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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. I actually got the yf-21 instead, as it came with a stand (let me tell you, that stand is really important, you can have it in batroid or fighter mode displayed with a stand, and in batroid specially, you want him in the air). Also, fps look nice in batroid mode (not too great in fighter though). But, the last reason i didnt get the max, and i am still hesitating on getting it, is because of the clear yellow windows, i just cant stand it, it ruins the great look. On the gamlin, it has beautifull dark red windows, and if they had put that on the max, then i would get the max to fly with the yf-21, as i really like the color scheme with the light blue of the max. Or actually, if they had a darker almost non see three yellow/gold, then that would have been great. I could probably modify it and paint on it, but for such an expensive purchase, dont feel like risking it.
  2. sorry, but when are these being released exactly, just curious, it looks so good.
  3. well, watched Hope last night, and yea, it was pretty good (more than expected thats for sure), wander what next episode will bring.
  4. Well, thats how i felt the first time around, was really on the military side. But watching it again, i changed sides!!!! I didnt like how greer and the lady milatary beat up the civilians who have no gun or any means of defense. As well, when Camile just came in between the milatary who was pointing a gun at the civilians, who again didnt have any weapons, i thoughed yah, the civilains are more peacefull . Of course, i hate their cowardness at the end when the milatary just ram in the room and pointed their guns at everyone... I think the civilians should have continued their defiance and fight for their rights... i mean, if they really believed in their cause that is, they were brave enough to defy in milatary in the first place, why chicken out now!!! Oh well, maybe third time around, i will be on the aliens side, haha!!!! but again, it is great to see such diversity in opinions.
  5. Well, here is my thoughts on Episodes 10 - 11 - 12 But before i start, let me say that episode 5, light, is still my favorate, but thus far i like all the episodes. Also, i must admit it is fun to see how diverse we all are in what we look for. Episode 10 was very very dramatic, i have seen Young as a hero, and up till then, always agreed with everything he did. After what he did to Rush. that image has shatered, and i dont like him as i did before. Would i have done teh same thign in his shoes: maybe.... But this is a show, and for the captain, i want him / her to be better than that, though not perfect in everything eather. Still, a huge cliffhanger, good addition to the series. Episode 11. First time i watched it, i.... HATED it. But the reason is not exactly same as other people. I hated it cause till now, i found the inter-relation between the different episodes to be perfect. On this however, i felt that it was not rightly looking at episode 10. What i mean is, at the end of episode 10, everybody had believed Young on his version that Rush couldnt make it, there was no doubt, because, he already prooved himself he wasnt a murderer, and people who doubted him, especially the asian chick (sorry i forgot her name, no racism intended), trusted Young at that point. The only one who may had doubts on young was Eli..... So what hapened to that. In episode 11, the asian chick, and most civilians, now doubt Young, how did everything change? I was quiete mad at this, and also that, as many have mentioned, the Rush / Young drama ended too soon. However, after having watched episode 12, and going back to episode 11, and forgetting about episode 10, i quite enjoyed episode 11. Just have to forget the end of episode 10, and all is well. I very much liked the aliens, and the fear in meeting them, very well made, specially when young got into their ship suddenly, that was spooky and unexpecrted. As well, rush saving chloe was a nice moment too. Have to say, in my eyes, Rush gained some points as good guy, though frankly, i see them all as good guys anyways. Now, episode 12, i have to say, is now my second favorate episode, right after light. I really liked this one, lotsa twist, when the civilians took over the ship, wow that was great, and alians attacked with 3 ships, the bond between Rush and Chloe, i have to say, i liked that alot (most would not). First time around, i was on the milatary's side for taking back the ship, but after having finished watching that episode, and rewatching it, i was on the civilians side 100% (well almost, i did find them a bit too cowardly toward the end), as i felt they did not use violence, and they mostly stood up to what they believed, whilst the milatary ram them over at the end, with no regrets. Have to say greer and the lady soldier lost alot of point there for me, and respect for the civilians won in return. All in all, really really good episode, i doubt the next one will be as good, but honestly cant wait for it. So, SGU has just somethign where i always cant wait for the next episode to come, no other show had that much apeal to me in a long time.
  6. A quick question for kicker773: Where do you keep all these valks you have? Are they all displayed somewhere, or stored in box? I sure would like to see a picture of all these valks togheter.
  7. hey macrossjunkie, can you pls explain what mods you did on the vf-11c, i want to purhaps try it too. I have an air brush, so tell me, how did you "wather it"? Also, i am guessing you did the pannel lining with a gundam marker or similar. Amything else you did? As for stickers, i dont see where you added them, but thats ok.
  8. vf5ss, thank you sooo much for being the first and only with a video review of the vf-11 (there still isnt one for the vf-11 from macross plus go figure), would have liked to see in your video the fps in batroid mode, but still, you did a fantastic job with your review, might buy buy this next time wife permits (i am guessing by end of year, hopefully more versions out by then, so price of this falls)!!!!
  9. Can anybody post some videos of this toy, the video of the loose feet doesnt count, i cant see it properly, but still, from what i do see, it is more towards the niceness i am looking for, i just feel the pictures are not getting me into it... videos pls!!!!
  10. this thread needs more pictures!!!!
  11. and can you take some nice pictures in batroid mode with the fps, preaty please with sugar on it????
  12. i like the gray internals more, but since i cant buy anything for at least 6 months to a year, waiting for reviews to come out, pll to get tired of this, and get a new color scheme, and i get it at a great deal, cant fuss about it now
  13. i thought about it further, and although vf-17 and vf-2SS are good candidates for this year, i think so is the vf-19, simply because the engineering will be much less than other valks, so even if alot of retooling is required, still, because they already made the yf-19, and it has very similar, if not same, transformation, then at least they save on engineering, and probably alot of people will buy it.
  14. hmm, game movie is great, and sure would be nice if they made a nice high quality toy version of the Prime in cybertron.
  15. So Jenius, which do you like better, the Toynami, or the CM alpha/beta
  16. Ignacio, thanks for the comments, could you tell me why you would chose the yf-21 hands down? Would like to hear the details. Decision is soooo hard to make with limited budget and to keep wife happy. I do hope the canopy does grow on me, cause it is right now the thing that bugs me the most about the vf-22 max, i do like the paint scheme otherwise. In fighter mode, with the limited pictures available, the yf-21 looks more agressive, and pilot cant be shown in batroid mode. Alternativey, i was thinking maybe puting gold paint over the canopy, not sure if that would work out though. BlueMax151: thanks for the comments as well, you mentioned the yamato arm and the flexidisplay. I have both of these, and i also have the Gundam stands. That said, i never seen any pics of the yf-21 or vf-22 with these stands in BATROID mode. Is it doable, specially the yamato arm which is strong???
  17. still having difficulty making up my mind, and since i can only have 1 vf-22 or yf-21, i need more pics!!! can you guys take pictures of the vf-22 max in the following pics i found on the yf-21 in the MacrossWorld forums, which are absolute beauties, this would for sure help me make the decision if i could get the vf-22 max in such poses. Right now, leaning towards the yf-21 because of the canopy is more agressive (bigest point at the moment), the fast packs, and the nice stand, but like the color scheme of the vf-22 max better. Notice how on the picture, the "hat" is pointing downwards, that give the figure a real nice look. Without the guns, it looks better. In fighter mode, pls notice the plane is pointing dowwards as if tgoing towards the grown. Similarly with the gerwalk. Its too bad no one did any videos on youtube, could this mean these two new molds arent doing too well??? Thanks in advance.
  18. but valkirie addict, that would make it 3 new molds, not 2... wish that was the case, but i thnk there is still a chance its one of the two new molds, afterall, there are so many repaints of it.
  19. they could do the vf-4, buuuuuuuut honestly, you know it wont have as much repaint schemes (milking) as the vf-17 and vf-2ss, and besides, you know graham wont push that one as much as the two i mentioned, so, i am looking forward to 2010, and aquiring the two valks i really want most!!!
  20. Yes indeed, i have to say i am surprised you made a difference Graham, have to say you did a very good effort on this. And damn it, a gbp camo with low vis valk in it, that's wise yamato, and me who wanted to notto get into the new armor, may actually have to rethink all this. As for new vf-1, comon, its the stealth!!!! Two new valks this year??? Well, the vf-17 and vf-2 ss have highest probability of money making and repaint schemes imaginable, and you know you cant say that about repaint schemes on the other valks, just think about it!!!!
  21. Great, hoping to have an indepth review as well, if possible, and pictures of the batroid mode without the air fin covers. Now that everyone is worried about the 1/60 vf-1 shoulder breackage, not many people are posting in this thread anymore, including Graham who recently bought one!!!
  22. holy crap, the vt-1 has the old pins, thank god i didnt buy it... man, thats a real bummer
  23. Hey Graham, how about some nice pics of your new vf-22 max in batroid mode (without the air fins), along with yf-21 in batroid mode as well (without the air fins)???
  24. NuGundamII, you mentioned the "z plus is the best and i would rate it mg", as i am not familiar with this line, can you pls take pictures of the z plus, alonside a MG Gundam model, for size comparison, and around what it goes for a fellow canadian? Are they very strudy, like the MG Models (or even better, like a toy)???
  25. can you take it back out of the box??? ......
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