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Vic Mancini

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Everything posted by Vic Mancini

  1. Heh. Well I was trying to be respectful. Roy is a legend after all. That and it's been a while since I watched DYRL. I don't actually remember word for word what he said in that drunken conversation with Hikaru.
  2. That's true. Roy was really on his game in Mac Zero. The move where he led Aries to believe that the landmine was still armed so he could steal a kiss from her was genius. Kind of like when Arthur steals the kiss from Ariadne in Inception. Very sly. But truthfully I found Roy to be borderline misogynistic in DYRL!
  3. He just rules. People talk about his cockiness and douchebaggery, but the guy was very noble. If Guld wanted to pin the blame on him for the Myung thing, then that was his business. Isamu bit his lip, carried the burden, and just went about his business. He just didn't care what anyone thought of him, and because of that he came off as arrogant, but in actuality he was a really good guy. Better than most. I admire his pick-up skills too. Finally a character who isn't constantly nervous, uncomfortable, intimidated, or uninterested when in the presence of young/attractive girls! Very refreshing change from typical anime male characters.
  4. LMAO. Isamu for me. He's pretty much my idol in life.
  5. Yep, I'm almost sure of it now after looking at the new pics. I'm even wondering if the outer wing tips might also telescopically retract into the boosters. I admit I hate it a lot less than when I first saw it. I just can't stand mid-wing engines/boosters unless they are optional fast packs. If they were just normal forward swept wings without boosters, (like the 19), I'd like it a lot more.
  6. I think that's what the black shutters are for on top of the nacelles to the left and right of the head. They probably counter-balance the reverse thrust from below so it doesn't pitch forward. Just a guess. I think it's a neat design. The method of thrust vectoring is interesting. It's unlike anything I can remember from Macross.
  7. The Active looks like the product of what would happen if the YF-19 and YF-21 had a baby. I like it!
  8. I don't think the wings are going to swing for exactly that reason. I haven't given it much thought, but I have a suspicion that the wings will telescopically retract into the wing roots for Battroid mode until the boosters are almost flush to the roots/gloves. Just my hunch. Edit/Add: I take back what I originally said about the wings being placed too far aft. From the top view, it doesn't look too bad actually. The 3/4 line-art just has a way of making it look worse than it is.
  9. Yes! Actually I thought this season was pretty weak compared to others, but it is still my favorite show.
  10. I understand that. That's why I said "I know they are forward swept wings, dot, dot, dot" But the X-29 is a good example of what I'm talking about. The center of the wing area is still somewhat near the center of the plane's gravity. Similar like the YF-19. The YF-29's are placed much farther aft. Here's what the X-29 would look like if the wings were mounted where the YF-19's...YF-29's are: (Download attachment.)
  11. My biggest beef are how far back the main wings are positioned. I know they are forward-swept, but don't your wings have to be somewhat near your aircraft's center of gravity?
  12. Holy crap that's awesome. F-16s are my favorite fighter jet ever.
  13. Actually I was making fun of the YF-29 when I posted the Cyclonus pic. Not the VF-19EF.
  14. I don't think you can count that as a disadvantage if you've already given the SV-51 a nod for having a better thrust:weight ratio. It's the same thing. I also don't buy into swing wings being a disadvantage for a Valkyrie. These aren't normal airplanes. These are transforming robots with thousands of built in motors and moving parts to transform and articulate them in Gerwalk and Battroid. They are already jam-packed full of dead weight! I don't think a few more internal mechanisms to swing the wings is going to be the straw that broke the camel's back. The extra weight of moving parts are obviously a non-issue in the age of over technology. At the end of the day the SV-51 simply has a better thrust:weight ratio, but I don't think it has to do with the VF-O's wings at all.
  15. Hey guys, After scouring the internet I found a Battroid pic. You're welcome.
  16. I stand corrected. QFT.
  17. Yes he is. He's saying we're hypocrites for disliking the silliness of Frontier Episode 8, when one could argue that the very notion of transformable space ships is equally silly.
  18. Episode 8 in it's entirety was the first thing that came to mind when I read this topic title. Probably because I skipped over it just yesterday in my most recent watching of Frontier.
  19. The VF-0 was a derivative of the VF-1 in universe? I thought it was the other way around.
  20. It's pure awesome. My favorite AMC show. Rubicon was shaping up to be my 2nd fav but it got cancelled at the end of the first season. I blame the success/ratings of the Walking Dead. Oh well. Walking Dead rocks too. Mad Men I could take it or leave it. It's written and acted very well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the show, but in the end it's just a drama. I enjoy a little more suspense/danger in my TV watching. I'm also looking forward to The Killing, and pretty much any original series AMC puts out.
  21. Is it me, or is the Hase Model sporting a VF-25's gunpod?
  22. I had some free time today to mess around in PS, so I slapped some Blazer colors on the Kai prototype.
  23. Not sure I agree with you. The VF-0 has a huge wing span. It's about the same as the SV-51, and the VF-0 is considerably shorter in length than the SV, so proportionately speaking it's wingspan is even larger than the SV's. I've always thought the VF-0 had one of the most absurdly large wing spans of any VF, but I haven't actually compared line art to many of it's mecha brothers. Check out the attachments. Disclaimer: The SV silhouette is from a Hasegawa photo, (notice the slight distortion on the perspective around the missle pods), and the VF silhouette is from somebody's line-art color scheme comp. They may not be perfectly accurate, but they're probably not far off either. Note: The VF-0's wings aren't even fully extended in this comparison. I think they can extend nearly straight out to the sides. Take that into consideration and you'll see that is has much larger wings than the SV-51.
  24. Agreed. Count me out of the current 3D backlash, I don't have a problem with it. I have more problems with redundant use of CG modeling. I hated Ghost in the Shell 2.0. I like CG for valks, and tachikomas, but I don't understand the point of using it to make a CG half-naked Motoko who dives off the roof of a building when the non CG version looks better and more natural within the film. As long as a 3D SSS has no pointless CG added for the sake of adding CG, I'm interested. Even though it's probably my least favorite GITS story.
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