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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. out of this list, obviously the vf-17 will win, thats something most pll are waiting for (not sure which of the variations i want the most, will decide once i see the final mold of the first run). The other ones on the list.... Monster??? Get the Bandai Monster, why you need the Yamato one? The zentradi ships??? The regult was limited and costed 400$, why this? Honestly, i like it, but i know they will make it too expensive for what it is. The Phalanx, wel, macross fans here seem to like it, so maybe some day, but seriously, wouldnt pll rather have instead: - vf-2ss (macross 2), alot of milk molding here, consider this one seriously Yamato, or Bandai, after the vf-17 that is, cause lotsa variations there too. Personnaly, i want the vf-2ss, but it makes sense for yamato to make the vf-17 after vf-19 - vf-4, fans here like it, i think its not bad, but AFTER vf-2ss.
  2. holy comoly, this is fantastic, i want it!!!!
  3. I think it looks best on the vf-1s, so either Roy or Hilaru. I dont like it too much on the vf-1a, i find they look better without it. The vf-1j looks good with or without, but i still want the leader (roy or hik) to have the best, so....
  4. Eugimon, how the sdf-1 holding the enterprise exactly, i dont get it???
  5. wow, all wonderfull vf-1/48 customs!!!!
  6. i have to admit i do like the vf-19active scheme in fighter mode. What would the batroid mode look like?
  7. hmm, maybe not a bad idea to have the extras as part of the booster set, makes it cheaper to buy the original valk to start. In any case, Graham, do you know if Yamato is considering providing a nice base, sort of like the one that came with the yf-21 ??
  8. dude, that is the best work i have ever seen in my life, those little lights and yellow and white straps, and all the rest of the brilliant detailing make this the best toy i have ever seen. Just one thing, i dont know how to download these pics onto my computer to have them as my background or just look at them over and over. Is there a way?
  9. The more i look at the pictures, the more i think i want the movie version... just that 400$ is alot of money...granted it is an ultimate toy, but still, 400$....but i want it....but its 400$....but....WANT.....400$.....NEED....400$..... Oh well, this toy seems so close, yet so far away in the near futur.
  10. haha, nice pic Hayao.
  11. Graham, Any chances that if sells go well, that Yamato would consider re-releasing this in: 1) a bit smaller scale, to further reduce on cost and bring it to the 150 - 200 $ point. I think a great deal of fans can afford it at that range. This is THE toy that ALL macross fans want, the one that they have been waiting for, it just needs a bit of tweeking still. If they are considering TV version, go to that scale right away, easier for pll to make that decision to have a second one if they buy the current 1/3000 scale. If this is not truly wanted, or feasable, then purhaps as anime52k8 has suggested, an unpainted / unbuilt (or just unbuilt), as the paint scheme seems laking anyways. I really feel like more detail paint (not weathered) is required on this. What exactly is stoping Yamato in going at that price range, or what can make this happen? 2) if redoing another release of this, either same or smaller case, have the arms be able to retract futher towards the legs in ship mode (i would even dare say lock onto it), making it look less like arms and more ship like. At the moment, that is the only thing that seems mechanically flawed. I know this may be original design, but why not give us the choice to retract it further if we want to anyways? However, if one is leaving this in robot mode, i guess it doesnt matter at all, cause it does look pretty awsome in that mode, so this is only a small point vrs point 1.
  12. 1) Anime Series/Film/OVA that aired this year = For anime = Macross Frontier False Songstress, For Cartoon = Toy Story 3 2) Science Fiction Film = Tron Legacy 3) TV Series = Stargate Universe (boy am i depressed it is getting canceled) 4) PC/Video Game = Starcraft 2 5) Consumer Electronic = Bought a Panasonic pocket size camera with big zoom, very happy with it, and with panasonic in genecal 6) Toy/Model/Action Figure/Plushie/Nendoroid or whatever... = Although it may not be 2010, i have bought a Yamato 1/60 yf-21 and yf-19 bird of pray, both of which are my favorates. Otherwise, probably the SDF-1 and Monster (std version) if i could have purchased those!!!
  13. Just saw the movie in Imax 3D, wow, i really really really loved this movie, such nice graphics, and loved the actors as well. I want to see it again!!!
  14. love these pics of the yf-21 and yf-19, absolutely beatifull
  15. I will be missing Universe alot, it was the only show besides The Big Bang Theory which i watch every week, now i will be down to 1 show only.... and besides, other than a few of the episodes, i loved Universe more than the other stargates, really wanted to know what they the ending was for the planned 5 year story, for final season (3rd) in case they couldnt get it that far.... I hate show cancelations!!!!
  16. Ok, just got the specifics from wiki: " second season of 20 episodes was announced by Syfy in December 2009,[3] and began airing in the United States on September 28, 2010.[4] The second half of season 2 is expected to return in Spring 2011.[5] Syfy announced on December 16, 2010 that it was cancelling Stargate Universe and that the Spring 2011 season would be its last."
  17. Exo, pls give more details on the "canceled". They will finish the season right?
  18. thanks for the nice pics of the yf-19, will add them to my collection
  19. I personnaly liked the mystery of the vjara, and macross frontier was my favorate untill i recently saw macross 7, where i really liked Basara using music (vrs trying to kill) to setlle the differences and make true peace. They sort of used that in Macross Frontier show (not the movie unfortunately), with Ranka's songs wining the heart of the vjara. Just that Macross 7 did it more vigouresly, and that was really great. That said, Macross Frontier is amazing too!!!!
  20. 1) I first want to comment the 3D in movies. Well, seing a 3D movie in a normal theatre, not really that much different than the 2d counterversion, some movies are better than others with the quality, but all in all, not ground breacking....however, 3D in a Imax theatre does make a huge difference (then again i think even 2D movies are much better in a imax - excluding chick flicks). For example, the movie Avatar, you really felt like you were part of the movie, like the grass was right next to you, and often, i would extend my hands as if to touch them. I highly recommend you go see a good movie that is well done in 3D at an imax 3d, it is not like the movies you have probably seen in a regular small theatre. I very rarely go see any movies at a theatre, maybe 2 (max 3) times a year, but when i do, a giant screen and good quality 3D is really fun. 2) As for smart phones, i dont own any, but i do agree many pll on it are chatting all the time or looking at the screen all of a sudden when you are talking to them, and quite annoying. The only time i find them usefull is when they are being used as gps or internet to find a restaurant or whats cool around, otherwise, i dislike how pll are using them. 3) My personal technology i fear is TV. Yep, we dont have any, cause when we did, i would sit in front of it like a mindless zombie, unable to do anything else. Also, i feel like it is a mind control device, with all the controled "news" in the world. Now that we dont have it, everyone asks us why, how come, how is it possible, whats wrong with us, and etc... almost as if we commited a crime or something. Well, not having, i can actually listen to my wife when having supper, and spend more time togheter.
  21. thanks Tobi54 for posting the torrent link, i finally got to watch the movie, and man, it was really great, really didnt expect so much out of it.
  22. after just watching macross 7 series and macross frontier movie for the first time, here is my current order: Best 1) Macross 7 tv (Basara my favorate charc ever) 2.0) Macross Frontier Movie (Michel doesnt die uselessly, Sheryl is even hotter) 2.1) Macross Frontier tv (Sheryl and Ranka I love you both!!!) 3) Macross Plus 4 part series (yf-19 and yf-21 my current favorate valks) Still Love alot 4) Macross TV (best SDF or ship ever!!!) 5) Macross 2 (after vf-21/yf19, this one is my favorate valk) 6) Macross Dyrl (I actually liked Minmei here, whilst i hated her in the tv series) 7) Macross Plus Movie (darker than the series, specially ending) Didnt Like Macross Zero (ending ruins it all)
  23. I know this is late, but this was the funniest reply i have ever seen!!!! Thanks for the nice laugh.
  24. what episode are we at now? I just started reading this thread now, after finally watching the whole series for the first time (i heard so many bad thing that it affected me so much), and have to say that this turned out to be my favorate macross series, and Basara my favorate all time character / hero.
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