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Everything posted by charger69

  1. @VF-18S Hornet My Rapier sits together with my YF-29 You know... matching colors look better
  2. Have to be very careful while yawning
  3. Real robot anime forums are always too realistic Am I complaining? No
  4. Mine is problem-free too.
  5. It shouldn't be more expensive than an Ipod Nano which is $134.95 on Amazon.com Ipod Nano $134.95 VS. VF-19 Sound Booster (Not working speakers) $128 Imaginary working VF-19 Sound Booster Specs: - No screen - Micro speakers (15-25mm Diameter Max) http://www.speaker-tw.com/manufacturer/speaker/mylar%20speaker/as-1550e08-a6w.htm - Connection cable for Ipod docks, hi-fi sets etc. - Play, Stop and Pause buttons - ROM filled with random Fire Bomber albums (1GB Max)
  6. I first read "Speaker" of Sound Booster... One man can dream
  7. I have RD Zaku II and it's awesome! It looks much better in person compared to the web images and beleive me it's a joy to pose it.
  8. I would love to have a special joke rank like "Unscratched shoulder hinges"
  9. If you are interested in Jagd Arche Gundam, this guy from e-bay is really good: http://cgi.ebay.com/Robot-Damashii-SIDE-MS-Jagd-Arche-Gundam-LTD-Gundam-OO-/120764576207?_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D5%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D2142937574524910179
  10. Any news about Robot Damashii Jagd Arche Gundam?
  11. I'm not going to revisit the reverse-engineering topic for VF-17, but these two designs are very different like YF-19 and VF-19 Experten's 1/100 scale perfect transformation VF-17 and VF-171 For details: http://experten.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/08/vf-171-cf5e.html
  12. High Detail Line-art VS. CAD
  13. Better than nothing!! Mirrored CAD
  14. Don't blame EXO... Blame me
  15. BTW Check second image again, I see two gun ports on the legs... We need only one on the right lower leg, am I correct??
  16. Enlightenment came after thirteen years! :lol:
  17. Check this first: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=tr&rurl=translate.google.com.tr&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://akibahobby.net/2011/06/yamato_dollholic_vol4.html&usg=ALkJrhj3B_BWRbp4Abcm-OiUfib5e-Nhtg Then: Please someone go to the 8th floor office of Yamato at some building at Akihabara and take some VF-17S CAD image photos
  18. A Macross fan should have a brave soul!! (in order to sneak out another photo)
  19. You are right! Wings are similar to the S/F wings seen in the VF-19 Master File Book. Source: Flickr member AntSizedMan
  20. Hard to say the exact color! At least we can say what it is not: 1) White-white like VF-1J 2) Beige/tan like YF-19 3) Gray like VE-1 Maybe 1) Off-white like VF-1S? 2) Really light gray Found on the net
  21. It's confirmed at Wonderfest Summer 2011. Yamato is planning 1/60 scale VF-19S, VF-19F and VF-19P for production. Let's share ideas and news about new variants here. VF-19S and VF-19F (with new head sculpt) VF-19P in fighter mode Differences between VF-19Kai and VF-19P VF-19P's nosecone has little diamond shaped parts. Also notice the different parts for the sides of the legs. Larger image of VF-19P
  22. VF-19P's nosecone has little diamond shaped parts. Also notice the different parts for the sides of the legs.
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