Guys, your job is amazing, it's incredible, it's awesome.....I'm breathless
SkyDancer, I don't know if you ever heard of this plug-ing, the qemLOSS3, it works on lightwave and helps you to reduce the number of polygons
The qemLOSS2 shrunk a 10K+ poly model of "marvin the martian" into a 2K poly model, so, I hope it helps you on that
Here's a little qupte from the developer's site
In case you are interested, here's the URL
If you want to see the poly reducted model, this is the place
Also, do you know where can I get some tutorials for 3d modelling? I have already used 3DStudioMAX (but a version from 98.......) and handle myself a little bit on that, but I got lightwave last week (eager to test it on the weekends!) and want to know a little bit more about it (found some already but want more : p)
Well, best wishes for all of you -----------------------------------7H4_D00D3