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Everything posted by Skippy438

  1. The Animeigo 9 disc set is far superior. It's remastered for improved quality over even the original releases. On top of that, the subs are top notch. Not much in the way of special features, although I've heard that there are alot of easter eggs that I just haven't hunted for yet.
  2. In defense of old GL, the colorization of the Stooges and the SW special editions are different. The decision to make the SEs was George's, since he is the creator he has the ability to change something that he had created without compromising "fairness to the artist." The argument about the colorization of old movies is that they are often colorized without any consideration of the creators or artisans responsible. Granted, Columbia/Tristar may have gotten authorization from the Stooges estates, but those responsible for those films have been dead for decades. There are many hypocritical things that Lucas does, but this one is definitely a gray area.
  3. Anybody know any good UC wallpaper sites? Preferably Zeta era or CCA. Standard Google search yields very little.
  4. The 19 isn't even in MacII. It's only in Plus and Seven.
  5. We must be related, my name came out Fujiwara Kazuma. So did mine!
  6. Luckily we Mac guys tend to only get the decent games ported (with few exceptions), seems to filter out alot of the crap
  7. aside form the animation style i dont tihnk futurama is anything like simpsons yep, because for however long Futurama was on, it was still funny. the Simpsons, i am sad to say, has lost it for me. Sadly ...
  8. If it's at all representative of their game ... I'll pass
  9. Wow .... I don't know where to begin! Seth McFarlane has always made me laugh with his out of the blue craziness. This is going to be great. Period.
  10. Why do I see this becoming the muscle car appreciation thread?
  11. Which was awesome ... but what happened to Stargate??? I've missed alot of the preceeding episodes. When did they make O'Niell a general? What exactly have I missed lately?
  12. I think current standard is "correctible" to 20/20, but it's been a couple years since I've heard that.
  13. Maybe Max is near sighted, which is a problem in a valk cocpit (at least in fighter and gerwalk mode) because you have to look out in the distance through the canopy. In a Q-Rau, wouldn't everything be on viewscreens anyway? You don't have to squint to see something far away on a viewscreen a few inches in front of your face.
  14. Where the hell is George Clooney??? Come on people! Why is everyone accepting this? Clooney was the best Batman since Adam West!!! Seriously, I say this knowing that I'm going to see it regardless of bad reviews ... but the trailer really doesn't give me anything. Hard to give a final yay or nay on so little information. I've always been a fan of Christian Bale (American Psycho was excellent). And this movie is going to benefit from the lack of neon purple or green.
  15. It'll still be better than Matrix Revolutions ...
  16. Well ... I've only had em for a year
  17. Honestly, Jack Black might end up being the only reason I even consider seeing it. Not a big GL fan either.
  18. lol
  19. The Simpsons episode still appears on American television, I've seen it several times since it happened (although it took about a year and a half, maybe longer, to get back into rotation). I have the Spiderman trailer in question, PM me and we can figure out a way to send it maybe?
  20. Those were awesome! Except the GP-02 taking out the type 100 .... I don't know about that ...
  21. Giren's Greed came out before Gundam's US debut, so I'm not how that really applies. That said though, GG has a lot of voice work to translate and dub as well as a lot of general text and information. Not to mention the fact that more hardcore sim games don't do too well anyways... But the PS2 version came out after Gundam's US release, and as far as I can tell was drastically updated, so Bandai could've done some simultaneous translation as they were developing it.
  22. Very true, the official working language of the UN is English.
  23. But if you remember in DYRL, all the characters speak Japanese normally, but all the air traffic contollers are speaking English. There's always the chance for a multilingual society. Unless of course there's an FAA regulation requiring Air traffic controllers to speak English, I really don't know.
  24. In my experience The games have a really scary atmosphere, but once you get over that it's kinda ho-hum. It doesn't try to jolt you or shock you (say like a zombie popping out of nowhere in RE). But the style is really great, especially when they added that grainy effect to 2.
  25. Maybe, could be Wolf's similarity to the mystery girl that encouraged his recruitment of her into Foxhound. You can already see the seeds being planted with Ocelot. Wonder if we'll see Gray Fox in this game.
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