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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Where can we get Fansproject toys, other that Big Bad Toys? I want to get the new Quake Wave once pre-orders are up, and I live in Canada.
  2. fun movie, and everyone stayed awake during the movie, even those friends that can normally not take a long movie without sleeping. Everyone seemed pleased, and so was i.
  3. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, thats cool
  4. I have seen a few movies in both normal 3D and Imax 3D, and the 3D in the normal screen just doesnt come out as well, or dont see the 3d well at all, and feel blah, thinking i overpaid for 3D. The Imax 3D (or even 2D) has a much bigger screen and better sound, thus you feel much more part of the movie. Trust me, once you try Imax movie, it is hard to go back to regular screen, even for 2D. Watching Avatar in Imax 3D, it felt like on your right side and left side, the grass / background was there, and you were really in the movie, and you didnt have to tilt to see your sides, but you could feel it. I have to say Avatar was the most amazing in terms of 3D at Imax, as you felt the background was sometimes around you, or that the forground went deep into the screen. I also recently went to Kennedy Space Center in Florida, and they had 2 Imax movie, both in Imax 3D, and it was nice, and though sometimes it did blurr a bit, most of the time, you felt like you were in the back of the astraunots, or in the internation space centre, and i guess its the closest feeling to being actually there with relatively low cost. Also, at some of the imax (not all), the glasses are much bigger / better viewing than the regular cheap ones from normal 3d cinema, again helping with the experience. I hear for this movie specially, you should avoid the regular 3D, and go either 2D or if you can find an Imax 3D, then do that instead. I went on a tuesday, so i saved some on the admission.
  5. What's the point of 3D if it is not IMAX 3D??? Not sure why people bother going to 3d regular (the 3D in it has never been wowy), instead of 2D, when it is not Imax 3D. Anyways, saw it in Imax 3D last night, of course, and yea, great movie / story, and really liked how it linked to the LOTR, seemed so much better visually than the LOTR now, but that is to be expected. I was thinking it could have been LONGER, yea that's right, not shorter, but LONGER. I dont understand why people would want it to be shorter by half an hour, unless they were bored out of their minds, or dont truly enjoy the little details and want the sumary in 1 hour so they can go do other things.... that's not me, and feel that because it is well made, it gives better value to the money spent (if it was a crappy movie though, with just special affects, like Battleship, one of the worst movies, yea rap it up in half an hour), !!! Anyways, agree with SMS, and will have to see the proper extended versions when they come out. I know for me, it makes all the difference. I didnt like the Two Towers so much before seing the extended version, after which, it became one of my favorates, and I can never go back regular, but i guess we are forced to have it in the movies for the washroom break and make more viewers happy. So if you liked / worshiped the LOTR, go see the Hobbit in 2D or Imax 3D now you silly!!!!
  6. hmmm, urge for ponification rizing.... think i will watch an episode or two if i get the time after i watch Human Planet. Cant find any good cartoons on tv nowadays anyways.... not sure when tron uprising / green lantern will make more episodes, and the avengers show ended, so let me give ponies a try, afterall, i cant remember much about it when i was young anyways.
  7. wow, that really looks like original parts / color, thats is amazing. I too was had gotten really crappy casts from someone in the forum, about two years ago i think. The communication / wait was sooo long, quality was as bad as shown in the pictures, and as I thought maybe thats the only quality available at that point in time. I remember back in the older days, I think maybe NightmareB$Macross was offering good quality one (i could be wrong though if it was NightmareB4Chrismas, so i appologize if it was someone else), then it changed to someone else (very unfortunate), and I guess I am not aloud to name the person (havent read all the forum rules, but guessing from how others havent said it either), i got really slow response / forgetting about orders / crappier and crappier quality from one order to the other, outrageous shipping quote as compared to before, etc... I even remember another member asking me about how i found the responses, as he was telling me the person doesnt respond back to his messages very often or preciselly to the questions asked. I've had the seller forget my orders or request a few times. Quiete frustrating actually. And now, when i see the quality work that EXO has done here, i honnestly have trouble believing what i am seing, it seems absolutely perfect, wow, excellent job.
  8. I like the scheme for the batroid mode, quiete nice (so was the original one too actually), but the fighter mode looks very strange, awkward actually with the black front and noce cone, yet the wings white.... In my opinion, this would be much nicer if they did the front white like the wings (nose cone and pilot area), and keep it black only from where the skull starts. As I would keep it most of the time in Batroid mode, it is not a disaster, but still, paying for this to be nice in at least 2 of the modes, otherwise one could just get the model....
  9. wow, saw the first 3 episodes, and this is my favorate series playing right now. The music and animation is a treat.
  10. i liked the episode in general, but couldnt stand Liono's whining to chetara... He is the leader of the thundercats afterall, not some cry baby, and he specially deserved being bombed after being so coky with tigra about it in the previous episodes. I for one would preffer seing Liono as a more mature and strong type, like the old series, which he is at some times, and other times, oh man...... All in all, i am happy to have the show back. That and the green lantern (really really enjoying that one), and soon to come , the avengers second season.
  11. i am so exited about this and Batman (and maybe the avengers), but this the most, trailer is absolute awsomeness.
  12. Graham, can you pls address the point made by Chronocidal above, what is the logic behind it from Yamato's stance?
  13. woohoo, i got my wish, in your face liono!!!!
  14. Oh my god, i didnt realise it, it is Cannon Folder fault!!!! My dreams have been shatered!!!!
  15. Finally, a nice pic of the batroid!!!! I still cant tell if this has a neck and head can point down a bit though.
  16. My Choice is Invids / inbids / and intrepids!!! hehehe, sorry, i wish this was number one picked and the chosen one. At that price, i would buy ALL the invids types, and display it on my head if i cant find room in my house!!! Now, the order is hard to pick which invid I want, but here goes: 1) Black/White Invid Leader / Gamo, SOOOOO want this, but not sure it will be nice in this toy line 2) The red crab / Iigaa. Actually, this could be #1, specially for this toy line 3) Shock Trouper / Gurab (not the scout, has to have those big guns) 4) Gosu, i want the purple one, but any color woudl be fine!!!! I would want all these!!!!
  17. i think the low vis scheme (or dobber milatary scheme) would win all the time vrs the stealth in demand. Wish they had made it for the yf-21 (and before i had bought it)
  18. i want Tigra to win the heart of Chetara, Liono doesnt deserve her as much as Tigra.
  19. I remember the vf-2ss and vf-17 being most popular request for the next valk!!!! But the way thigns are going, even if they make my favorate valk, the vf-2ss, at proabably 400 - 500 $/ea, I couldnt afford it anyways!!! High cost of production and low value of the dollar makes this unfeasable now for many that could afford these a year or two ago..
  20. Yamato is not going to make it, eventhough it looks sweet!!!!
  21. honnestly, why should Yamato listen to us for what to make next, like the VF-4 or other valks, when the vf-17 was one of the top wanted toys from Yamato to make next in these forums, and now many people are skipping it because they dont like it the fatness, or the price, or some other excuse. Myself included!!! Now the vf-11 is out cause not enough demand to make more repaints, the vf-22 didnt do too well and always on discount, and we dont see too many vf-1 repaints either. Only toys that do well seem to be the main characters of the main shows... But I really wonder if this toy will do well, like the vf-19 is doing. If not, there probably will be only 1 more repaint of this valk. Time will tell.
  22. I think she looks great too !!!
  23. oh yea baybe, loved the first one, and going for this one too!!!!
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