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steel bonnet

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Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Thank`s very much I was hoping to be doing more work today alas I`m off to a BBQ tody So it`ll be tomorrow I do more Photos will be posted of that`s done Knight, Again thank`s mate for the push to post here Well I actually am using a bracket to secure the legs to the body (I`ll show photos of that as it`s easier in pictures than words. The dorsal surface I`ll use what I can from the VF1 & also scupt/carve. I think I will remove those pieces from the VF1 Gunpod holders,as there just too unsightly. Thank`s mate Mechwarrior, Thank`s very much mate Appreciate that Robodog, Well once I`ve done hopefully the legs look better for it. Ahh I hadn`t thought of the feet,I thought they worked. I`ll look into that & thank`s mate So as said i`ll get more done tomorrow & post what`s done Thank`s again for the support on this & Moreso the Input Ja Steel Bonnet
  2. Mr march. I`m combining Both pieces to give me the FIGHTER version more sleeker & YES it`s for 1/18th scale figures (4" figures). I used to have the smaller triple changers but now I try & keep it all 1/18th scale Just wish more new material would emerge at 1/18th Ja Steel Bonnet
  3. Knight26, First off thank`s for "pushing me" to post the project here mate Also thank`s for this post too I`m hoping this will indeed give me a sleeker Joe scaled VF1 I`ve actually posted the WIP thread over here now in the Customizing section Thank`s Robodog (Killi that you???), I`m really looking forward to this all coming together & it will indeed be a better aircraft than the MB/HG VF1 we actually got. wolfx, Thank`s mate & I do understand where your coming from it`s NOT the best BUT it`s something to work with Oh One thing I`ve heard IF it`s true & It`s a BIG If at present. Apparently Takara is bringing out some Robotech/Macross TRANSFORMABLE vehicles. A Garland bike with rider (I presume) & also a Veritech Fighter (I have NO idea which type,at a guess I`d say Alpha). After seeing the Scope Dog they released well we could truely be moving finally into a New Age of Wonderfull Macross/Robotech?Mospeada 1/18th Goodies Again Thank`s Knight Ja Steel Bonnet
  4. Hi all, Well here is the 1st Mospeada/Robotech/Macross project i`ve done. It was a simple sculpting & painting job really. I was never happy with the 3 3/4 Scott Bernard figure,being in that Merged CVR3 armour. Really annoyed me so to put things right I sculpted my own. First a few WIP shots. The Finished figure & Repainted Cyclone. First off a few shots Fully geared up in CVR 3 armour (Cyclone Armour). FRONT SIDE REAR Matchbox Scott Bernard & Custom Cyclone Rider Helmets off Riding Cyclone Right side Scott & Cyclone Right side PAIR Head On I`m planning to make cargo boxes for one of the other Cyclones shortly & making a BETTER Scott Bernard figure similar to the Microman Custom I`ve already done. Well there you go,hope you like this. Please do LMK what you think. I`ve still got to make the other riders yet.Got sidetracked with the veritech project I`m currently doing....LOL Thank`s Ja Steel Bonnet
  5. Well that`s it so far I`m mainly looking as said for a more sleeker Fighter mode VF1. Partially tempted for a Gerwalker mode TO Fighter mode version I must admit. Though not sure If I CAN pull that one off. Anyway would love to hear your thoughts so far on this project & also any input Thank`s nightmareB4macross, I appreciate the input there mate & alas I`m starting to think you maybe right. Thank`s ja Steel Bonnet
  6. Just to add help on the tail section I mentioned same height as the HG VF1 but longer. Well made this cardboard version just to show. LMK what you guys think ja Steel Bonnet
  7. Next the cockpit needs tweeking so A,A figure fits better & looks more comfortable in it. Using a Microman here just as he`s nice & tall FIRST off Sketchs concerning Nose extension (LMK if you think it`s Good or Bad). NEXT Here`s the accurate sketches for the cockpit reworking. USING A MICROMAN Figure means I`ll have plenty of room if I use typical Robotech figures or Joe customs. Shaded section is to be removed for the NEW Wheel housing. Quick Cockpit mockup with Microman LASTLY I want advice please. On the HG VF1 the Gun Pod was held my 2 sections on the fake arms like so DO I keep that securing system or should i be daring & come up with one that doesn`t have BIG Plastic pieces sticking out when the Gun Pod isn`t there? LMK Anyway there you have it an Update so far,mainly Brainstorming as said though I`ve NOW sorted out the cockpit for better fitting for figures & also wheel extention too Ja Steel Bonnet
  8. Next I was thinking of the tail wings. MOCKUP of VF1 length with Tail Wings. WITH Skystriker TAIL section next to HG VF1 tail. Well do you think it works using the HG Tail wings? LMK as I DO want input Ja Steel Bonnet
  9. Hi All, This is my first time posting on here Also this is my 2nd Macross/Mospeada/Robotech project. It`s a WORK in Progress so ANY Input I`d be glad of & after seeing some of the work here know there`s some Very talented people on here. Anyway background. Always hated the Squatness of the HG VF1 & have been tempted amany times to repain a GI JOE Skystriker in RDF colours. Well picked up a cheap complete HG VF1 & a Cheap Skystriker & thought bugger it,lets combine the right parts to make a More sleeker looking VF1 Fighter mode veritech. So here`s what`s been done so far.......... MY WIP Veritech Fighter VF-1. This is what i did originally with the Skystriker just to COMMIT myself to the project (No turning back now) TODAY I`ve been busy working on Both Airframes for what I Need Padded out the leg to make it look more correct IMO & also to fit better with the Skystriker body Needs to be sanded down,rounded off & filler. Next I removed the Matchbox/HG Nose-Cockpit section from it`s body Also did the same with the SKYSTRIKER. Quick test of New nose-cockpit with Skystriker body. Next the wings,the VF1 has a section of the wing removed instead of the straight wing the Skystriker is. Next i worked on the Body near the cockpit section. Just drawn out. With the section removed. Quick Mock up of the rear of the VF1 i`m doing with Legs & Arm sections next to body. I`ve worked the body & cockpit-nose section to a better fit. I want the section to be removeable as it should be. I will be extending the nose. Also another advantage of this as the nose section is the Nose wheel WILL be in the Nose,unlike the Skystriker. Well there you go so far. A LOT of chopping today of BOTH Aircraft so there`s most certainly NO turning back......LOL Though It`s also starting to look the part too I think Still a LOT to do Look forward to hearing what you think so far NOTE I`ve done these as Links as the pictures Will not show up for some reason.Sorry about that Ja Steel Bonnet
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