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Everything posted by charger69

  1. He is saying that long working hours occur while color selection process... I would be happy if he picks colors early in the morning with a fresh mind!
  2. Give me a Pink VF-19 now!
  3. $144 https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/11169-macross-30-dx-chogokin-yf-29b-percival-rod-custom.html
  4. Ordered!
  5. Need to ask? Of course I'm in!
  6. I believe they do that intentionally Somehow they knew that we are quite obsessed with color correctness, they want that old Yamato holds its value by having right colors...
  7. Yes, they are strict about paying on time; but they are NOT putting you into a blacklist or something when you forgot to pay... which is nice
  8. You are so mean! That pinky nail is for opening missile bays and landing gears . . . . Kidding
  9. Dark blue leg parts...
  10. Transforming mecha... Other than VFs and Octos in MZero?? Destroids can not transform...
  11. OCTOS!!!
  12. Go home VF-19Advance you are drunk!
  13. When a fast sale is needed for Roy... You know...Just PM me
  14. Good guy Jason!
  15. Am I the only one who can't see Chaotic's photos?
  16. This card may contain some info about X-9? More info: http://zarco-macross.wikidot.com/wiki:x-9-ghost
  17. First post updated!
  18. That's the next project of MW Crew after 1/60 M+ Drone is done
  19. There is a pattern in Arcadia's marketing department... First the guitar, than the VF... So, yes it would be a VF-11 but MAXL!
  20. It's like we regulary have glamour photo shoots with young and expensive models featuring famous L.A. photographers Saburo and Gundam EFSF
  21. http://www.youtube.com/M-aSjHnbw18
  22. First post updated!
  23. ...And Gundam EFSF discovers Yeti Stand!
  24. Pre-ordered from NY, pay later is a nice option!
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