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Everything posted by Skippy438

  1. Come on guys, nobody needs to worry about this getting to matrix levels, it's being built by the US Army That means it'll barely get off the ground and remain in "testing" for 25 years until it's finally killed.
  2. I saw the entire series on three copies of a copy VHS, and I loved it. Even though the third tape had no sound (which in a way was better because I always found Mylene's speaking voice a little annoying), but I missed out on some of the later, cooler songs. Yes, it was silly, valks with boobs, speaker-pod firing guns, etc. But that doesn't automatically make it crap. As has been said before, to each their own. There's no sense in trying to make people hate or love something they don't. And I like VF-19s in blue, it's a good look.
  3. I'm still under the impression that there will be no Alternator Jets. Although a new line of all jet transformers could be in the works, somewhere in the ether. Transformers: Afterburners??? But licensing would be a bitch
  4. That made my day right there! Alternators are beginning to disappoint me. And I think it's just the prevalence of American cars at this point, yeah we've got the Impreza, and an RX-8 is somewhere in the distance, but where're the Honda's? The Mitsus? Muscle cars were never really my thing.
  5. Well, HLJ has Energon Megs listed as Galvatron, and his head is identical to Galvatron's.
  6. That thing is identical to the Magellan class warship from Gundam! Well, except for the colors. Pic Link
  7. Trogdor is awesome, but I also love Craaaaaazy Cartoon and Personal Favorites. Now Spell: Doooooooooooooooouuuble Duece.
  8. It still has it's great funny moments, but do I need to bring up the reality show episode, with guest star Sguigy from Laverne and Shirley?
  9. This is sounding like the last rally cry of the Simpsons. They need to end the series, then focus their whole attention to a good script, not write one while their putting out crappy episodes. It kills me to say the Simpsons needs to end ... I had a Bartman t-shirt in the first grade, before they got banned. But they have just run out of ideas and started resorting to gimmicks, as well as topical humor from years prior. It seems a sad end to the greatest show of all time.
  10. Macross Plus, you get to fly more powerful valks without the extreme possibility of death. There seemed to be alot less pilots getting shot down in that opening scene of Mac Plus
  11. There's a town near mine that has one 5.0 Mustang police intercepter. And I mean ONE. One lucky cop not to get stuck in a crown vic
  12. Looks like he might have two weapons instead of just one ... where did that engine go?
  13. GAH! Dude had to make the only one that counted .... I'm just pissed because I go to the school where the Panther's hold their training camp. Our gym is named after Jerry Richardson for chrissakes! Not to mention I'm from just south of charlotte, and I went to the first Panthers game ever, before they had a stadium and where playing at Clemson ... but I digress. When MW is down, I go to sleep.
  14. Sigh ... What's stopping me from researching on the internet about Pixar's new movie The Incredibles (which doesn't come out til november) or their even newer film which information just popped up about, copying it in a foreign country in a different format (i.e. movie to book) and get it published at a small firm just to get it out before-hand and then sue Pixar. Granted, this is far-fetched, but this guys story just sounds ... fishy. Pun intended.
  15. I so badly want a Honda S2000 Starscream! My favorite car and my favorite transformer in one! That would make my year, honestly!
  16. Anybody notice that on Sideswipe's tires it says "Cybertronian Radial"? a nice touch indeed
  17. I got Sideswipe tonight at Wal Mart! He's kinda awkward looking ... and his hand doesn't like to hold the gun, but he's much easier to transform than ol' smoky, with the exception of the arms, I cannot for the life of me figure out how many steps hasbro skipped in the instructions. I need to look back and search for the binaltech ones, I'm thinking those might help a bit. Anybody know where I can find his alternate transformation sequence?
  18. Yeah ... it's really weird that I feel like such a part of this community even though for the most part I only check posts a few times a day and rarely post myself ... maybe I should work on that
  19. I love sealab, and I've had all of these downloaded for months, so I guess I'd have to agree Too bad your ass got saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacked
  20. Macross is an acronym for Macro-Space-Ship, MacroSS in other words. Seems a little foolish that it landed on macro space ship island
  21. Very true, but I find that true of most other boards on the internet no matter the subject. And though I am a UC elitist, I do have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed wing the first time it was shown, I tried not to miss a single episode, but during this time I discovered the Gundam Project and what at the time was Burke's mecha website (That eventually became MAHQ). By the fifth or sixth showing of wing it was starting to leave a bad taste in my mouth.
  22. Unfortunately the older fans are even worse. The bulk of the Gundam fanbase sadly are just completely obnoxious, especially the UC elitists. nothing wrong with being a UC elitist
  23. MAHQ, Fantoysia, the Gunota Headlines Blog is the only blog I've ever liked (I mean ever, I hate blogs). Or you could just go to archive.org and get the archives of Gundam Project to reminesce, or see what you missed out on, depending. Gundamofficial is getting much better, their glossaries are becomming more complete. But who knows what will happen when gundam.com comes back, if it comes back.
  24. I thought the deal was that it was a car-only line, no jets, no radios, nothing but cars ... Although MiG-29 starscream would kick ass
  25. we really need to see some decepticons in this line ... this is starting to get ridiculous ... I think auto makers just don't want to licence their cars to evil groups, that's just bad marketing
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