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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Hi, Anyone used this head before, or seen it being used on a VF-1 1/48th before? https://www.shapeways.com/model/735327/autobot-jetfire-head-ver-1-revised.html?li=cart&materialId=5 It says it is made for 1/60, but looks too big for it. Any pics you may have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. @Exo, Thanks, I just pm you on that @ CoreD Thanks also, will have to contact them to see if it works for the yamato vf-1 1/48.
  3. Hi everyone. So I have a yamato 1/48 vf-1a with booster, not getting much love now. Thought I'd give it a repaint and a new head. Problem is, where can I currently get a head that would fit. I guess a vf-1s head would do, though not sure who can still get that from, but otherwise, even a custom head. Didn't find anything on shapeways. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance. regards
  4. haha, thanks for sharing, that was great
  5. Ah man, Apocalypse, the coolest bad guy ever in the marvel world!!! I hope they really make him worthy!!! But 2016, ah man, what a wait!!!
  6. + 1 on this. Bovis is alot of fun. Finally something that looks fantastic AND is tough AND you can drop without any worries (just broke my yf-19 when it fell off my stand) AND is fun!!! If i consider the whole combiner as 1 figure, then this is the first time i am buying 400 - 500 $ for a toy (actually 5 - 6), but this will be alot funner that any Valks i have, and will be the best toy (s) ever. I am also getting Hexatron now. MMC is really delivery beautifull and fun toys. Sure, i love all my valks, especially my vf-19 fire valk, they are all wonderful display units, but after the 1/48 era, i feel that this is the first time i have a toy that is both easy to transform and has super tight joints, AND for the first time, i dont fear it can brake. Definetly worth getting. Sure would also love a yf-19 from Arcadia for a display piece only, but more than happy with my vf-19s and fire, and Arcadia is beyond my price reach now, and am extremely happy switching to MMC and Fans Toys transformers for the heavy massive plastic feel, easy transformation, and fun factor of always wanting to handle my toys. This is ALOT of bang for the bucks guys, MMC products are not overpriced at all. MMC has announced that they will be making an Overlord too!!!
  7. This looks like the best / nicest /coolest toy that will ever be mass produced on planet earth at below 500$!!! Just wow, I wish I could afford it, it is just so beautiful.
  8. Ah Common!!!! Anyone? VF-19 from Batroid to Fighter?
  9. Thanks Jenius, but I want to go from Batroid to fighter if possible.
  10. oh man, i mistyped, i meant the vf-19
  11. Hi, can someone post the video instructions for transforming the VF-17 from Batroid back to fighter? I am stuck in Batroid, and dont know how to transform it back!!!
  12. wish list is 200$... realistic number base on the vf-1s is double that 300 - 400$. If they do a second run in 2015 and this gets good reviews, I might be able to put all my money aside for that one... probably they wont do it though. If it is above 400$, I am out forever, and will just enjoy my vf-17.
  13. well, this mold seems... absolutely perfect.... and.... extremely expensive...and probably will be the most sought out valk ever... aw man, and that display case, holy molly. If I had known a few years back of course that something this grand would be made, I would have traded / sold / not bought at least 3-4 of my remaining valks, where I have only less than 10 now. Honestly, this and VF-19 Fire as my two most awesome made valks ever (and leader, and favorite characters in all macross), each in a display like that on it's own, wow.
  14. umm, wow, out of no-where... i thought we were done... Does anybody know how much this thing will be? The only reason i was able to get vf-19s and fire are because they were like 135 and 167 USD each when Yamato went kapout, and the old yf-19 was like 165$ at the time it was released. If this thing is gonna be 300 - 400 $ again, it wouldnt be worth it for me to start selling my old ones as i couldnt afford the new one anyways. Well, good to hear that macross toys will still be going (other than bandai), i just hope the prices wont be insane and the quality will be there, as it was on the vf-19's
  15. The story of how 3 companies came to make a Predaking combiner. Actually, MMC and TFC used to be "buddies". and tried to stay off each other's territory. MMC asks TFC if they are doing Predaking, so that if they are, they do something else. TFC tells them no problem, go right ahead, we are not doing it. MMC starts doing it, but UC comes out first, and MMC is pressed to get their demos / sculpt out sooner than expected so people see the option before all buying the UC. TFC secretely does predaking behind MMC's back. MMC wins the heart of many, if not most, with their beautifull design and engineering and fantastic communication with the public. MMC finds out about TFC secret plan later through some of their contacts, and now they are stuck, the small market must be shared into three, and the risks are high for them. TFC finally announces their Ares project. MMC and TFC product are much superior to UC. Some people start changing from MMC camp to TFC, due to the clean and beautiful design / look, whilst other prefer the MMC design and engineering and communication and stay true. Now, the waiting game till products start coming out from both MMC and TFC, which will be in the next few months. UC suffers due to extremely simplistic design and prices come down. TFC vs MMC Leo: - In Beast, MMC looks like it has much more flexibility and livelyhood, whilst TFC looks like a bear, and huge cannons and a nice tail, but some compare him to a cute kitty cat than an aggressive beast. - In Robot Mode, TFC is clean and blocky, with a head scult hated by many (myself included) / whilst loved by others as it is that of the cybertonian look. The nice large cannons are noticeble. But many dont like the closed fists with holes in them for such a detailed character. MMC on the other hand has a beautifull head sculpt, which many preffer, and looks good in general, and cannons are not bad in this mode. - Combined mode. Many people start noticing the nice head sculpt of TFC (myself included), and again those nice large Cannons, as well as the abs and well detailed crotch protector. Personnaly, I find this to be their best mode, and a safe and classic look. On the other hand, the head sculpt of MMC looks at first not as nice, but with further look and comparison, it is very unique, and does not bring the feeling of a good guy or heroic as many have stated. The back cannons are much smaller, but it is confirmed that the wings fit well in the back, though my guess is so will the TFC version. The TFC overall looks very detailed and clean, whilst the MMC looks bad ass and chunky, with a larger head to suit the combined mode. Hopefully, the TFC head wont be too small for the rest of the body, we shall see in time. MMC has done their design to allow alot of flexibility, such as making the combined mode look like a shiva by attaching multiple arms, and by even giving the option (and absolutely not necessary) of a 6th member, which will be tigra as a limb, making divebomb go completely as a back-pack if this is purchased. This makes an army of predacons possible, with all members being able to combine. This would become very expensive though, and many wont be able to afford that however, myself included. Not much is known or announced from TFC at this time, more to come soon i am sure. On MMC, we are given alot of updates and questions answered from one of the designer, and many little upgrades done from original design, some of which were thanks to fellow members giving valid / feasable requests. The transformations are said to be simple, reducing the time to go from beast to robot to combined, so you wont feel like you have to go through a lot of hastle to keep changing every so often, and also we are told that these will be fun to play with, not just display, and leave it. We will see if both these claims are right once products are actually out, as nothing is certain yet. As for TFC, you probably heard of the Uranos project, bringing much uproars, but maybe this one will be different, only time will tell. There is certainly enough difference between the two sets, that many will get both.
  16. guys, the MMC Predaking looks awesome, but in order to get it, I need to sell some of my used Yamato toys at low prices, in fact, I would need to sell 4 of them: 1x YF-19 25th anniversary, 1x vf-0s, 1x vf-0a, 1x vf-s 25th anniversary Would I be crazy to do this? I am losing big time compared to how much I bought them for. Buying 3rd party is not cheap, specially when not on the early bird.
  17. wow, nice of all the 19!!!! I have now 3 of them opened, and one in box awaiting my birthday in end of june (vf-19S). Can you post a few more, different poses and in gerwalk and batroid. Oh by the way, Homuru, i have always liked the photos you posted of the 19, always gave me inspiration for poses, so thanks dude!!!!
  18. Not sure about delays either, but depends what you mean. I think the first toy is due in July or August. They first have to release their other figure (sixatron?), I believe in June / July. It is best they finish and release that one first, then only do the Predaking figures each month or two. From what I understood, it's Bovis, then the bird (divebomb), then Leo, then Rino, and finally the Catra, then followed by the 6th character, likely Tigra. Also, likely that TFC's supposed Predaking will be doing a real announcement (pics) before any of the MMC figures are out, from Griffith's earlier comment.
  19. wow, that's real nice, and makes everything much clearer. Thanks for sharing
  20. I have been a trek fan and have seen almost all episodes of each series, and have seen every movie. I loved this one a lot, and consider it as one of my favorites, along with Wrath of Khan and Star Trek First Contact. I didn't go looking for loopholes or reviews before seeing the movie, just went ahead and saw it at the Imax. I enjoyed it so much, I will be buying the blue ray when it does come out. This one was definitely, to me at least, much better than the first star trek by jj Abrahams. If my head were analysing every bit and paying attention to the loop holes, I could probably find some stuff to wine about, but I just went in there, and enjoyed the movie, and liked the surprises, as I hadn't and gone reading all the spoilers and forums beforehand. So if you still haven't read too much into the forum and all the spoilers or critics, then go and see the movie, and you might just enjoy it, or not.
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