1 version 1, but sold them all. That makes 14 in total. Here is the rundown, in order: 1) 1/60 version 1: vj-1a hik and brown, vf-1s fp, vf-1j max, and vf-1s fp. Out of these, the comon problem: paint chip, paint fade, and BROWNING. Other problem/Flaw: GBP armor extremely loose. Now on the valks, they looked good in plane mode, less in robot, specially the vf-1s. I have to admit, i still didnt mind, as NONE of them BROKE, and still looked nice for display. I sold all of them though for money / space reasons, but somehow, i wish i hadnt. 2) 1/72 yf-21: bought this used, no real complain, it is staying in plane mode though. 3) 1/48 VF-1J Stealth with FP: PERFECT!!! I have to say that the 1/48th vf-1j series in yamato is the most perfect, problem free, line I own, and I am not sure why, but heck, i am happy. 4) 1/48 VF-1S Roy: The BP8 broke!!! Now, i fixed it by buying from a recaster, as superglue would NOT work for me. Vf-1S is my favorate still, and I love it, and will always keep it, but i am extremely carefull with their bp8 movement. 5) 1/48 vf-1a hick: Only minor issue is one of the skulls is crooked, bummer!!!! Everything else is SOLID, no problems with BP8, or transformation. 6) 1/48 vf-1j normal: I bought this used at a good price, and man, it is exactly like the vf-1j stealth, ROCK solid, no problems with BP8, and the most perfect line of yamato i own. 7) Quedluun Rau: Its ok, but i find it loose and thus hard to keep a pose. I also find the paint finish too plasticy. Nevertheless, it was only 50$, and still it looks great in my collection, and i will keep it always. 1/60 VF-0S: Plane Mode is flawless. Robot mode is HORRIBLE, extremely loose, backpack falls, NO locking systems, loose arms, does not feel good transforming compared to a 1/48 where everything is tight, made me regret to buy 1st versions and promissed myself: YAMATO never again will i buy your first release, i paid with transport 200$ to you, and this is the crappy piece of crap crappydi crap thing you give me??? Anyways, i didnt sell it, cause i would feel bad giving to someone, and it would lose great value in money.... so i keep it in plane mode, where it still looks great, and not loos, but beckons the question that i should have bought a model instead, for like 50$. 9) 1/60 VF-0A: Well, this one is quite different, and in my case, PERFECT. As it was second release, i said they must get it right this time, which was announced, and the color scheme is close to a low vis 1, which i unfortunately can never afford. This toy has locking mechanism, yeah baybe, and beautiful color, and much better feel when transforming it, and solid. I have not had the shoulder problems, but bought the recast shoulder anyways, just in case. Following this, i got a good deal on the stealth that attaches to it, and make the toy even better. 10) 1/48 VF-1S 25th aniversary: This is the best scheme yet, but, again, like my other vf-1s, not as perfect as the vf-1j, and i dont know why. The BP8 was extremely difficult to maneouver, and it took me forever to transform, and i have to be extremely carefull on this part when trasnforming it. On the 2x vf-1j i have, i can do it with my eyes closed, and no stress!!! Another problem, but which is fixed, is that the head was not perfectly attached, or fitted. Meaning that the bore where the head was fitted, and screwed, was not perfectly done, so it wouldnt fit. I carved the interior piece, until it could go fully in. Problem fixed. So no major biggy. The good side, this is my favorate scheme, and the gold trims are absolutely perfect, so well done, it looks like a bling bling valk!!!! Also, i bought some fps, which i painted black, cause yamato doesnt want to make any, and its even better!!! 11) 1/60 YF-19 25th aniversary: Another great scheme, no real problems, though i wish it had more locking mechanism on the chest. Again, the gold trims are perfectly done, so paint wise, this is a superb piece of art for display!!! I am keeping this in plane mode, too beautifull!!! Thats it. Waiting for a SECOND releace/scheme of the yf-21, again not taking chances. The problem is, what will i do about the vf-11??? I may be drawn to buy first version, but hopefully, i will wait for second release.
  5. i dont knwo what color i preffer, maybe the than, but.... green looks great, but i wish the tan part for the missiles was black. The green would be nice with my military toy. Can anyone take many pictures of the Tomohak with the 1/48 vf, maybe another one next to a vf-1j with GBP, and maybe one next to MP starscream original. Also, would be nice to have one next to the megahouse toys. Comon guys!!!
  6. Cant wait for the development on the Glimlock, as it look so much like the anime, i am excited. Price does seem steep, not sure why yet, but if product is good at end, will buy, as it was one of my fav characters, and it is really something i want in Master Piece.
  7. My favorates were of course 1) Sheryl and 2) Ranka, then 3) Alto. I loved almost all the characters, specially the captain, the gunner, Ozma, and Brera, but since i cant recall all their names, i will stick to my 3 favorates.
  8. haha, great review, specially the part he says that alto should pick a girl, do her, and then go do the other one!!!! anyways, i guess macross 0 had its purpose, and that is it made macross frontier better!!!!
  9. Amen to that, those are my exact feeling: excellent ending, and i was happy alto didnt make a choice and left it open, cause i love both Ranka and Sheryl!!! MF is my favorate series now!!!
  10. My votes were yes on both accounts. I really really really enjoyed every episode, and loved the ending: I cant believe it ended well, was expecting all my favorate characters to die like some of the other macross series. Also, in this love triangle, its harder to make up your mind which girl should alto pick, cause they are both great. Honestly, in the original Macross (not Dyrl), it was easy for my to pick which girl i wanted for hikaru (rick), but in macross frontier, i just loved both and thus enjoyed the fact that in the end, we didnt see the choice. Heck, Alto can have both girls!!!! Other than that, all the mechas were amazing, and excellent animation, i really loved it. Music was great too, liked it alot. Story, wow, i was really into it and had to get myself to the end, and couldnt wait to see what happens next. I got to say i have never been as excited to know the next episode than i was here. I feel it took all the other macross, and fixed the things i didnt like. And.... beatifull girls, alot of them, and nice shower scenes . A++, good job on this excellent show. Now, here is how my ranking on the ones i have seen: Macross Frontier (will be hard to beat i think in the futur, thank you for this series, and cant wait for getting the toys with fast packs) Macross (this is what started it all, and our childhood, and was great at the time, though very sad, and thus harder to re-watch over and over) Macross + (excellent story and mechas) Macross 2 (here, i said it, i do like this one, but it has been awhile i havent rewatched it.... and lets be honnest, the vf-2ss is our favorate valk that we all want as a toy one day, and best design) Macross Dyrl (found it too short, and fast.... also, much thougher chosing the right girl for Hikaru, so not sure i liked the resolve there... Nevertheless, entertaining, and nice mechas and music) Macross 0 Did not like this one that much, specially not the ending, but i did like the mechas to buy vf-0s and vf-0a Have not seen Macross 7 yet, but its next on my list. Hope i like it.
  11. wow, i am impressed with the fighter mode, but dont like the batroid mode as much, specially the head. I think however that the head on Osma will be better, and hopefully will come with fps.
  12. Hi there, I was wandering if anyone had recommendation on painting a model, say for example a gundam Akatsuki, that has no inner frame. I dont want to paint on the gold part, only the black/gray/white/red areas. Should i build the whole thing first, then try to dissassemble, and air brush it? Or maybe paint on the steams, and thensomehow manage? Thx
  13. When is Ozma verison, with Fast Packs, comming out anyways??? Thats all i am interested in. And if they cant make a nice toy by the time that comes out, well, i just figured out how to use my air brush, so will buy the model version!!! However, in all honestly, i would rather have a 1/60 to go with my yamatoes!!!
  14. But I like mospeada, where can i get the updates if the thread is closed???
  15. Guys, how much cheaper is Mechahawaii??? I am thinking of going to Honululu for my honeymoon as well, any places that has good prices??? I think Valkirie Exchange has good prices when you pre-order, specially for someone in Canada.
  16. If people are liking the vf-25 1/72 model made by Bandai, then i know Bandai can make the right toy as well. Lets wait and see the final version. As well, maybe by the time they come with the boosters and fps, then they will have perfected it and it will be good. So lets not jump the guns too fast.
  17. what is a booby duck?
  18. Jenius, We are all counting on you for the review on Toynami Beta. I for one am interested only in the green one, which is the last to come out, so i am not in a hurry, but still, wanna see if this is an expense i need to worry about this year or next year.
  19. Can anyone pls tell me which version of toys or models will come with the full armor. I am only interested in OZMA's plane, but it full armor. It can even be only batroid mode, but would obviously preffer transforming (toy or model, but toy preffered). Pls, tell me, is anyone making it, and when, what size, etc...
  20. Here is my 25th aniverary valk, which i just painted the fps, however, it is not complete, and still needs more paint and detailing. But you get the general idea of this nice bird.
  21. well, i dont see vf-2ss in the options... my vote is still vf-2ss with fast packs!!!! Maybe a VF-171 after that...
  22. Renato, its simple really... Reason #1 to be pissed at limited version vs custom made by a fan: There are alot of completest, that want all the 1/48th, and they got screwed with these limited to japan with coupon shenanigans, which thus they may never be able to get: yes, its a slap in the face when you cant have it just cause you dont live in japan. Other reasons, basically same, even if you are not completist, you want these new schemes, well guess what, if you are not living in japan, tough luck... slap in the face!!!!
  23. ok, thanks guys, wish me luck
  24. Hi there, I have a pair of 1/48 fast packs from yamato, which i want to repaint in black, using tamiya paint. I was wandering if i can paint straight on the FP, or do i have to remove the existing paint somehow? I will be painting either with a CAN, or with an airbrush for the first time. I am guessing that i would need 1/3 tamiya paint and 2/3 thiner if i was going through the airbrush approach. Thx in advance for helping a newb
  25. the thing is, do you want your vf-1 to be same size as your yf-19??? If yes, like me, then get 1/48th. If you want to scale in terms of real size, then going 1/60th would be it. Of course, another way would be to get only vf-1 1/60th, and forget about 1/60 yf-19 and vf-0, and buy a masterpiece starscream, and Master grade gundams, and they will all be similar sizes!!!!
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