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Everything posted by charger69

  1. Transition from YF-29 to VF-29 or even a brand new YF-30 would be awesome!
  2. David you are expert on this kind of stuff Are talking about something like this?? Source: http://vnfawing.com/...b710da6520f3496
  3. VF-4 Commander Head = SV-51 Cone + VF-0 Face + YF-21 Fin + Birdman Chin
  4. YES!! This is what I was talking about Looks so nice! Isn't it?
  5. I really wish that Yamato would include both visor type and fin type heads! In exchange of annoyance created by being a web exclusive!
  6. So Hikaru's VF-4 doesn't have a letter for variant description? (like A, S, J etc.) And G is for VF-4's from VF-X and M3 games? Am I right? Then when exactly we first saw a fin type head?
  7. I see too many duck faces there! /jk I understand what are you pointing at but for me a nose cone similar to profile art below is OK. And because the torso height is solely consists of "the hood" height which is really flat plus the height of the fuselage and the heigth of the nose cone; a long nose cone shouldn't be a big problem in battroid proportions.
  8. Can someone please explain VF-4 variants? So Hikaru had a VF-4A (?) in FB2012 and VF-4Gs are from M3 game?
  9. BAT's flickr images http://www.flickr.com/photos/bat_/sets/72157628647909771/
  10. Another perfect review! Thank you very much veef
  11. VF-4 is quite big!!
  12. I would be very happy if Yamato includes both visor type and fin type heads
  13. Halfeye's VF-4G had a simpler transformation for torso as I can recall...
  14. Perfect! Please, Graham tell them not to forgot tampo prints this time
  15. Official transformation videos! Good move Did you noticed that VF-17S in the transformation videos have markings? May I kindly ask to the modelling experts: Are they decal transfer paper type or nicely trimmed ordinary plastic stickers? Please check second video, timestamp 9:12. Graham is it possible to confirm in some ways that next VF-17 releases (D, maybe Milia variant etc.) will have tampo print or not?
  16. Toy version please! My body is ready for a $250+ VF-4G! I am waiting for this since 2002 (I first watched FB2012 back then)
  17. I demand pictures!! 12:26am Wednesday (HKT) - Time in Hong Kong
  18. No tampo prints but the rest is definitely good!
  19. D'Oh! I totally missed them and thought that it was about his avatar only
  20. I'm for web-exclusive VF-4 VF-4 YAY! WEB EXCLUSIVE #$%&&!!!
  21. From LMFAO! I'm sexy and I know it!
  22. Is it possible that they omit tampo printing because they are really really few of them on VF-17??
  23. A very brave move, I have to admit! May I ask a few questions? Are you planning to use metal parts for joints? What I think is you can use some cheaper TF products, dismember them and use their joints instead. Also are you experienced in plastic tolerances? I guess plastic tolerance is playing a huge role in transforming toys.
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