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Everything posted by Arthurius

  1. Do you guys recommend one of these, and if so, if only one, for someone that has no connection to characters, which and why? I stopped watching Macross after Frontier, so i am not up to speed on anything released after that, even Frontier only saw the original show and 1 movie of it, not sure if it continued... I just want to make separate Jet Mode and the Girl separate too. I think I like the VFG VF-31 in the Yellow or Blue the most, followed by the red. Not sure if they are all the same quality and good looks. Thanks in advance.
  2. So like 10 - 15 years ago, i had seen a member here repainting their Yamato YF-21 in like a low vis / realistic colors. It was my dream to one day get those colors.... I got my HG in 2024 (mid year i think), and decided to just put a grey primer spray on the blue parts. The rest, just put a clear coat. Really just basic and lazy way, and that took me a few days of primer coat on the seams, and 1 full day to build it and put a bit of detailing it on it. Didnt even go over the cut blue bits, and didnt even bother putting light gray paint, good enough with primer spray can, at least for me... So a patient and more skillful member can do a real job would blow this out of the water, but for me, i absolutely LOVE my newb toy, looks like what i saw 10 - 15 years ago that i always wanted. But you can see all the faults on the pics, so some light matching paint might be good... It just really needs me to get my air brush back in action, and see if i can do a finish clear coat with it (not sure if i have to mix it or straight) for a more finished job. Oh, and i havent even done transformation yet to jet mode, it looks already so awesome to my own eyes... Oh, and i did also get a YF-19, and put a white primer on the beige stuff, cause i always wanted a white YF-19 i've seen custom builders do. But, i typically only get 1 day near christmas to build... hopefully can do get one before then this year, as i'd like to buy and paint a VF-1S into Jetfire too one day (my next dream), as well as getting a VF-22 Gamlin that i would paint in gloss black or just clear coat, as both my son and i love the black / yellow as is. Heh, hopefully HG does VF-11 white one too...
  3. Anywhere one can get this from? Didnt see it on Nin Nin Game nor CD Japan. Wait for Mandarake in a few months? The old version is currently at 16k yen.
  4. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Anybody has the same issue as me, got two large closed fists of same side instead of both sides. Maybe we can trade? Dealer told me manufacturer wont help for this issue.
  5. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Thank you very much, preordered from there.
  6. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    I just found out today that there was preorders for the VF-19 Kai, so obviously i missed out on a preorder, and this is a big one for me as need in my collection (was sad i had to sell my 1/60th, but needed to downsize, and 1/100 is the perfect scale for me) Need recommendations. Wait for Mandarake? Wait for 1 month before release and check in every day with CD Japan and HLJ and Amiami? Thanks in advance.
  7. Which shops will you guys be using?
  8. Where will you guys get your HMR of this when preorders go live? Is CD Japan a good place for great price on this? I have bought some SH Figuarts figures from them, and they were good, but nothing Macross, and havent bought any Macross for a few years now.., but want of the VF-0a and later on, the VF-19 Kai. I live in Canada, and prefer to avoid HLJ as it tends to get duty / tax charged vs Amiami for example. Thanks in advance.
  9. Man, i am so hyped for this Movie. Hoping i can get my hands on some nice articulated figures of Mile / Gwen / Peter from the 2nd movie, but i am late to the party and no PO open at HLJ / Amiami /AE, and not wanting to buy from US etailers that are much more expensive for me.
  10. Thanks guys. I live in Canada, so US etailers would not be an option for me, as they charge alot more in Duty / Freights then it would be from Asia. Other than HLJ / Amiami / Anime Export, are there other asian etailers you guys buy figures from with success?
  11. Which shops do you typically try to get preorders for SH Figuarts figures on Preorder, when HLJ / Amiami / Anime Export are sold out? I am late to the party and would really like to get the SH Fig Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy for the new movie coming out.
  12. In robot mode, does this one look as pristine and awesome as the vf2ss (without armour) and vf1s?
  13. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    Ok, i guess i would only be interested in the VF-0S or VF-0A by itself. I wouldnt put the extra armor on it anyways (as i have removed it from my Macross 2). I probably favor the VF-0S over 0A as i like the white on my white shelves, but i love grey too, cant lie... ;). Probably would not be interested in 2 seaters VF-0, just plane old VF-1S and VF-0A, simple, nice in all modes. That said, would have liked the VF-1D 2-seaters Max tv wedding style... Probably dont care about anything else past these 2 series until a +/7, ie YF-19 / YF-21... VF-19 Kai or Blazzer / VF-22 Max or black one Oh, and dont care about anything other than HMR line... I like small Macross bots and i cannot lie
  14. Arthurius

    Hi-Metal R

    1) can someone give me the link for this video of the VF-0S? 2) you guys super excited for an October release? That is like decades away for me... tons of things can happen in between now and then... I cant even think beyond June / July right now.
  15. I would for sure remove the head and pop back on. I would remove anything possible actually, if i know which ones can come off, and repop in. And I dont care for perfect transformation at all, i just want it gone from mode to mode without any hindrance...
  16. Anyways, is she worth transforming? Is it much better looking in cyclone mode then bike? I am currently hesitating transforming my Fuke cyclone from the bikers mode and see it potentially break. I really do like posing her, and even her helmetless head looks okay to me now. I know i paid twice a figma figure that doesnt transform, but... it is a pretty nice "figma" figure nonetheless ;). Maybe i need to see more videos of her in cyclone mode before i make up my mind, and i have a feeling if I do transform her, i may want to keep it that way, though then i wont be able to re-use the helmetless head anymore which has also it's charm, and will need the stand. Finally, anyone else have trouble with the stand for the bike itself? The port on the bottom of the bike doesnt work for me to fit with port of the stand, but it does fit with the figure itself to hold her for flying mode... Not sure i am doing something wrong.
  17. Personally I dislike seing the comments such as "you dont like it, dont buy it"... and yes, it is INSULTING towards the other purchasers that read it.
  18. fantastic job Mog, wow, truly amazing.
  19. Got her yesterday, and... Yes she is Pink... but... I still love her aesthetics... Its not perfect for the price, but not that bad either that i have regrets of getting her at all, quite happy actually, but yes, red would have been better. I would still pick it again if having to decide between this version and the black camera girl version when choosing only one. Ideal would have been flat red or flat metallic (sparkly) red. Yes, its not the best facial expression or eyes size on helmetless head... but... I still love her aesthetics with it... it is quite usable still, and happy to at least have the extra head. I may get eye decals if i can find any eventually, not sure where to look, but if not, no biggy, just that i would have liked a more happy and joyful face expression with bigger funny eyes. Yes, its glossy surface vs prefered flat... but... I still love her aesthetics... not perfect at all for the price, but, damn its still very nice. Havent transformed her yet, not sure i will or when i will, just going to enjoy posing and playing in bike mode and using the display stand for a while,, with different head options. It's quite good for posing as is. Not sure how much it will add to transform her, but will decide later.. Still very happy with my purchase, unless i break her while transforming 😛
  20. I am ok with the face with helm, but the one without looks like they took one of the other existing heads from the other riders and just added blonde hair... The test shot look more pristine then the final product. Hopefully just the camera / lighting....
  21. And do i get a prize for paying more than everyone else here? Damn, i paid 186 USD shipped to Canada from HLJ... and that is using Fedex, not even DHL... argg, i dont know why i POed from HLJ all those month ago, maybe easier to cancel, cant remember, but oh well.
  22. Well, only been waiting for 15+ years for this moment... to finally own the Fuke/Rook ride armor, and kinda getting excited. This will probably be my last "super expensive" (over 200USD), and apparently from some of the comments over priced, collectible i ever add to my collection (well, 2022 at least...). Only other toy i own from this company is their Iron Giant, which i LOVE LOVE LOVE.
  23. Same, but trying out Fedex to see how it goes with that method of shipping.
  24. So currently May 2022, huh, ok, good to know that is sort of original expectations, which may get delayed. I have my preorder up with HLJ, but wondering if i should switch to a China located one like Show Z, to avoid Tax / Duty, as i live in Canada. It will probably be a few extra months of wait though...lol. Also, there is mandarake that may have one available at release, and not caring about boxes, that might work for me. Lets see, who knows, i might not be patient by then... I stopped all collection of my 3rd party Transformers until i can get my Hooket, as it was the 1 figure I wanted back when 3 - 4 companies were making these and they almost all stopped when they got to Hooket...
  25. dont mind me, just waiting on news / release of RED Cyclone... been dry for me personally on any purchases of collectible for at least 8 months now, awaiting this one basically... yeah, feels long even for an "ex" plastic addict such as myself
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