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Everything posted by 7H4_D00D3

  1. I thooght of it, but I rejected the idea because without a foundation it would be too unstable, depending only on the anchoring satellite.... if someone even FARTS on the damn stuff it will move the satellite just enough to make a variable orbit (of course, the variation would be incredibly small, so long-term effects will take long to appear) In fact, I did a small project for Physics I to calculate the trajectory of any given body set @ a desired distance of the Earth's centre, taking into account the effects of the moon was a pain in the arse because I got too few time to solve it, but it would have been pretty nifty ^^ In other news, http://www.twinkiesproject.com/ , there, check what those guys tried with twinkies xD
  2. Take all the time you need!!
  3. Woah! nice work c!00c!3 I liked the asuka->misto stuff more
  4. Get HW and the original MOD, OBVIOUSLY isn't as good as this one will be, but it will keep you entertained for a while
  5. You're thinking in terms of a terrestrially constructed elevator (Earth-based, with an orbital terminus). Most orbital elevator ideas I've read about explain the proposition the other way around: Orbitally based, with an interface/terminus on the Earth end. To build it, you'd just drop weighted carbon line (alright, a LOT of line ) from a geosynchronous satellite. Once you've "tied it off" on Earth, you use autonomous elevator "cars" to slowly climb their payload up the "rope" to orbit. No need to worry about foundations, earthquakes, or any of that nonsense. 401340[/snapback] That's what I'm saying, in fact, the only space elevator model I've ever saw eas satellite based, but when the carbon tube reaches earth it will need a foundation, because if not, what would prevent it from collapsing due to gravity, winds and stuff? You could make an extremely wide tube, so all forces are sustained by itself but that would require an excessive amount of resources (hence, rocketing rules!xD) Changing subjects, what other stuff about capacitors is there? Recently I had to do a small job for college about them and came to the conclusion that to reach the capacity of 1F with a plain parallel face kind of capacitor (the faces are 5cm apart from each other), the faces will need an area of 5467 square kilometers (!!!) because: C = K*S*Eo/d assuming that it's in the void (k=1) C = S*Eo/d 1F*0.05m/[8.854 × 10^-12(F/m)] = s s= 5.467x10^9 m^2 s= 5.467*10^3 Km^2 The same capacitance could be reached with 10000 capacitors (100microfarads each) in parallel and would fit in a 28 sqare meters surface (approx) Is there a way to concentrate energy @ ultra-high levels? (1F in 28sqm it's still too much )
  6. IM NOT WORTHY :'( Those models are s-w-e-e-t!!! Why can't I do that????? <<jumps off from window>>
  7. What? It can't transform into a battloid??? what a rip off Now, seriously, interesting, I wonder why they decided to use an old school engine instead of a jet one. Perhaps to make it cheaper... Thinking about that, nope, you don't need a jet engine to get to work Is there anything about teleport out there? The closest thing I've seen to teleport is quantum tunelling, but I doubt it works on non-quantum scales Links about Qtunels and applications: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_tunneling http://www.altair.org/Qtunnel.html http://www.fizyka.umk.pl/~jkob/physnews98/node202.html
  8. What are you wearing ? xDxD
  9. Guess you'll have to make this little mod to your keyboard xD
  10. Well, not precisely a "ship", but it's the only thing I found My first ever 3d model, I learnt while doing it, I have more but don't know why MAX (2.5!) suddenly stopped to work :S Excuse it's lameness
  11. O.o!!!!!!!!!! sh13+!!! The nupetiet looks awesome!!!...I think I'm in love
  12. Interesting solution to the impossibility of lightspeed travelling As the object's speed reaches the speed of light it's mass increases: M = Me/ sqrt (1 - v/c) Where M = mass Me= mass in equilibrium v= object's speed c= speed of light When the object is nearing the lightspeed it's mass increases, therefore, it will need more power to keep accelerating, but then again, it will gain mass. This loop will repeat until it won't gain any more speed because the acceleration produced by the object's drive reaches it's peak and the system will stabilize, keeping constant speed as long as the drive keep functioning @ that level ( f = ma, if a = 0 then f = 0, this means that either a) the object is not moving or b) it's in a straight-line uniform kind of movement [constant speed]) Altough the whole "negative energy" stuff isn't very convincing I'll look for a Discover Mag (yes, Im sure it's a discover) to post the date, where some physicist proposed that there are ultra thin threads in the universe that travel across it, where mass is incredibly high, therefore warping space-time, apparently increasing the speed of light, allowing a vessel to gain an enormous speed.
  13. Just to know that's why I said "if you're not too busy". If you were (which I assume you are) then nvm
  14. Guys, if you're not too very busy, can you post a list of complete/incomplete ships and if possible, their status? like: SHIP----------------------------------------------------MODELLING----------------TEXTURE SDF1--------------------------------------------------------Yes------------------------Yes Q. Rau------------------------------------------------------Yes-------------------------No Nupetiet Vergnitz-------------------------------------------No-------------------------No
  15. Hey! guess what! I found the thermal detautomerization article!!! It's from Discovery Magazine! xD sorry I made you look on PM It's the "Discovery en Español" June 2003 If you can't find it let me know and I'll scan it and upload it to you somehow Well....now to clean this room I made a MESS while searching for the mag and tomorrow have physics exam (Im sooooooo dead...)
  16. Im not making it up, I swear, you probably don't find them there because: All but the bacterias were from old numbers 1-2 years ago, and the other ones.....I can only get the spanish edition --I live in a place that I'm almost ashamed to say.... hence I won't--so that's probably why you can't find them Think of this for just a sec, why would I come to a forum to say stupid things with no sense? You could probably say "just because"...if you want to believe that, then be my guest, but I'll tell you that it's not my intention to do. I also apologize for using this space on the thread to say this stuff, but I needed to make a reply just to let you know and probably and PM (p message, not mechanich's lol) wouldn't get noticed.... About the virus, here's a link to a related topic http://www.sciencentral.com/articles/view....le_id=218392647 That's no tthe one I said, but it's close ANd more here http://www.engadget.com/2006/04/07/mit-res...tiny-batteries/ http://slaphog.com/hogblog/?p=160 (this one here is....odd....)
  17. Another finding (also on PM, so I won't post any link ) Bacteria a-la-carte: Now scientists can make "bacterial detectors" these are genetically modified bacteria that react to specific substances and turn into specific colors when exposed to a certain quantity of an agent. This could be used to look for dangerous substances/biomaterials. The bacteria colonies look like a bullseye when working Also, I was watching in Tom's Hardware Guide that some scientists were able to produce Li ion batteries using viruses. Apparently, they modified the genetic structure of viruses to produce layers of electronic components instead of their regular ones. These batteries have 3x charge/weight ratio Vs standard ones Oh!!! and a looooooooooong time ago I read something about chicken computers This is, using the base of their feathers to replace the pcb (or the material that mobos are made) or silicon. The fethers were processed and transformed into little spheres of material, then they were pressed (¿?) to make a flat layer in which the circuit was printed Finally, Thermal detautomerization (don't know if I wrote it right, the article was in spanish....) it consisted on using a LOT of chemical processes to obtain CH compounds out of any C based structure. They used turkey wastes (blood, fat, skin, feathers and other nasty stuff) to produce: a) Carboxilic oil b) Ink c) Kerosene/Gas (just a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit, but is something) d) Fertilizer e) another oil Think about it! if you fell in that machine you'd die horribly...but for the good of mankind (or 3vil enterprises who want to pwn your soul for the eternity) Again, sorry about the lack of links, hope that you found it interesting
  18. Just believe in the power of love xDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxDxD
  19. Damn my memory! I just remembered this It's not as techie as the other posts BUT it's a LOT more practical Unlockable vidcard list: Nvidia 6200 (AGP) (4pipes) unlocks into 6600 (8pipes) X800GTO2 (AGP) (dunno if it's the GTO or the GTO2 that unlocks)(12 pipes)unlocks to 16pipes These ones are suspicious, I don't know for sure, just came to my mind 6800 GT unlocks into a 6800GT Ultra (pencil trick) and the ATi x1800 also unlocks If I find more/confirm more vidcards, I'll post them here
  20. Nope I read it on a Popular Mechanich's magazine but don't remember which one...sorry
  21. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6...locking&pl=true Nor a 3mhz overclocked NES
  22. Star Force xD simple but nice Also, space commando/er (don't remember ) I'd say pac-man (behold the roundy one in all it's yelowness) but this is not the case
  23. These are not that funny, but do the job http://cdn.shockwave.com/afassets/flash/gangsta_rap_se.swf http://uploads.ungrounded.net/241000/241489_sith.swf http://uploads.ungrounded.net/301000/30190...ywalkers_ng.swf http://uploads.ungrounded.net/240000/24047..._act_1_copy.swf http://uploads.ungrounded.net/240000/24047..._1_SW_act_2.swf
  24. More fuel for that theory's fire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minkowski_spacetime Don't remember where, but I saw a null geodesics stuff (if I remember correctly, more like a spacefold than the other theories : p) Space elevator? well.....for the cost I think rocketing it's easier, Imagine the ENORMOUS amounts of materials needed for build that (it can be beaten), the extraordinary depth of the constructionn pit (for foundations, beatable as well) and if a 9.0 richter earthquake hits that bye bye (unless is built by japanese engineers, in that case only a 10+ quake could possibly do something) Lightspeed: Sometime ago I saw that a bunch of people in switzerland made light to go faster and at 1/3 of its speed using fiber optics. Anything about superconductivity out there?
  25. Somewhere in the past posts put a link to the file, but anyways, here it is the 1.3 version http://jstonline.homeworldarchives.com/dow...d/dyrl_v1_3.exe This is for the 1.35 patch http://www.strategyplanet.com/homeworld/ma.../v135-Patch.exe Enjoy
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