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Everything posted by 7H4_D00D3

  1. No doubt about it! Too bad there's not such an utility for 3DS I assumed that (conversion issue), and 800 polys is like , but if the model "magically" could be reduced to 500 (just sick....sick) then when going to 3DS it shold be 1000 polys or so. I posted it just to let you know, better waste a couple of Kb than miss a chance of doing something Please don't take my posts as the "piece-0-crap telling God how to rule the Universe"... BTW, I think I'm wrong, after all, there's this http://www.mootools.com/plugins/us/polygoncruncher/index.asp This image is a 18340 faces 11400 point truck This one is a 1834 faces 1140 points version of the same truck I can get the 5.0 version (3DS & Lightwave version) if you want
  2. Guys, your job is amazing, it's incredible, it's awesome.....I'm breathless SkyDancer, I don't know if you ever heard of this plug-ing, the qemLOSS3, it works on lightwave and helps you to reduce the number of polygons The qemLOSS2 shrunk a 10K+ poly model of "marvin the martian" into a 2K poly model, so, I hope it helps you on that Here's a little qupte from the developer's site In case you are interested, here's the URL http://amber.rc.arizona.edu/lw/qemloss3.html If you want to see the poly reducted model, this is the place http://amber.rc.arizona.edu/lw/qemloss2.html Also, do you know where can I get some tutorials for 3d modelling? I have already used 3DStudioMAX (but a version from 98.......) and handle myself a little bit on that, but I got lightwave last week (eager to test it on the weekends!) and want to know a little bit more about it (found some already but want more : p) Well, best wishes for all of you -----------------------------------7H4_D00D3
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