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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. OMG, great to see my profile pic being discussed! I saw it in person at the macross museum some time ago. Would be awesome with vf-1j but super expensive.
  2. Welcome to the board! If you feel adventurous, you can find some 3D model for replacement armor parts to print in 3D. Destron design is printing great replacement (in jetfire red thought) and is cheaper than buying a new copy.
  3. I got my shipping confirmation from moehime!
  4. I still like my renewals, solid toys and fun to transform. I hesitated between a revival vf-25g and a renewal and ended up getting a second hand renewal one. Fits better with my other renewals. The revivals is a great opportunity to buy one retail and starts a collection.
  5. That was the most difficult part to figure out... I ended up scanning it, but I think the latch has to be rebuilt sturdier, it did break after a few slides. Maybe print with PETG? Anyway, it was fun!
  6. I am new to modeling and I had a go at replicating the VF-1 chunky monkey arm for fun. I had a lot of parts from an old jetfire and I decided to have a go and model the missing parts, namely the two arms I used for a VF-1S restoration. Let me know what you think! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6200086
  7. Some might have gone to get the VF-1J+GBP set since the initial VF-1J release was very difficult to get. Hence the surplus of GBP armor for sale. I was able to score a GBP for 7k yens recently.
  8. I got my angel bird this week, arrived safe and sound! Very eager to transform it later today!!!
  9. Thanks! Will do, the box art is great. Would be sad to end up with a beaten one.
  10. Luna park store has it also. I caved in, I hope it will arrive soon. https://www.lunapark.store/product-page/dx-chogokin-vf-1a-valkyrie-angel-birds-japan-version
  11. Great pics! Love the angelbirds!
  12. It’s still there... Thanks for the info,
  13. - VF-31 is a great design - YF-25 prophecy has a nice color scheme - VF-1S Roy (looking forward the eventual DX Chogokin release)
  14. Sorry to dig this thread, but I am looking for the BP8 piece. Could you share the link to shapeways?
  15. Very good idea! How is the clearance? Does the door shut completly?
  16. It's among my favorite DX, great robot mode, and cool looking jet mode. The poor sales might impact on future elvis' paint scheme.
  17. Thanks for sharing, silicon lubricant and blowdryer seem to be very good suggestions! I might try again transforming it again.
  18. I tried with a dull knife - without any luck. I guess I was lucky and the joint loosed up a little.
  19. It’s in the box ever since... It’s a shame because I like it so much!
  20. All I have to say, just be patient and don’t force it. I used transformation videos frame by frame to be sure I was not going against the joint mechanism and I finally managed to unblock it. I pull it out and pull it in, it might help loosing out the joint.
  21. I would go for the perceval if your friend do own a isamu scheme somehow (yf-19).
  22. You don't want to know... http://www.figinstock.com/
  23. I had one in my cart at CD JAPAN, but did not made it through paypal payment somehow... This is too intense for me.
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