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Everything posted by mitch

  1. Yeah, the examples they had on show the other year looked great, its such a shame that it looks like we won't be seeing them (and not the first time redesigned heads have failed to make it to production if I remember correctly ). I got so impatient waiting that I did the mod myself on my custom strike '1S. I was able to get it to tuck in about 6mm or so but there's not too much room in the heads when you take into account the bar for the head lasers. If someone did manage to re-engineer the heads for a production release I'd be all over it, but I'm not pinning my hopes on it at this stage. Still, it's a testament to the design that it's still getting re-released 2 decades after it was first introduced. The old Taka's are a real work of art. I found an old SDF-1 at SDCC this year and I was overjoyed. It's the same one that my Father got for me when I was a kid and its what got me hooked on giant robots. Diecast components, ratchet joints... Awesome!
  2. I also prefer the grittier take on the Macross universe as seen in 'Plus and 'Zero. Something I thought would be neat to do would be having a series of 6 or so mini-episodes, maybe only 15 mins run-time each, that are independent stories that fill in some gaps in the Macross (like the Animatrix or Gotham Knight animations for example). You could have episodes that focus on Destroid crews, civilians rebuilding after Space War 1 and preparing to set off to colonize other worlds, a full episode of insane dog-fights, an aspiring singer's 1st show, stuff like that. Also, what I really hope they do is a Flashback 2059 where they take a selection of Ranka's and Sheryl's songs and animate a concert for them or do animated music videos (and ALL NEW animation this time if you don't mind!). The Music of Macross F is justification enough for this surely!
  3. Do you know who the manufacturer of that helmet is and what it's model is called?
  4. Essentially, yes, but the ones that were potentially going to be released 'stateside by Toynami boasted redesigned heads with collapsible necks, and would have featured valks like the '1D and others that were either never released or fan favorites.
  5. Just wanted to say a quick thank you to KiriK, >EXO< and everyone responsible for putting on such a great event. It was brilliant to finally put some faces to names and make some new friends. If next year we have the option of having it in spring or fall that would suit me fine as it wouldn't be sandwiched between Anime Expo and SDCC, but as long as it happens I'll be there. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun, where everyone there is so laid back and up for a good time. From the SDF-1 cake to the Karaoke, from the guest speakers to the competitions, it was wonderful! If there's anything I can do to help make 2010's con even better, I'm up for it.
  6. Thanks, I used the original feet on this project. I clamped a metal straight-edge to the top of the foot where I wanted the 'lip' to be to keep the line straight and sanded them, then I scribed the line around the base of the feet. The insides were just masked and sprayed to give the illusion of depth.
  7. Indeed, there was someone there on saturday wearing a DYRL flightsuit. I remember when those pictures were taken, I'd just come back from gtting a Gurren Laggann art book signed by two of it's directors and went to the lobby and found a ton of Macross cosplayers! It was awesome to see so many of them in one place, and not just from Frontier, but DYRL and M7 too! It was brilliant, marred only by the fact that I DIDN"T HAVE A CAMERA!!! AAAAARGH! Also there was one of the best Ozma's I'd ever seen as well as a Luca and a Brera. Basara even brought along some Fire Bomber on a stereo. Another fun fact: one of the guys in the Anime Expo Idol contest sang "Get Free" for his entry, and half-time at the Masquerade was the winner of last year's AX Idol who sang 'Ai Oboete Imasuka' with accompaniment from two local school orchestras. If anyone else was there, I was the one going ape-sh*t and making a tit of myself. Good times...
  8. Well, I'm glad I went and got the Tamashi 'exclusive' Super Packs. The blue on the 'movie' version reminds me of the re-issue VF-1S bandai did a few years ago, but I prefer the darker tones on military pieces. The '25 under it looks interesting, but I won't be shelling out for it. The armored '25's look cool, I suspect that they will get some more decal apps before production. I wonder how long they will keep milking the '25? After re-issues, re-sculpts, fold versions, movie versions, etc I'm starting to get tired of it. Hasn't someone told Bandai that if they did the 171 they could easily get their money's worth re-painting that and reissuing that over and over again? Variety is the spice of life and the salt & pepper '25 needs some company (ON MY TOY SHELF!! BWA HA HA HA HA!).
  9. The panel lines were done with Tamiya 'smoke'.I was hoping that the paint's translucency would keep them subtle, but keeping the line's depth consistent wasn't happening so I had to make them pretty solid, but at least they are easy enough to clean up with alcohol and a Q-tip. Next time I'll go for something more gray to reign them in a bit. Plus, I found out that Gundam Marker panel liners don't react well to lacquers, so they may not be for everyone.
  10. My favorite is probably my latest baby... While Yamato undeniably has the most accurate sculpts I still love the 1/55's. You know you're doing something right when what is essentially the same design is still being reissued over 20 years later. That said, the Thunder Hammer design is grade A awesome, but since this is about what I have in my own collection...
  11. Oh yeah! It's on like Donkey Kong!
  12. I would recommend Tamiya brand masking tape for anyone wishing to give painting their base a go. It gives cleaner lines and since I first tried it I've never used anything else since.
  13. Thank you, it's like miriya said, it seems a shame that thigh swivels were never added since I think it adds so much more to the poseability and the visual dynamics of such a classic design. it was seeing the result of the thigh mods done by Skull-1 and others, as well as the designs for 1/55's with retractable necks from San Diego Comicon last year (I'm still holding out hope, Toynami..!) that got me inspired to give this a go. Here are a couple of pictures of the Gunpod that I forgot to post... Thanks again to DyNo for supplying the recast DYRL hands and big F for the tip.
  14. This the one you are talking about Dobber? Sounds intreaguing... Anyone good enough with photoshop to knock out a concept with the stated re-coloring?
  15. Thank you! I may do some other members of Skull squadron some day, you never know. Right now I'm working on a Strike pack for this one, and I've got about 3 other Macross projects ready to go after this, but I can potentially get more of the wing missiles casted, along with the inserts for the forearms to hold the hands. The main problem would be doing the thigh swivels since I was able to use a pillar drill to make sure the sockets would be correctly aligned, but thats just the way I do them. If anyone else would like to do Roy, Max, etc. then I'd be happy to help out in supplying recasts of some of the accessories or info on techniques.
  16. Thank you! The cockpit and pilot were custom made. I casted the pilot from a toynami 'masterpiece' and sculpted on the DYRL shoulder pads, made the display screen from styrene and cut a space for the pilot in the existing cockpit from the 1/55.
  17. I just want to say a big thank you to all the members of MW and the Chunky Mafia (1/55’s FTW!!!) who took an interest and offered advice and support, as well as Adam, Larry, Scott, Matt and Philippe for all their help. Pictures were taken by Mikey J.
  19. GERWALK The Gunpod was modified so that it can still fire the ‘missiles’ that come packaged with it, but retains the lines of the original artwork. The ‘trigger’ pops up when the missile is inserted and lays flush with the barrel of the gunpod when unloaded. The strap was made from materials available in any good craft/hobby store (I went to Kit Kraft Inc. in Universal City, California 818-509-9739).
  21. Well, it’s taken about 6 months but the main body of the VF-1S Hikaru custom that I started way back in January is done. I’m currently working on the Strike Pack and hope to be able to show it off before too long. So without further ado, I humbly present… FIGHTER
  22. I picked up a copy a few days ago (the going rate at Anime Expo was about $32). I've had a chance to flick through it a couple of times and there's some really nice stuff (like Graham said, mostly kit work, but obviously professionally done to bring out the best in them). The line-art is good to see, but by no means completely encyclopedic. My personal favorite was seeing the Alto and Ozma customs done up with Sheryl and Cathy designs respectively (with Cathy looking SMOKING HOT!! Giggidy giggidy giggidy goo!!!) in a kind of Minmay Guard-esque homage. I prefer the styling of the old MG scheme, but nicely done none the less. As much as I would personally like to see something more akin to the Shoji Kawamori Design works, so much mechanical rendering is done digitally now that there may just be less 2D reference produced, so I guess this is the next best thing, especially since a majority of publications (Macross Chronicles excluded) have focused almost entirely on the human/zentraedi characters. Hopefully we'll get some different MF valks in kit and DX form someday and see some more books featuring them.
  23. Damn cheeky if you ask me! At least more people will be able to get hold of the super '25 now, but after all the hoops some of us have had to jump through..! You suck, Bandai! Oh, and looking forward to the armored 25S
  24. I don't recall seeing any last year (although I was only there at the weekend). Actually, come to think of it, I remember seeing a sweet VF-1S at Long Beach the year before at the Masquerade. It was able to convert to Gerwalk and had lights in the barrel of the Gunpod. I went ape-s#*t!
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