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  • Birthday 09/11/1985

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  • Location
    Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Interests
    Web Designer Extraordinare :: Macross :: ZOE :: Art Skoo :: Graphics Design :: Macromedia and Adobe Stuff :: Tennis :: Excercise :: Obscure Movies :: Reading :: Writing :: Freedom of Speech

IDENO's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. On the site i'm building, there is a section for that... Just because most of the mods out there have a progress section. Until then, it would probably be a waste of precious time. So sorry.
  2. No worries. Im not a flash expert. Just really good at creating nice, integrated designs. HTML is my friend and all that jazz. Besides, Flash would be pretty hard to update regularly as a project like this would need and therefore, an unnecessary complexity for anything more than just some minor eyecandy. But yeah! I'd really like to make you guys a site I've been dying to contribute something to this mod for years.
  3. Heya guys. Im pretty new here but i've been following you for quite some time I'm pretty sure you don't remember but way back in the day I was a member of the La Cueva High School Anime Club. Anyways, I was just going to inquire about any possible movement that's happening to your website there... I read through some of the history of this thread and saw that there were a couple of people interested in making some templates and stuff, but haven't seen any real progress... >.> So... If you guys still needed a website, i'd be more than willing to donate my time and know-how! I'm an art student majoring in Graphics Design these days but i've been designing websites for years now and am a Certified Macromedia Professional when it comes to Dreamweaver and Photoshop and all that good stuff. I'd really like to build you guys a site. Here are some examples of my work... Sustainable Resources, Inc. TyRe Enterprises Studio Cheetah (A current work in Progress) I create all my designs from scratch so I could really give you guys a nice site if you wanted to put me to work on it As a long-time Macross fan, It would be a heck-of-a lotta fun for me!
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