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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. there goes the neibourghoud, just lost my job today... will keep collection, for now...
  2. oh my god, i see it and i dont believe it, you have customized everything, never seen that before, really nice stuff!!!
  3. guys, can you pls take pictures of alto with Michel's FPS, plssssss!!!!
  4. i dont know arrow, from shops, prices are going up, way up actually. And being from Canada, the dollar is now almost 30% less than US, when it was to par till end of last summer. Makes things extremely difficult. Thats 30% increase for me, on top of all the manufacturing increases.... do you think i am making more than 30% of what i was making last year ??? I guess maybe some people are selling their old stuff cheaper, though i havent found what i wanted, a wave sdf-1 for 50$ !!!!! I am having not to buy all the goodies that are coming out. 1 - 2 max expensive toys per year, and I already made a hard choice, knowing about what may or is coming out. For this year, i chose MP Grimlock (childhood foundness wins here), and i believe my last choice (really depending on price) would be the macross quarter (or a wave sdf-1 if i found cheap)... or/and a yf-21 repaint (though i dont think that would be this year, if at all). MH Rook would be a purchase as well, but not announced, and as price on this one is much lower, i can somehow maybe pull it off. That means i had to sacrifice alot of goodies: Beta fighter green which i was gonna buy for sure (so sad), 1/60 v2 Ostrich, or any of the other vf-1 1/60th (really wanted the Max tv version), unless its a low vis scheme, at which point i would have to re-evaluate everything, no beautifull 1/60 vf-11b (though there is always a chance for second release on this), no vf macross frontier stuff, no beagle cyclones, no MP Skywarp or Thundercraker, and so many more really... man, what a bummer. On the brite side, house pricing is coming down...
  5. Logos, i think HLJ is not a good option for us canadians. The will mark actual value, and you would be charged both taxes and duties, and that can be simply too much at that point.
  6. Here is a complete transformation of MP-08 Grimlock, in case the link wasnt here already or people havent seen it, what a beauty, cant wait to get it. Size may potentially be a problem if put next to prime or my macross yamatoes, however, i still have MP Starscream and alernator Shockwave, will see. Then again, i may do a more nature / greeny seen with my mospeada megahouse toys and other milatary units, such as MP starscream greeny. Wasnt sure about my purchase just because i cant buy more than 1 - 2 expensive toys per year (if anything), and having to sacrifice many nice other toys (vf-11, vf-1a 1/60 tv max and ostrich, as well as maybe even the Beta fighter in green) that came out or comming out in 2009, it is very hard to make the right choice, but i think this may become my favorate toy yet. I know one thing that was important, is no matter how cool toy is, i have to have very strong emotions of the toy/anime/character itself, and Omega Supreme / Grimlock (all dinobots actually) / Prime / Shockwave / Starscreem / Soundwave are my favorates in that exact order, so the emotion is there!!! And boy does this one look great, simple to transform, detailed, eveything. I already have Prime and Starscream (the nice milatary green one which most people dont like, but i adore), and alternator shockwave. Would be nice if they made Omega Supreme from the new transformers series, i saw that one episode, and it looks great in both ship and in robot, vey close in concept to original G1 transformers. Now for my second choice of the year, it will be either the Macross Quarter, and if they ever make a nice repaint of the 1/60th yf-21... Of course, i would consider Omega Supreme as well...
  7. NB4M, can you, just for fun, display the vf-1a max with the fps from the vf-1j max ? Also, without FPS
  8. Graham, Thank, i did see the frontier show, i just never noticed an armor version, i just thought it was a fast pack. Can anyone show pictures comparing the two, specially what the armor looks like? Thx in advance
  9. guys, i dont understand these different extras. Is there fps and armor comming out for these figures? What is the difference, can someone show pictures??
  10. but guys, will this be mass produced??? If not, you are going to be paying even more!!!!
  11. Wow miriya, where did you get these pictures, i havent seen the source of the original, but damn it looks good, this could be my first dive into the vf-1 1/60.
  12. ok, thanks charger69, i looked and looked at the two, and the differences i can visualy see are the color and the arms, other than that, they look like the same to me. So what makes people like the tv better than the dyrl?
  13. Guess this would be on my to get list, i cant buy more than 2 expensive toys per year, i think this one qualifies.
  14. can someone pls explain to me the differences between tv and dyrl for the sdf-1, maybe with pictures, i always thoughed they looked the same, maybe just different color.
  15. honestly, the 1j head looks much much better the 1a tv... Who knows, maybe i will end up getting one, as i havent bought the revoltech of this yet.
  16. oh god, just what i wanted, the tv max, but... but why is the head so ugly compared to 1/60 or 1/48...
  17. i dont understand what all the new fuss is about... this thing looked great before, and pll complained... nothing changed, why everyone excited all of a sudden.
  18. I think this looks really great, almost tempted, but then there is the revoltech... and more complete. What they should have included is the gbp. What they should concentrate is things they havent made so far... -> SDF1 anyone??? Yea Yamato, you havent done anything for us here, and you gots the liscences. The destroids... now it becomes affordable to purchase it for me, maybe... Well, how about the Q-Rau, this for sur is a sell. Britai, and enemy mechas.... what are you waiting for yamato. Again, i like this, but you are making it too obvious you want to sell us things without the fps, and then sell us the fps/armors seperately. Exception... However, as i already have 1/48, and just cant start 1/60 (selling the 1/48 would be hard for me), i would consider the tv max vf-1a, and low vis 1 or 2, and other schemes that should have been made in 1/48 more commonly...
  19. isnt this a vf-11 thread??? anyways, from what graham said, i would almost be tempted to try the first version, but have the jitters... still waiting for recolor of yf-21, but the original color of the vf-11 is already nice enough to get... so hard to choose 1 - 2 expensive toy per year...
  20. Graham, what about locking mechanism, does it deliver in all 3 modes? And Stiffness in arms and legs?
  21. haha, i love this war, keep it going guys!!
  22. Arthurius


    lol, hahahaha, he strikes again!!!
  23. i am Canadian too. Just make SURE you buy from someone that is both reputable, but also, VERY importantly, that will declare toy as gift, and low value (say 20$). If you dont, or the seller doesnt, then you will pay both duty and tax. Now, that if you buy international, except from the states. If you buy from the states, there is a chance you still pay some duty, though not too high, maybe like 20$. I am myself waiting for a repaint, but damn, nothing is getting announced... however, did buy some nice stuff, at excellent prices, from Valkirie Exchange, when he had pre-orders, and didnt pay no duty or taxes
  24. wow, what a beauty Grimlock is, now i dont know which to choose, this or the Robotech Beta Fighter green when it comes out.... Economy not so great, we are supposed to save, yet prices on these are on the rize, why isnt this grimlock the same price that MP optimus or Starscream, it just makes it so much harder...
  25. where are the fps on this vf-1??? Why is yamato doing this again, selling toy with no fps... I think this looks very good, but not without the fps man.
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