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Everything posted by KoOkyKyoji

  1. Oh that's pretty neat, well if I'm able to get them in time, then I know it'll be worth it. Thanks for the heads up, and a follow up question, I know AnimEigo's are completely remastered, but how well does the R2 release compare to it? I don't know if Bandai Visual used a remastered print or not, but I have seen pics of the AnimEigo version and I can say that they're awesome. =)
  2. For those who own the AnimEigo Macross DVDs, did they do an English overlay? Or did they keep all the original Japanese text and whatnot on the opening, ending, etc.? Just curious about that, and how's the extras? I heard there's commentary from Noboru Ishiguro on some of the episodes too. Anyway info would be greatful. =) EDIT: Yes I prefer the original Japanese overlay.
  3. So SDF belongs to Tatsunoko again? Yeesh, then I guess if Tatsunoko can take back Macross just because they animated it, I guess Rough Draft Korea can take back the Simpsons from 20th Century Fox because they provide a majority of the animation production for it. Enough joking aside, I'm still kinda lost in all of this, so the animation of the first series is the property of Tatsunoko, but are the intellectual and design properties still under the ownership of Studio Nue and Big West? (Big West's legal statement regarding the license from 2 years ago is still on their site that's never been updated) Seriously I'm still confused with all these crazy antics. Too bad BW and Studio Nue didn't have the power to just take back the properties from Tatsunoko like what Go Nagai and Dynamic did to Toei about the Dynamic properties that were animated and distributed by Toei back in the 70s/late 80s.
  4. Well it won't be for a long time, since the next couple of releases will be as follows: - Daiku Maryu Repaint - Eva 03 - Eva 04 - Zambot 3 <--- w00t After these, Bandai is probably going to jump ship back to the Dynamic line of things, so expect more Mazinger series releases, or they somehow go back and finish Nagahama's Romance Trilogy and release SoC Voltes V and SoC Daimos. Too bad I know that's not going to happen for like a very, very, very, very, very, very, very long time. <_<
  5. Glad you all like them, and also be sure to check out the rest of the site! Like the forums too, and our Macross section of the forums is kinda on the slow side right now. O_o
  6. Here's another Destiny 4koma, when Mylene represents the Neo Zeon!
  7. Well, since nobody ever heads to the Homepages section, I guess this is the only way to get my site across. Anyway I have translated scans of Super Robot Wars Manga (Alpha, Advance, Impact, Alpha 2, and later on when I get to them, Destiny). You can check out the ones already on my site right now. Here: http://www.destiny3fates.net/galleries.html And a sneak peak of the Destiny stuff: Presenting... MegaFireBomber! XD lol
  8. How's the gameplay? I know that the game received a 31/40 from one of the Japanese gaming press (I'm thinking Famitsu here, because it got a gold award), and Sega AM2 did work on the game. I'm just happy that there's a Macross game now that's on par with Capcom/Bandai's Gundam DX series.
  9. W00t, now I wait for the torrent to finish. Strangely I haven't watched my dvds that I've had for like almost a year now though. @_@
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