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Everything posted by charger69

  1. Oh God! (Random image search on google )
  2. Such a pinpoint comment!
  3. Sir, you are creative for sure!
  4. Forgot to say "from HLJ" Cancelled my one piece of DX VF-25S Pre-order from HLJ Keep an eye on HLJ, for dudes looking for one!
  5. Cancelled my one DX VF-25S Pre-order... FYI
  6. Nice catch! Haha Arcadia needs a stable product strategy I guess... I can even predict Bandai's next moves on Macross franchise, but predicting Arcadia's move is impossible... They need a roadmap! Why not a product schedule spanning over 3 years for VF-0 line for example? (Bandai's DX VF-25 Renewal line started in 2011!!) Feb 2015 VF-0D Shin >>> HIT Sep 2015 VF-0A Regular Type >>> OK, I WILL GET THAT TOO Feb 2016 VF-0S (w/ Armor) >>> BIG HIT Sep 2016 VF-0A Shin Type >>> MEDIUM HIT Feb 2017 VF-0D Regular Type >>> YEAH, WHY NOT? Sep 2017 VF-0S (Reissue) >>> CRITICIAL HIT December 2017 VF-0B and VF-0C Web Exclusives >>> "I'M AN ADDICT" HIT
  7. I demand VF-0B and VF-0C!
  8. Available at NY!! $291 Pre-order! https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/9625-macross-zero-1-60-kanzen-henkei-vf-0d-phoenix-kudou-shin-model.html
  9. This thing is huge like SV-51! NEW IMAGES (of the old blue one, and probably the new images are just photoshopped color-wise) http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-11918905866.html http://hobby-maniax.com/archives/19191
  10. Think this way!: At least scalpers will not have any room to scalp! :D
  11. Fortune... Fix it for you
  12. I use imgur for a sole purpose ( Insert trollface.gif here)
  13. AE VF-1D $227 http://www.anime-export.com/product/21796
  14. Brush Script strikes again!!
  15. It takes long in Turkey I can easly say that
  16. Ordering first time from chimung... will see if OK...
  17. I'm going to show it with 1/3000 SDF-1!...Well, maybe not
  18. Will decide when I get my stuff
  19. I don't have access to Scigrip products. What do you think about using chloroform? (I'm probably sound like an idiot... but hehehe) I read somewhere that with acrylic chips mixed chloroform is a good adhesive...
  20. So we can fix the base pivot to the hexagonal base with acrylic solvent, right? Could you please tell me which one I can get and use? I'm a total stranger to these kind of stuff...
  21. Sauceee!
  22. Head is detachable!! It was my idea!! 1/550 DYRL SDF-1 Bridge Bust http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36039
  23. Hmm, I don't want to sound like a d. but is it possible to consider a design change for the future? Maybe a turn and lock mechanism to secure the base pivot instead of a tight sit?
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