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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. yors world hes the mah han yors world hes the mah han best move ever yor hunter from the future
  2. title says all, please help!!!
  3. thread starter here, if you have a copy of perfect memory go to the mecha section and find the sdf1 and sdf2, the sdf1 has for lack of a better term dadelous and prometheus arms and the sdf2 has the space ship thingies for its arms, just an observation i thought was interesting. jeez getting a little hot in here, thought fans would find it interestin is all, if i could only read japanese i could tell more. this place feels like new orlenes after cerfiew, what a warm bunch
  4. i noticed in macross perfect memory a picture of the SDF-1 with the aircraft carrier arms and then on the next page clearly labeled SDF-2 the same ship that is in D.Y.R.L. so my question is: If the SDF-2 was without a doubt the ship in D.Y.R.L. then is it truly in the same timeline as Macross tv series or was there some meaning to this?
  5. i kind of like sc as well, i havnt watched every episode over 40 times like macross and mos p da.
  6. a faction of melantradi? mebe like you suggest, i dunno but this is a beautiful anime. are there more than 4 oav's made of this? i want to see more!
  7. directed by the same guy who directed megazone23...boy you sure can tell too!
  8. actually when i was watching it i thought to myself, if hg got ahold of this or if they even knew about this robotech the movie might have had a chance, a good chance. its like the three series melted into new characters and mecha.
  9. i was watching gall force last night and they have the same exact mospeada mother ships and invid crabs the same color and transforming planes and propellor little planes. they also have zentradi looking bad guys that look half invid and part southern cross because they are in 3's, matter of fact there are alot of 3's going on in this story. anyone else seen it? theyre like oav movies. it was actually as good of animation as macross and mospeada and had brief nudity so imho its better at least so far ive only founf 3 movies of it so far, can anyone shed some more light on this copycat of goodness? heres a link to a good description: http://www.needcoffee.com/html/dvd/gfestory.htm
  10. so what episode of orguss was there a naked misa???? i cant believe you horndogs didnt pick up on this post earlier i want names dammit lolol but i do have the tv set dvd in engrish and would like to see it if its there!
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