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Everything posted by charger69

  1. Dear God, Thank you
  2. Dude, I even have statictical figures! https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.targetmap.com/viewer.aspx%3FreportId%3D5285&sa=U&ei=DO7RU9nnIaLnywP-qYH4DQ&ved=0CA8QFjAB&usg=AFQjCNFyrSiD9T5m9YEBOLh37uzd0Nr0bg
  3. I wish the pilot was from one of the Northern European countries Of course for better battroid mode proportions
  4. Gonna keep it on the SMS base; and act like it's a part of the base <_<
  5. Pixelated word is "Zoot" I guess
  6. From BAT, Akiba Showroom!
  8. VF-17S Milia :rolleyes:
  9. Do you have any Tamashii Stand? They are same, a good friend of mine who has the Ghost Set measured the pegs. The peg that you insert to the hexagonal base have a diameter of 5mm. However, hexagonal bases for Ghosts have hexagonal holes. Sorry, can't provide any actual measuring images with caliper...
  10. I am waiting for your yt video!!
  11. Perfect!I wish I could help you about your request though...
  12. Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls
  13. Then what is this?? Separate Altira City set for mini SDF-1 that we can't get!! http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?gid=178
  14. Amazing service to Macross community! Thank you!
  15. This is... this is the secret of a thousand years!!!
  16. AE says VF-25F is in stock!
  17. SV-51 Dobber Scheme of course
  18. Available for pre-order at AE for +$5 http://www.anime-export.com/product/18977
  19. https://twitter.com/ARCADIA_Co_Ltd/status/486066561065578497/photo/1
  20. Jungle is good I've got my super parts for VF-25F and VF-25S last week!
  21. Sorry for terrible pun
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