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Everything posted by Skippy438

  1. At least a foot of that height is hair
  2. Finally got a Ravage (I missed Tracks completely). They also had a Shockwave, which I really wanted. I bought Ravage since I already had Jazz and didn't have a vette of any kind. I hope it's still there later this week though ...
  3. They're replaying it on Sci-Fi right now if anyone happens to be catching this thread, it's 11:00 EST
  4. That finale was amazing! Man, July can't come fast enough. Luckily they'll have a longer season next time ...
  5. but think about how big the PSP would have to be to have a 40GB drive would be, even at the size of the iPod drives the thing would be a beast, hardly an iPod killer for most consumers.
  6. Don't forget Star Wars and Constantine. I missed the Last Starfighter references because I've never seen the movie, anyone care to enlighten me?
  7. You guys catch South Park tonight?
  8. but more capacity at what cost? I think a UMD-R/RW would be great as long as the first Gen PSPs could read them
  9. Well, Advance of Zeta does have some HGUC kits coming out before too long, not MG, but kits nonetheless.
  10. none for me yet, which is surprising considering my track record
  11. are you going to get the barrel for windcharger? I'd like to ... his gun is pretty wimpy ....
  12. I finally found a Windcharger! Nothing more really to say about it, I'm just excited as an ardent S2000 fan.
  13. They're talking Alternators Shockblast I think, which is G1 Shockwave, now an RX-8.
  14. The newest alt I've seen is Swindle, still haven't seen windcharger, grimlock, etc. I'm beginning to doubt whether I ever will.
  15. No ... nobody needs that
  16. The lyrics to the robeast rap made that sketch
  17. I was on the floor when the Cylon got hit with the wrecking ball. Classic.
  18. an RSX cop car? not too shabby
  19. as much as I would really love to see a remake of the First MG game, it's not MGS4, it's MG1, or ReMG. I just want the series to move forward too. Maybe they should port the MSX games to the GBA. They'd sell enough copies if they updated them a little.
  20. Can't see the pic of George ...
  21. He won't do another prequel. It'll go further into the Patriots storyline. You'll have to go to none other than Outer Heaven 2 or Neo Heaven when you finally track down the Patriots leader. And dun dun DUN! It's Big Boss! Alive you say? But how? The Big Boss you killed in Zanzibar Land was just a clone! Yeah, that's probably the worst possible story arc ever, but honestly, it's the only one I see Kojima coming out with ...
  22. Has it really been that long? I need a life ...
  23. Picked up a 2-pack of Energon toys from Walmart for $10 today, got Starscream and Rodimus. They're alright, I'm not married to either of them, but they're alright. I'm just wondering if I should've gotten a pack that had ones that could combine, they had Prowl there too. These are my first Energons, and my first non-Alt TFs since G2. Rodimus is really simple to transform, and Starscream is just a larger mold of the old Smokescreen that came with Dreadwing. Granted, I liked Smokescreen, but I expected more. I guess for ten bucks I can't really complain though.
  24. GAAAAAH! I still haven't found Grimlock or Windcharger. Though I'd rather have the S2000 because Wheeljack looks better than Ol' Grimey
  25. I got MSN ... how the hell did that happen??? I'm a Mac user for crissakes!
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