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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Gmalin already got the vf-22 from Yamato!!! Also, i seem to remember Gamlin had the other sculpt head vf-17, or maybe he changed the valk in the series?
  2. wish this showed a picture with the head titled down a bit in a more agressive stand, just to see if it can do it or can it only tilt up. But they do king of look nice one next to the other in batroid mode, from top angle anyways.
  3. it's just you
  4. i am sure nothing was meant by it.
  5. I personnaly think the fighter mode look so beautifull, and will look fantastic next to a yf-21 or vf-22 gamlin in that mode. As for batroid mode, i have not seen a nice pose picture yet that makes me feel it is nice. Perhaps it is this scult head, or perhaps if they tilted the head down (dont know if that is possible, and if it is, that is a poor picture they have posted). I think for this toy, they are not giving the right amount of attention (or love) to showing proper pictures / poses as they had done with the Kai, and thus it is hard to detemine it's beauty and posability. Will have to wait people's pics.
  6. Is there a way to get a confirmation from Yamato that the re-issue of the Kai will have for sure (100%) the same fixes as the blazzer. I know it is likely, and makes sense, but would like an actual confirmation. The blazer looks much pretier and all, but just doesnt bring anywhere near the same feeling as the main character.
  7. sorry if this was asked before, but wanted to know if there is a chance the fire valk be re-released with the new fixes???
  8. this thread is not about an improved vf-1/48 !!!!
  9. haha, would buy one of those for a dollar!!!
  10. I love my vf-0a standard edition (i have the spare shoulders though in case) as this is closest thing to the low vis. Its even nicer in batroid mode. And as for the yf-21 original release, that is the best toy that i have, and is a keeper, you cant go wrong with that toy, honnestly, get that one, even if you have to sell your shin!!!!
  11. Nice Montage!!! EAT YOUR AWSOME!!!!
  12. Here is the best custom i have ever seen of any toy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fd0MgohmdE&feature=related
  13. Got the Battle Ops Bumblebee upon seing posts here that it was a good toy. I have to say, i cant believe how satisfied and fun it is to play with this one, as I am used to buying the 100 $ + toys, so didnt expect anything out of a 15$ toy, but boy was i wrong. I also got the blue wreker delux version, and it is fun too. That one however will need some detailing on my end (or more so than the bumblebee toy). I would get the Striker Optimus, but 150$ shipped when i can have fun with 15$ toys seems a bit much, so i guess i will wait to see video review before doing anything, as worst case, i still have my MP-01 which is at its place for now. Waiting for the red delux wreker in nov/dec, hopefully we get it in Canada too, or i can get it somewhere not too expensive.
  14. Damn, I personnaly like the MP-11 in robot mode with the cape. The plane mode fails though.. I have the original MP-03, and i like that color scheme better, but always wanted the black or blue scheme too, so dont know if i should wait... Still, the robot mode of starscream looks pretty nice.
  15. So if you loved this movie, you have the brain of a 13 year old??? Thanks alot Bomba!!! I will go home and think about the 20 years of my life that didnt exist!!!
  16. if this doesnt sell well, there will be no other versions. And maybe Bandai will not be making the vf-171 after they see the fail from Yamato. And maybe this will be the last "new" Macross toy made... (not talking about repaints with different heads) Anyways, we have come a long way from the price of the vf-1 1/48th scale. The price point will make it unfeasable for many that could buy the more expensive toys such as the yf-19 / 21.
  17. oh my god, i just saw Captain America, and wow, it was like one of the best of the Marvels, cant wait to see him face tony stark . I think in order, here are my favorate 1) Captain America 2) Hulk 3) Iron Man 4) Thor Cant wait for this movie, so exited about it!!!!
  18. Just wanted to way this is the sexiest batroid ever, man, the color scheme is absolutely awsome (eventhough it is photoshoped). Too bad prices have gone up so much that its 260$ before shipping/tax !!! Thats about 100 $ more than the yf-19 was at the time, which bring it out of range for some. people (such as myselft!!!!). Man, times are changing so fast, i wish i could keep up with the rest of you.
  19. I keep coming back to relook at the photoshop pics of the new vf-19S, it is jaw dropping, honnestly, i think this is the nicest pictures of batroid mode a a valk i have ever seen. Simply incredible look. Too bad it is 255$ US before shipping....
  20. Wow, the S looks fantastik, really liking the paintshop pictures. But i am confused, when is the P coming out? I thought P coming before S
  21. thanks guys, for all the tips, really appreciate it.
  22. anyone?
  23. HI everyone, Can you please help me give a Dollar Value range for selling some of these old loose Yamato Macross Toys? I have no room, so might as well they go to someone who does. 1) Yamato 1/48th Stealth with FPs set. Still have the original boxes. It has been transformed about 10 times. I have applied the skull stickers on the heatshield and on the FPs 2) Yamato 1/48th 25th Aniversary VF-1S, no stickers applied, transformed about 10 times, and still have original box. 3) Yamato 1/60th 25th Aniversary YF-19, no stickers applied, transformed about 10 times, and still have original box. Again, these are loose, not new in box. Your help is greatly appreciated. Also, if puting it on ebay, what minimum value do you recommend starting it at, if not puting a fixed amount? Thanks in advance.
  24. Amoror looks great. Will look even better if valk had gold visor
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