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Everything posted by charger69

  1. charger69

    DX VF-25G

    I think the only loser in this case is me... Luka gets a big boobed nerdy girl Alto gets the hottest blond around Michael gets a fury Meltran babe (which is a good thing!) And what I've got...a DX VF-25F!
  2. Thank you Mommar, you are a good man As far as I understand, while transforming from fighter mode to gerwalk mode shoulder parts slide over to engine nacelles. It might be problematic while transforming, what if you just leave the shoulder parts over nacelles in fighter mode like VF-4?
  3. Mr. Kawamori should be proud of you How about two revolver style pistols on each side?? Or two medium sized rail guns, jut like VF-2SS had Let's think out of the box
  4. Looks perfect! I assume you are referencing to GX-57 Battleship Yamato's stand but a stand not directly connected to toy looks cooler I think.
  5. Is it possible to narrow the V a bit? Otherwise it may take too much shelf space IMO
  6. I'm for Khatar or Kestrel.
  7. Nikon D700 + "some photographing skills"
  8. The Emerald Force Squadron! From BAT's photostream
  9. This thing exactly looks like a Khatar (Indian Dagger)!
  10. Some pictures from td member xjohn
  11. What if filmmakers are not into "evolving" thing anymore?... Which is fine by me BTW... The only problem with this movie is that goo's result is inconsistant and almost too random: Chronologically in the movie: 1) Engineer+goo= Deteriorated Engineer... far-fetched result is Human Race 2) Worms+goo= Super worms 3) Super worms venom+Human+goo= Zombie? 4) Human+goo= Deteriorated Human (Resists a smaller amount of goo relatively longer than an Engineer. Ended up being a zombie carrying squid genes... Huh!) 5) Deteriorated Human+Human= Giant Squid (Insert a big WTF here) 6) Giant Squid+Engineer= Shark Tail Xenomorph (What happened to egg, facehugger [squid is kind of a facehugger in this case] and chestburster stages??) Based on these charts: Chart 1 Chart2
  12. Then we need 1/3000 Arcadia and Yamato too
  13. Really looks like a bald man in these shots
  14. Terrible news! Terrible news!
  15. Do you plan to 3D print it as a single part? I think it is possible to 3D print it in two separate parts like lower hull (in red) and upper hull (in gray) and then snap-fit it! P.S.: Hmmmm, some alignment issues due to production tolerances may occur while snap-fitting...
  16. I can easly undertsand a VF squadron, but why a "Batman Squadron"?? P.S.: Because he is Batman?
  17. Call me an idiot but I have a different point of view about today's anime scene. I believe 80's and early 90's anime had a special purpose: making young people (kids and adolescents) more accustomed to technology via mecha animes, even making them to love engineering (in my case). In my opinion, mecha anime helped a generation making life-long decisions such as becoming an engineer, or simply choosing a faculty at university or at high school level involving with technology. During 80's and early 90's Japan was the leading country of consumer electronics and perceived more generally famous with high technology products (For ref: Back to the Future III, "Made in Japan" circuit scene). However after the second half of the 90's things had changed and South Korea and China enter the consumer electronics market fleecing Japan's global market share. I somehow see a (weak) correlation between these two facts; a generation (Japanese) raised with mecha anime later become engineers (etc.) and supported Japan's global consumer electronics power but then animes influencing young people minds had changed and brain power behind Japan's technology shifted to somewhere else. Now mechas are used as a decoration in most of the shows; and some curves are leading the industry leaving the brain behind and going physical.
  18. Make it swappable with 1/3000 ARMDs!!
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