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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. Difficult to resist with all the praise from the online reviews. I am holding on for the MPP10 EVA version.
  2. Yeah, I got lucky! ;-) Sad to see that on the yf-19 as well. Normally, I don't really mind, but this makes me try to rub it off.
  3. I got mine yesterday! Very happy, but I quite surprised about the bold copyright and made in China printing on the back of the wings. A more subtle printing would have been nice on a 200$ toy.
  4. Final update: got the shoulder hinge from Shapeways. I had some filing to do since I choose black metal and the material has a very rough finish (not recommended). Thanks again to ChaoticYeti for this amazing work.
  5. Great, I'll keep an eye open. My vf-0s is feeling lonely on his shelf...
  6. Let's hope so... For 20k yens or less, I might consider getting one.
  7. I would love a VF-0A... I'm hoping for the next HLJ sale.
  8. Another update: Received the 3D prints from Shapeways. Thanks a lot, ChaoticYeti, those are fine work!
  9. Glad to hear so much praise about them! I felt I was the only one loving the good old 1/48's.
  10. I got my first 1/48 not too long ago from Mandarake... and love the presence in a display case. My only others 1/60 vf-1 are v1 and the v2 tuxedo anniversary one. Still prefer the 1/48 for the size, but I fully understand the preference for the v2 1/60.
  11. Exactly, this piece should have been metal, but it might have scratched the plastic/paint at each transformation.
  12. Quick update: I was able to cast a replacement using alumilite kit. I had a little left over from a past experiment with casting and too much spare time and gave it a try. I don't think the resin cast will last long and sadly, the silicon mold broke apart, but it was worth to try. Here a picture of the casted part.
  13. The cat pics are hilarious... I am the only to blame. It's a hard learned lesson, always check i anything is leaning on the detolf door before opening it. More pics...
  14. Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, that might work... Probably if I can find two thin plastic washer, that might help to get some strength.
  15. The tab is broken in half near the screw, hence gluing it is definitely not an option. I tried, but with the torque of the screw, the tab keeps breaking at the hole. Reminded me of my basic physics/mechanics class... Sorry for the crappy quality, but here is a picture of the arm.
  16. Thanks, I'll post a picture asap. I'm not sure a plastic print will do, but at least it will keep the arm attached for display.
  17. The left arm of my VF-0S broke, just where the screw connects to the large tab. It felt down of my detolf and hit the ground pretty badly. In dispair, I tried to glue it, but naturally, since it is on a joint, the glue is not strong enough. I really hope someone creates a replacement on shapeways... I found only replacement for the old yamato one. On a positive note, I have a brown VF-1A 1/60 (version 1), that felt at the same time. The left arm broke also at the shoulder, but the gluing process was successful.
  18. I don't know, but I am interested as well... This might influence my decision.
  19. I second that, wait for those...
  20. I would like to paint a regular VF-1S 1/48 in a 1/60 Low-Viz Roy Fokker paint scheme. http://www.hlj.com/product/ymt00171/Sci I was thinking using a coat of Tamiya primer and then spraint paint Gunship Grey 2 (AS27). Would that match closely enough? Else, what would you recommand using? Any ideas for the yellow highlights are welcome.
  21. Yes, they are selling 2nd hand. I knew it was second hand but I had positive experience with Mandarake and Amiami for 2nd hand stuff. This is the first time I am disappointed from a japanese hobby shop. Anyway, on the other hand, service from fromjapan was top notch.
  22. I just received my first order from fromjapan. It was an excellent experience. However, avoid the web shop named surugaya-a-too. They sold me a dirty, yellowed VF-1S as a new one. Don't know what to do... may be open a case with fromjapan tomorrow.
  23. Just started my collection... so just a few compared to you guys! Bandai Reissues VF-1S + FAST pack VF-1A Owned an old Takatoku VF-1S for 20 years (Highly damaged, but still standing ;-) Yamato 1/60 VF-1S VF-1A (Blue and Red) May be I will be tempted with an 1/48 one day...
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