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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. ff95gj, can you pls take comparitive pix, in batroid mode only, with the air fins open, of the vf-22 max and the yf-21, in different poses???
  2. ff97gj: You dont find the yf-21 tighter and better quality than the vf-22 miria? Which one you find better looking?
  3. so, how are the joints, are they tights? Compared to vf-22 dark version, are they better in quality, same, or less? Similarly for the yf-21.
  4. picture are looking fantastic. Can someone give us some quick reviews, + points and -points. Once i have this info, as well as see actual production pictures of the vf-22 MAX and vf-11-C, i will chose one of the 3. But honestly, this one looking like a definate contestant...
  5. FF95, can you pls take a picture of the batroid mode without the air fin covers (in fighter too), and the pilot rotated.
  6. common guys, if you have received a vf-22 miria, then it is your DUTY as a macrossworld citizen to give the rest of us, a review of the product, along with MORE pictures, specially in Batroid mode (without the air vent caps in either form). Thank you for
  7. PICTURES PLEASE!!! sorry for screaming
  8. Can someone educate me on these metal composite gundams that are large in size, i never hurd of them, i only know models. It is a toy, or a painted model? Are they all as big as a 1/48 vf-1, as i hurd there was metal composite Fix gundams, and also fix gundams look nice, they are way too fragile and too small. Although i dont like the design of this particular Psycho Gundam, maybe there are others i will like, and will folow the line. Thanks
  9. Can someone pls post a pic of the Beta in batroid mode and of a 1/48th Yamato VF-1. If you dont have the 1/48 vf-1, then a 1/60 VF-0, or 1/60 YF-19, which are abouty the same size. Thanks in advance.
  10. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
  11. poo, now i dont like the captain anymore, for what he did at the end... now i have to kill myself for a week to know what happens next!!!
  12. guys, sorry for asking this, but i am confused... Is there two color schemes of this same toy coming out? Is this the lighter scheme? When would the other scheme come out? What are the differences in colors, anyone got the two side by side??? I honnestly dont know which scheme i like better... and although the ship mode royally sux.... the robot mode looks amazing (wasnt going to keep it in ship mode anyways, the sdf1 looked way better in ship mode, but i wouldnt keep that one in ship mode either, so...). Now i am thinking, THIS or VF-22 MAX or MIRIA??? I can only get one expensive toy per year.... Which would you chose???
  13. Has anybody noticed on the new pics that on the Milia, in batroid mode, the air intake area is white, but in fighter mode, the same area is gray!!!!! Wish i could see final painting, i am leaning towards max again as the knees are gray on Max and Milia (was hoping it would have been matching blue/red instead).
  14. Our thanksgiving is not in November, and we only get 1 day off Anyways, thanks for the update, now i have to wait another long week to see episode 10, grrrrrrrrrrrr
  15. Can someone pls tell me when is episode 10 (justice) comming out, i dont have tv to watch commercials (have to watch through internet), and their homepage is saying "not this friday". Thanks in advance.
  16. Right now, SGU is my favorate sci-fi ever, i like every episode, and the human relationship make this much stronger, and every episode is unique and good from start to end, and i never know what will happen next. And each one has an interesting tittle, like Water, Darkness, Light, Life, etc... My fav charc are Elie, Grear, Rush, and the captain, but honnestly as time goes on, i am starting to appreciate all of them.
  17. As soon as someone gets the Miria vf-22, pls take a complete picture in Batroid mode, without the air fins caps. From the latest picture, the knees are red, like the rest, which looks much nicer than gray. From a similar picture of the Max vf-22s, it looks like knees are gray, instead of blue, which eventhough might be more anime acurate, i like less. So, i might get the miria instead of the max, the red looks weird, not the red i was thinking, so i like it more this way.
  18. that backpack piece is really making the fighter mode shine, and batroid not too bad either.
  19. i really love all the episodes till now, light being my favorate, but all are great, last one was very weird, and really didnt know what to expect, specially the ending.
  20. Hey Honkhet, did you have to paint the alto, or did it came this nice to begin with. Also, this is the model, right?
  21. i do agree that it was rushed the way they found out the Visitors are up to no good, it should have taken longer, and be more dramatic, even though we already knew (and maybe that is the reason). I did feel a chill when those mother ships darkened the groud bellow them to come to center themselves at the cities.
  22. just saw episode 5, and wow, its like each episode is a movie quality acting and story, really loving this series up to now, so well made, and so different, its great.
  23. eugemon, can you take more pics of the vt-1 in batroid with the saucer in the back, this is actually, out of all pics i have seen , the better looking one. Also, the ve-1, as you seem good at getting nice poses.
  24. man, i am really liking this, really cant predict what will come next, every part is to figure out the basics
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