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Everything posted by Skippy438

  1. Okay ... was that Sniper Wolf? I mean, they didn't show her except for a second, but I'll be damned if it didn't look exactly like her ... And young Ocelot looks dumb ... But other than that I think it looks aprettypretty good. And the dude who looks like Raiden ... time travel??
  2. I work for Radio Shack, so I see those things all day every day, but I've never actually played with one, how are they?
  3. That looks like all those police cars like the Skyline we got pics of earlier in the thread. Is that from a series or something?
  4. Personally, I love how M Night Shamaylan gives us SO MUCH. The simple fact that he would grace us with M Night Shamaylan's The Sixth Sense, but M Night Shamaylan's Signs was just fabulous! And now I can't believe we're getting M Night Shamaylan's The Woods! Granted, I know many many directors put their names on their work, but it just seems to me that when he does it he's gloating. I get the impression that in his mind, he's this huge star. His movies are just formulaic and stale, this one seems especially so. From the previews I've seen so far, it looks like Signs 2: Back to Nature. I never saw Unbreakable, but The Sixth Sense was only good if you weren't paying attention (I wasn't, I loved it at the time). Signs had a few really great scary/shocking/etc elements, but the story (especially the ending) sucked. Seems like he tried way to hard to wrap everything up for a happy ending. Some argue that the movie itself was more about a man's rediscovery of religion and not an alien invasion, but that didn't play, it seemed thrown in at the last minute to give some sort of deeper meaning. Of course, I reserve final comments on a movie until I actually see it. I thought Shrek 2 was going to be terrible, but I haven't seen a funnier movie in a while, go figure. I'm just going to wrap up my little rant here by saying that I'd have a much higher opinion of the guy if he'd take his name off the posters, he's not Spielberg yet.
  5. check out the Alternators/Binaltech thread, it's been posted there for months
  6. Maybe it's holographic like back in the day?
  7. I have missed almost all of Enterprise, which makes it extremely difficult to pick it up where I left off (which was season 1 ep 3). But I just want to draw you guys attention to some things. Star Trek shows are never really great or popular at first. The original was cancelled after three seasons, TNG didn't get a healthy bit of popularity until at the earliest midway season 3 (but most agree Best of Both Worlds sealed it's place as good). DS9 sucked until the Dominion War storyline started to pick up in season 4. And as much as people talk about hating Voyager (myself included), it was on for 7 seasons, just as long as any of the others (which seems to be the magic number for Star Trek sequels). I have a feeling Enterprise will be around for awhile. On a separate note, I would like to see a series along the lines of TNG, but that's just the part of me that longs for the return to what I consider a "good series." But I'd really like to see a series or movie that explores the 70 odd years of history between Star Trek 6 and TNG. There's alot that could be covered there, but the style of that era is just fantastic, with the more militaristic uniforms, etc. Plus I'm a sucker for Excelsior class ships.
  8. Still waiting for pics of the S2000 proto, if such a proto even exists ...
  9. That's an image from MAHQ, although it was done by Mark Simmons for the now defunct Gundam Project.
  10. Wings of Honeamise? That's most likely horribly misspelled.
  11. They want the Hi Nu from the CCA Novelizations. That pic is of the Lo Nu
  12. Just curious if there are any Irish Mac fans out there. I just found out I'll be studying abroad there this fall and wanted to know some good places to go. I'll be in studying in Dublin, specifically, but plan to travel all around.
  13. Starscreams arm is there, it's just posed upward, if you look you can see his bright blue fist.
  14. fraternity pledging has gone too far!
  15. 5000 bonus points to the first one to find pics of the S2000 proto
  16. Matsunaga and Ridden both had High Manuever Zakus, so did the Tri-Stars. Matsunaga's was white, Ridden's was dark red with elongated yellow shoulder spikes, and The Tri-Stars were dark blue with purple and black trim.
  17. Actually, I think the side story guys have a manga too, before the game came out.
  18. Finally online with my PS2 ... almost. I'm connecting through my college's LAN, and it (RE:Outbreak) seems to be connecting up until it's actually time to play a game. I used the automatic setup when I first installed it, is there some setting that I missed? I just really don't want the $90 I spent to be ultimately useless until I go home. I tried searching the PS2 forums, but those guys seem to be a-holes, so I didn't want to post anything there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Anybody mind pulling some of the pics off the site and posting them here? They aren't working for me.
  20. Galaxy by Alice Holiday? Not really sure cause I don't have access to the eps right now.
  21. I'm hella excited about the possibility of an S2000 Alternator, that is my dream car!
  22. The thing is, prices are cheaper than HLJ, due to lack of shipping. So if you don't care about box art or instructions, go for it.
  23. Just to let everybody know, TRU has finally lowered their unrealistic prices on MG kits! At least at one particular TRU in Charlotte, haven't checked anywear else. I picked up the Gundam Alex for $25, but they also had the RX-79G for $25 and the GP-02 for $50. Let me know if anybody finds the same deals elsewhere in case I need to stock up now
  24. Macross M3 ...
  25. I never read any of the Hellboy comics, but the movie was great!
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