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Everything posted by MAX DYRL JENIUS

  1. le test en francais, paru sur jeuxvideo.com :
  2. I know it's a robotech game but for most of us (in europe) it's the only MACROSS game we have without import... Is it a robotech game ? For me the answer is NO ! even if the title is robotech it's only based on the macross saga. so, it is a MACROSS game ? maybe... Just try to think it's a kind of macross-saga related game. Not a MACROSS-DYRL related game... The graphics : Not so bad even if the "black lines" are too much. The transformations are not so bad and it's a pleasure for me to crush my friends with my SUPER VF-1S ROY TYPE ! 15/20 The BGM : robotech inspirated bgm's so nothing special for me... i just cut of the music and put my macross CD in the computer. 8/20 Story : Not so bad, it's pleasant to see the macross saga characters one more time. the bad are really bad. 10/20 Multiplayer game : The maps are a little too small, we're in VALKYRIES, not in micro-machines ! even so, they give hours and hours of pleasure, much more than the signle player mode... 15/20 Total : 13/20 A good game much more pleasant in multiplayer but it's reserved to hardcore fans...
  3. where isamu's article : should have been posted except in movie reviews ? oh ! I know ! it's a PREVIEW ! is there a PREVIEW forum ?
  4. It's the better mod ever made for homweorld ! and GOD knows I've tried some...
  5. Au moins, je reprends courage en voyant que je ne suis pas le seul fan francophone de MACROSS **************************************************************************************************** At last, I will keep up my work, I'm not the only french fan around
  6. it gives me ideas for more wallpapers...
  7. Well, I have found some french macross fans and I was asking for help for my pages.
  8. je te remercie pour l'instant j'essaye de me battre avec du chteumeuleu version dreamweaver et c'est deja pas gagné pour les autres "options" du wob on en recause Ma 2eme question est plus "simple" Sur quelle section dois-je mettre l'accent ? cad sur laquelle dois-je me concentrer pour l'instant au niveau des MAJ car la je me disperse un peu, résultat ca avance a la vitesse d'un escargot paraplegique obese... MACROSS MACROSS ZERO MACROSS PLUS MACROSS DYRL MACROSS II MACROSS 7 ROBOTECH les MAQUETTES et JOUETS les GOODIES... alors ?
  9. J'AI BESOIN D'AIDE !!!!! Voila, j'ai besoin de personnes motivées et s'y connaissant pour m'aider pour les sections suivantes : MACROSS 7 les OAVS et autres animes. Je ne les ai pas vus et je ne veux pas betement traduire des sites anglophones... Pour MACROSS 7 TRASH je m'en charge. robotech et oui, il faut bien que je fasse une petite section la dessus afin de convertir la masse francophone des fans de roboberk a MACROSS Voila, avis aux amateurs !
  10. j'adore le RAFALE en haut a droite !
  11. YOUPI ! y a plein de frenchies ! ca fait plaisir a voir ! bon, pour mon site, il y a quelques merdouilles au niveau de la mise en page de certaines section, j'essaye de resoudre ca quand mon taff me laisse un peu tranquille
  12. j'avais po lu la reponse de max super modo... la il avait le temps d'etre poli... I translate my answer for english speaking people... I hadn't read the last Max super modo's answer... This time he had time to be polite... However, I think (hope ?) that all the mods here don't act the same...
  13. detends toi isamu... prends une binouze en pensant a tes potes qui vont au frog ce soir... ca ira mieux demain...
  14. JESUS ! I love that work... I'll follow that and maybe my hase will look something else than a crashed valkyrie...
  15. Everything is in the tittle... I want to buy it and I wanted to know what it loks like...
  16. maybe your gif avatar is too heavy...
  17. Great pics ! I love this kind of topic...
  18. I'm expecting for it... Is France the 1er lucky country to have it instead of robocrap...?
  19. MAX RULEZ ! he can what he wants with his valkyrie even make the animator's mistake look like a great job
  20. I like it... and the question is, will anti-UN army have some destroids too ? a destroid fight would be interesting....
  21. Tiens, mes potes Isamu & Yoshi sont la Yoshi tu as retrouvé mes MP dans la grotte archeologique de l'ancien forum ? I do agree with Yoshi...
  22. that's what I meant but I forgot the robocrap name... I was kidding
  23. You guys are doing a real GREAT job ! what kind of programs do you use ?
  24. just a question : what is a VERITECH fighter ? I only know VALKYRIES fighters.... But I like it even if the pilot is impolite
  25. I like it very soft and pleasant...
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